Teaser of my bands new album coming out early 2012(melodic hardcore)

then why are the highs fluttering / mushy? listen to those cymbals, you can hear it in the kick, snare and toms too..
either its the mp3 or there's something wrong with the samples / eq.
or maybe its just me haha, anyway i like that teaser song-wise.
Anti-Mother is right. Your Mp3 is saved at 128 kbps. That is low quality, you can easily hear the effects on the highs. Consider saving your bitrate at minimum 192 (still poor), better at 256 , or 320kbps WMA or Ogg file.

You've made this post under 'Rate my mix/tone'. It can't be rated at this quality.
who is going to convert there stuff into something that's not MP3?
you want to be able to burn your shit right?

i have worked with tons and tons of bands and never heard anything ever before about my MP3 quality, i mean if you would like i could upload it to a higher bit, but the wav sounded no different than this when i exported. trust me a i checked. so idk what your hearing.
may i ask what monitor you are listening to this on?

I have mackie mr5's and mr8's.

haha i mean maybe i could see that if you were listening in headphones or laptop speakers, but it sounds normal as fuck on my monitors.
You posted here for the reason (I would hope) you want help to improve your mix/tone. You've got 2 replies who hear a crappy, compressed sounding mp3. 128 kbps is poor quality, just bump it up to 256. it WILL sound much better.

If you can't hear the difference between an uncompressed .wav file and a 128 kbps mp3, that's really hard to believe. Listening on Shure SRH440 headphones here.
Are you rendering as mp3 or wav? Because I would suggest rendering as WAV at 320kbps and then converting later.

yes, i export as a wav then convert to mp3
I'm honestly not worried about this at all, i mean i have done large projects in the past and album and never heard anything about how the MP3 quality sounds.

i have also let all kinds of people listen and forwarded them to this thread and they said wtf i hear nothing wrong.

so that's why i asked what those guys were even listening to this one.

i think if there was a problem i would notice it off the bat im one picky mother fucker lol.
and not to be cocky or anything about this, but this is not even close to the final mix of the album, the album is not going to even be pod farm.
its going to be all 5150.

this was a quick 15 min mix right after tracking just to post the teaser lol.
so honestly people can be as harsh as they want on it and im not going to care, this was just a as is mix down so people could get a clip of the album.

whenever we release the full album version of this song, ill post it.

i mean im not to worried about the mix or anything, just kinda thought it was weird someone brought up stuff about the mp3 file.

that's a comment i never heard before about anything i have ever done.

not pissed or anything, but i just honestly see nothing wrong, sounds the same as the wav did. i have checked many times today.
128 is a low bitrate but i find it hard to believe that people can tell the difference i mean i've read up on this and most forums will usually agree that its borderline impossible to tell at 128 or higher. then again theres always a couple guys in there insisting they can tell the difference but i dont really buy it.
128 is a low bitrate but i find it hard to believe that people can tell the difference i mean i've read up on this and most forums will usually agree that its borderline impossible to tell at 128 or higher. then again theres always a couple guys in there insisting they can tell the difference but i dont really buy it.

pretty much the same thing all my dudes told me about this thread.
and i full agree.