Talk about a guilty pleasure...


God To The Godless
Nov 3, 2002
It may not be the most well known fact, but I've never been much of a fan of power metal. I bought Blind Guardian's 'A Night at the Opera', listened to three songs, turned it off and put it away, where it remained until i traded it in for cash.

But for some odd reason I am really digging this song from Dragonforce "My Spirit Will Go On". Someone please tell me, is the rest of their material this great?
The other DF album is not as good, IMO, the only song that's probably better than some of the songs off of the new album is the title track (Valley of the Damned).
Yeah, that song is pretty cool. I've only heard the songs available to download from their website (, but they sound like a wicked band. I imagine I'd get a bid of a head ache if I kept listening to it, but it's certainly a very good song. :D
Edgecrusher said:
It may not be the most well known fact, but I've never been much of a fan of power metal. I bought Blind Guardian's 'A Night at the Opera', listened to three songs, turned it off and put it away, where it remained until i traded it in for cash.
have you heard Helloween? thing about power metal is that there's varying levels of cheese, with albums like ANATO being extreme on the cheese-meter. I hate the real cheesy stuff as well, but I love Helloween.... they are awesome and don't seem to be too cheesy.
Cheese Is Awesome... ANATO isn't that great, but I still enjoy it. BG have waaay better albums. Anyway, I've only heard "Above a Winter Moonlight" by Dragonforce and it is AWESOME. I need more songs by them.
of the three blind guardian albums i've purchased (somewhere far beyond, a night at the opera, and nightfall on middleearth) i really only get into somewhere far beyond.

i love cheesey power metal though.