Tech metal listening suggestions...

no it isn't. it's the most horribly structured, gratuitous wank i've ever heard.

this guy seems more fucking discerning than that. he listed athiest. technical music with substance anyway? PTH is all flashyness, zero fucking soul, they have nothing to say, no statements to make. fuck them.

yeh ignore all that and give protest a go, you might just love them, also Sikth, they are pretty damn technical in a non obvious way, amazing band
Protest the Hero make me feel nothing; it has no soul, no life, no meaning - its just blank. If pointless virtuoso impresses you, though; check them out.

I'm sure you're already well aware of how amazing Sikth are - awesome band. I'm still absolutely LOVING Dysrhythmia - Psychic Minds is one of the best albums I've heard in a while.

The problem I have with tech metal is a lot of it is like Protest. It makes you feel nothing, but the kids love it because the musicians are playing fucking crazy shit.
I understand that PTH is just guitar-wankery, but i enjoy some of the riffs… saying that my favoured Tech-Metal listening is normally Necrophagist (Stabwound) or Sikth ((If you weren't so) Perfect)

i still recommend Heretics and Killers
Some very good recommendations already, especially by Gareth, so I will just add bands that haven't been mentioned already:

Toxik, Anacrusis, Coroner (and maybe Forbidden, too)...

All of them are among the finest of technical Thrash. If you like Mekong Delta (especially "Erich Zann" era), than you'll probably dig those too.
Some very good recommendations already, especially by Gareth, so I will just add bands that haven't been mentioned already:

Toxik, Anacrusis, Coroner (and maybe Forbidden, too)...

All of them are among the finest of technical Thrash. If you like Mekong Delta (especially "Erich Zann" era), than you'll probably dig those too.

Big +1 for Mekong Delta
Protest the Hero make me feel nothing; it has no soul, no life, no meaning - its just blank. If pointless virtuoso impresses you, though; check them out.

I'm sure you're already well aware of how amazing Sikth are - awesome band. I'm still absolutely LOVING Dysrhythmia - Psychic Minds is one of the best albums I've heard in a while.

The problem I have with tech metal is a lot of it is like Protest. It makes you feel nothing, but the kids love it because the musicians are playing fucking crazy shit.

Agreed on the first point.

Barriers and Passages shits all over Psychic Maps dude, if you haven't given that album a decent spin yet, you need to, fucking amazing all around. Psychic Maps is awesome, which is just a testament to how good Barriers and Passages is.
Check behold the arctopus if you havent already. exospacial psionic aura is an awesome track to start with. or sensory amusia because the first 30 seconds are utterly hilarious.

And the last point is spot on. So much "technical" music is like, all very impressive and stuff, but what is even more impressive is using as little or as much technicality as you need to say what you want to say. Nile get away with really fucking ridiculously technical shit because it never feels like they're forcing it. It feels like it has to be there to get the point across. Protest The Hero don't get away with it because it feels like they're doing it to impress people, like they're really insecure and absolutely HAVE to prove to the world that they can play their instruments properly when in reality, anyone with half a brain doesn't give two shits anyway.

Fuck PTH. Listen to some fucking Gorguts.
^Yeh I've only heard Psychic Minds so far. The guitarist from my band lent me Barriers and Passages but I'm loving Psychic Minds SO MUCH (still) that I've still not had a proper listen.

Tech stuff needs to feel and sound effortless, as though the riff the band is playing feels like its the only riff you'd ever want to hear at that time. Deep.
Tech metal seems to come down to the listener's perceived idea of "technical", and how much of it they want. Some want really fast, difficult passages played at breakneck speeds, others want it interlaced with some melody or forethought. And honestly, there are a crap ton of bands out there that satisfy the varying levels of technical want. Sometimes you want it mindless and flashy in a cacophony, and sometimes you want the dissonance with some thought. I dig em' all. I believe all of the bands listed hit on all aspects.
dude you NEED to give barriers and passages a listen pronto, its THE dysrhythmia album
Check out the band OBSCURA.
Their new album "Cosmogenesis" rules.

I met them on their tour with Cannibal Corpse. Nice guys and great players.