Tech Questions Thread


Sep 7, 2007
Basically, instead of starting a new thread every time it might be best to have one thread for all technical questions

Note: this is not for shopping questions

So...what difference does a cable's cost make? Last time I bought a cable at guitar center, the asshole there tried to convince me that I needed the most expensive cable in the store (I retaliated by buying the cheapest). He got quite obnoxious about it. However, the cable is fine, and has lasted quite a while. I haven't noticed any difference in the sound I get from various cables of varying is the difference?
a couple things.

the first obviously being longevity. ive had a bunch of cheap cables and they last maybe a year or 2. however ive owned a monster cable and its never died on me, and ive had it for like 5 years

also, some cables have gold pieces, which is supposed to improve sound.

but unless youre an audiophile, youre not gonna notice the tone difference. you will, however notice that cheap cables break much faster.

oh, and one last thing to consider, for longer cables (like the popular 25" length), the more exspensive cables are constructed with better fidelity. theyre a bit beefier
Since Chorus and Phaser is just splitting a sound into two identical sounds and delaying by about 20 mili(or micro?)seconds and changing the delay time to make it move up and down the sound spectrum... is it possible to split it into four? and make two move up while one moves down or the other way around?
Basically, instead of starting a new thread every time it might be best to have one thread for all technical questions

Note: this is not for shopping questions

So...what difference does a cable's cost make? Last time I bought a cable at guitar center, the asshole there tried to convince me that I needed the most expensive cable in the store (I retaliated by buying the cheapest). He got quite obnoxious about it. However, the cable is fine, and has lasted quite a while. I haven't noticed any difference in the sound I get from various cables of varying is the difference?

Low quality cables lose presence and depth in the tone. Higher quality cables retain more of that, but there's still some loss. Everyone that I know of that tries an Evidence Audio Lyric cable says the difference is huge, night and day... I would like to try it but I am too poor.
How do you get rid of the pick noise while playing? I use a noise decimator pedal and it doesn't work. If I turn the volume down to 7 I lose it but then I have no edge.
glad to see someone using this thread...
Work on picking...I used to get mad pick noise, but it's not as bad now. I think you'll always get some...
Yeah, just strike the tip of the pick over the top of each string. Don't use the side of the pick, and don't play against the side of the strings, either. After you get the hang of playing it like this, you'll probably find that tremolos and sweeping are a whole lot easier, too.
is this for technical gear questions? or technique as well?
originally for gear. but since it kinda died, if we make it about techniques that's fine too...

tech death is easy to play. pick the low e really fast while fingering random notes. Sounds just like necrophagist :p
Didnt see this earlier. But its interesting because a few of the questions have come up with myself lately

Cables - last week I was thinking about the cable I use. Its a Whirlwind curly I bought maybe '87. It had a few years vacation but damn if the thing has never let me down. Now this doesnt speak for conductivity issues mentioned but it is a good heavy "cord" and I guess when they guarentee them for life they are serious. So I feel it was money well spent.

Pick noise - a dredded issue. I think with time alot of mine just naturally worked out. I use a heavy pick, that helps with the snap back or flicking sound and for me is also not behind my playing. Its where I want it when I want it. But then I know people way faster than me that use light picks, so go figure. But I play a few different kind of music and distorted metal riffs are not the challenge with pick noise that the clean strumming stuff is. With the heavy pick its hard for me not to sometimes catch it heavier and have a smooth volumn level. But when switching to a lighter pick... more pick "click". The more I just practice the smoother my left hand (lefty here) technique gets.

Now my current issue Im concerned with is some of my riffs that cut off for a brief "rest" between chords, I get the squeak from the strings as I have to move quickly to the next chord. Thats what Im working on.
I think the grip you use on the pick makes more of a difference than the width.

I get the same thing every once in a while. Trick is to let up a bit without letting go of the strings so that you get a smooth slide between chords.
originally for gear. but since it kinda died, if we make it about techniques that's fine too...

tech death is easy to play. pick the low e really fast while fingering random notes. Sounds just like necrophagist :p

Post some Necrophagist videos to demonstrate your technique. Fermented Offal Discharge is probably their easiest and a pretty fun tune, you could do that.