
I deleted the email, so I cant post it here, but belive me, he is an asshole. He only wants to know about fans kissing his ass.
El perro said:
Let me tell you all:

I am a piece of shit eating shit. I eat shit and then shit out my shit only to eat it again. I sent an e-mail to Scott Ian and he replied to me. I didn't like his reply, so I'm here being a whiney bitchfuck instead of an adult.

Billy Milano is sucking on my cock and licking my balls as I type this.

Fuck me in the goat ass.

Wow. A little too much info there, buddy.:erk:
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:

Had to break it out again, sorry​

:hypno: I didnt need to see that...nobody needs to see that
it will be forever burned into my retna's
I'm still an anthrax fan, i just think Scott is a big, BIG DICK SUCKER (but a great guitar player).
El perro said:
I'm still an anthrax fan, i just think Scott is a big, BIG DICK SUCKER (but a great guitar player).
Ya know, all of the times I've met Anthrax Scott had the biggest "rock star" attitude. Charlie, John, and Frankie were always the coolest. I could see Scott being rude to his fans. And it makes you think, if this is the type of person Scott Ian truly is, then it is funny, this is the guy who is always griping about not getting on good bills, not having good promotion from labels, not getting airplay, etc, etc. Maybe what Billy Milano says has some truth, maybe this guy's own personality of turned a lot people away.... It's food for thought..... But on this board, we're liable to get banned: banned by the same band that gave us "Startin' Up a Posse."
Ok. Scott is just the way he is, but at the end he is a great musician, and that is the important thing about him (MUSIC), any way the "rock star actitude" sucks big time, no matter who has the rock star posse. My only complain here is the lack of education Scott shows to me (and other fans as i know). Is not a love or hate him situation, is love AND hate him.

See ya!
What? personal insults? any gripes I have with the reunion are musical, not that I think 'member X is a bigger cock than member Y. for all I care they could eat fresh babies so long as they make good music!
Do you HAVE to be each members bestest bud to enjoy the tunes?
And so what if they have 'rock star attitudes?' (i dont wanna have to spell THAT one out, im sure you can do that!)
El perro said:
Ok. Scott is just the way he is, but at the end he is a great musician, and that is the important thing about him (MUSIC), any way the "rock star actitude" sucks big time, no matter who has the rock star posse. My only complain here is the lack of education Scott shows to me (and other fans as i know). Is not a love or hate him situation, is love AND hate him.

See ya!
Scott has a real pompous way of trying to sound much smarter than he is, towards a great number of things. Reading comics and Stephen King does not make you "educated."
MichiMikey said:
Please reread your sentence.
Those that live in glass houses... :erk:
Thank you for pointing that out LOL. A lot of us who type rather quickly have a tendency to leave a word or two out of our work. Thank goodness for editors!
Ok, you´re right, but when i said "lack of education" I didnt mean school education, i mean the kind of education you've recived at home.

see ya
H8Red said:
Unless my comp is fucking up, I don't see the post that i posted earlier. May i ask what was wrong with it? It was just a simple question. Well i got to go listen to Starting up a Posse...

Maybe its in another thread? :loco: Or maybe you offended someone here & your lucky your not banned? Either way Anthrax kicked ass @ Harpo's last friday!!! Felt like i was 15 years old again!! & It was 1987. Only thing missing was Exodus & Celtic Frost.
GregadetH said:
As you spit in Brents face, let me remind you that if it were'nt for him your ass wouldn't have a place to post your keyboard diarrhea.

You have poo on your nose.