The "short cable" sound


Mar 14, 2011
I love the sound of my passive guitars when used with a 1' cable. It completely blows away longer cables; a planet waves 15' cable sounds like garbage compared to the 1' livewire. The best way I can explain the difference is the longer cables sound like they lack any sort of sparkle and get very muddy in the low-end.

How can I get this sound with longer cable runs (15'-20')? Will longer expensive cables like Evidence Audio or Mogami/Lava/etc. help to preserve the tone like a short run cable?

I would even go wireless with the shortest length of cables possible if the wireless doesn't degrade the audio. Would this work?
hey derykus i have a thread opened on cables as i am looking for some and was looking at the evidence audio cables. you might wanna check the thread -not that it answers your questions.

Anyway the point of why im writing was just to tell you my drummer and i were just trying cheap cables today one was long and the other was really shot (could barely reach) and the differnce was unreal. Also yesterday i tried my monster cable vs a cheap cable and prefered the cheap cable which is what im using now until i buy me some new ones soon...

I think though that if you get some good cables the length wount be a problem so as long as you dont go more than around 12 ft. Still experimenting with cables though; soon im trying a mogami as well.

Came across this recently:

"The ZEROCAP ultra low capacitance cable lets you hear all the frequencies being produced by your guitar. Cable capacitance kills the high frequencies from your pickups, resulting in a muddy sound. The ZEROCAP cable makes your guitar think it is driving about one foot of cable, and the sound opens up in an amazing way."

They have cable lengths 5-50 feet. Pricey but easy solution if you don't want to build/buy a buffer circuit. Apparently these cables don't use a buffer.