Talk me down...

I'm having a really bad nic fit! Quit cold turkey after ProgPower, and have "cheated" very few times. (Less than 5 smokes in 3-4 weeks).

I start the 8 week conditioning for the marathon today, but dammit, hard day at work and really having a smoke craving... someone talk me down before I either bite someone's head off or go steal a smoke from a co-worker!


I'm having a really bad nic fit! Quit cold turkey after ProgPower, and have "cheated" very few times. (Less than 5 smokes in 3-4 weeks).

I start the 8 week conditioning for the marathon today, but dammit, hard day at work and really having a smoke craving... someone talk me down before I either bite someone's head off or go steal a smoke from a co-worker!



I gotta tell you right now... I applaud you for doing this. I hate smoking and I hate inconsiderate smokers as well.

I got my girlfriend to quit smoking in the last days of 2008 (let's just say she was forced to quit lol). She did it completely cold turkey, with the help of the nicotine gum. Believe it or not, that thing worked very well. She had done it before with the patch and it worked for a while, but she went back to it. The most amazing thing is that she hasn't cheated not even once since then, and she says she'll never get back to smoking, though admits having cravings every now and then.

It's gonna be tough, I'm sure. Coffee and the gum help though. Good luck!
I gotta tell you right now... I applaud you for doing this. I hate smoking and I hate inconsiderate smokers as well.

Thanks. :) I hoped I was never an inconsiderate smoker... the people on the 3rd floor of my place are though. I cleaned up at least 4 packs of butts from the yard. First and last time, they won't pull that stunt again.

She did it completely cold turkey, with the help of the nicotine gum.

Cold turkey= no help aids silly. :)

Thanks. It's been hard, but it's a matter its a test of my own will power. If I can quit after more than half my life of smoking (I started at 12 years) than I can accomplish anything. Cheesy I know, but true.

Gum & sugar free candies..keep your mouth busy (hush, you pervs). And keep your hands busy too (I said hush, you pervs). And don't be afraid to use the patch or gum or the like if you find yourself too tempted to cheat..better to accept some help than smoke a cigarette. Using quitting aids doesn't make you weak, it makes you smarter than your addiction. ;)

You can do this chica! I quit after smoking for the better part of 20 years, & if I can do it, anyone can. ;)

Cut them off completely and the cravings will go away!! Once you get up to a month without them you'll start to feel great, and most cravings will be gone!.. except you have the brown stuff to cough up for a while once your lungs start healing up! hehe!!

Keep it up!
I start the 8 week conditioning for the marathon today, but dammit, hard day at work and really having a smoke craving... someone talk me down before I either bite someone's head off or go steal a smoke from a co-worker!



Do it for your son. That should be all the inspiration you need! :headbang:
Gum & sugar free candies..keep your mouth busy (hush, you pervs). And keep your hands busy too (I said hush, you pervs).

My mom quit and she mentioned that the hand-to-mouth motion was what was really killing her. I handed her a bottle of water and said "drink water." - Not only did it help her quit, but she didn't gain any weight and she always has a bottle of water in her hands now wherever she goes.

Try that, it should help flush out your system too!
Good job, girl! Keeping focused on my goal is what got me through quitting cold turkey. So I say to you: what do you want more, a quick fix... or to be healthier, run the marathon, and have extra years with your son? Guilt-trip yourself before you buy a pack, before you take one out, and before you put it to your lips. Will power is very strong, just set your will on a higher desire and not give it up, come hell, high water, or nic-fits.

Good luck to ya, Metal! You are one of the strongest people there are, so you most certainly can do this! *hugs*
my cousin cold turkied 4 packs a day

once a friend told me he needed to stop smoking but it was hard i said let me help you, and i threw 2 packs of cigs out the window.

he was really mad.
Will power is very strong, just set your will on a higher desire and not give it up

Agreed. I tried to quit many, many times. I finally succeeded only after I made the commitment to myself that I would never, ever smoke a cigarette again. Do that. Remind yourself of it every day. Don't tell people that you are "trying to quit," tell them that you "have quit," or that you "used to smoke." Tell yourself that too. It really helps.

You can do it.

I like that water idea.
Keep pushing forward girl! Think of how healthy your lungs are gonna be and think of the money you are saving in the long run.

You can do it!
Alright, I caved and bought a pack.

HOWEVER I didn't have a lighter on me and "forgot" to ask for matches. I drove with an unlit cigarette to the gym. When I got to the gym I threw out my "smoke" and put the pack in the trunk of the car. I'm hoping that they will stale and be even worse tasting.

And I know if I have a really bad craving, I do have them if I "need" them, but if I "really" need them, they are going to be a pain to get to. I also took all my lighters out of my pockets and car so that I'd have to stop to get matches/ lighter. Making it even more of a hastle.

I know it's a mental thing and a crutch, but baby steps. I've been smoking for the better part of 18 years so it's a long road.

A lot of the black junk is coming up and last night at the gym, some more came out.

Thanks for all the support! It really helps!

Good for you, Metal. Consider the pack in your trunk a reminder to your dedication. A few days ago, I put a slice of cheesecake on my desk and let it sit there all day as a reminder to myself that I didn't need to eat it, so I wholeheartedly understand what you're going through there, minus the body craving. The unlit cig to the gym was a great idea, since one has to break the mental habit as well, and like you said, baby steps, but you took the biggest one already.

That black shit will stop eventually, just have to gut it out, and remember what caused it!

I like that water idea.

I'm telling you, it worked wonders. :)