
Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
Or rather taking the Board back. It seems in recent weeks this board has become a more of forum for personal attacks on certain members by other individuals.

SO Dammit in true Anthrax fashion - lets take the Board Back.

No more Bullshit Mother Fucking attacks on members... leave the agro at the door mother fuckers. :wave:

I come here to talk to my fellow Thraxians about all things well... Anthrax ... not to listen to some mother fucker blast the shit outta people for their actions, their career choices, or digging up shit from the past either.

Anyway apart from that the other threads about sex are great.

Stay Metal Mother Fuckers :rock:
Arg .. you have the funniest Avatar and now you also have that lovely pic of that wonder X-Static-X guitarist ... charming!
aliasp said:
Arg .. you have the funniest Avatar and now you also have that lovely pic of that wonder X-Static-X guitarist ... charming!

Thanks! I´m one of those sarcastic, bitter hippies ya know! And you sir have one of the most charming jews ever as your avatar! :)
So I guess I can't bring up the time when I banged all of your X-girlfriends all at the same time? Damn then why do I come here? :loco: