Tatter Banners & So on...


New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2008
After taking in an serious overdose of 'Tattered Banners & Bloody Flags', I felt compelled to waste a few hours with something... @_@


Yup, that's about it.
Hehheh, thanks guys! ^^

Album art? That'd surely be interesting, but I don't think my skills can quite yet match up to current standards, par maybe some far-down-underground no-budget releases. :P

Oh, and here's a little something more on the same theme, it comes a bit closer to the level of detail I atbest can work with.

Hmm, I wonder if I took the 'lusting for their blood' part a bit too literally. :P

WeeRLegion -

Nice work! Interesting style.

How exactly do you go about it? Are you sketching it by hand and then coloring it on your computer? It looks like a unique style whatever the case. :)
Thanks! :]

Yeah, that's pretty much it; sketch by hand and color on 'puter.
As far as coloring goes, I tend to work from the bottom up, leaving a little hint of the base colors showing.
Sometimes it works better than others, with the right colors, it can serve well to create a good feel. :]

And sometimes if the look is too dull after just plain coloring, I copy the color layer 2x and make a pair of selectively erased shading/highlight layers. Like with the first pic. :p

Oh, right, and I always have a layer with the sketchwork on top of everything as a 'multiply' layer.
Cool I'd like to give that kind of epic-war stuff out. My art's normally pretty bizzare.
Thanks all. :]

It IS fun trying all kinds of different stuff; you don't have to spend much time with a new/unusual style/arrangement to learn lots. :D
Like, say, working with MSPaint, start to finish; http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v222/Goblinoid/PaintMinsc1.png
Or trying to ink some simple sketchwork; http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v222/Goblinoid/Blacksun.gif
Umm, now what was it that I learned worknig with those... Well, heck, I can't remember, but I've been making slow progress. ,P