Ted get off your ass !!!


Mr. Sleepy
Apr 14, 2002
Sweet home Alabama
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Ted, I respect you to for being a purist. You like the oldschool metal, rock and roll and even country artists/bands, but if you don't get out and get into some newer bands, you are going to become miserable in your music listening hobby. When we have discussions about newer bands like Wolf and Tad Morose, you are noticably absent. I am not saying you NEED to like either of those bands, but if you don't start getting into newer bands, the few oldschool bands left will fade away and you will be left to talking about nothing but the past.
I am not trying to single you out in particular as I know people who are much worse than you about discovering new music, but most of them are too far gone. Not all new bands sound like Papa Roach or ______________ (insert stupid nu-metal band here) and if one of your favorite bands wants to start acting like a bunch of has beens, give them the middle finger and find another favorite.
I found my last favorite band at 31. I hope at 41, 51 etc. etc. I find new favorites. Don't limit yourself to bands that have long since past their prime.

Yup, I was like Ted just a few years ago. I bailed out on metal in the 90's when the grunge movement came in, and later nu-metal (where's the real singers? the guitar solos?). For an entire decade, the only thing I bought and listened to was 70s and 80s albums.

My best friend Lorenzo came up to Montana to visit me for a week when I lived there in 2001. He told me, "dude, you're stuck in the fucking past". He showed me Morpheus and between that p2p program and Amazon.com's reviews and "fans who bought band x also bought band y" I found myself a musical nirvana. Not only was I able to find all the classic 70s and 80s stuff on mp3, but I found a TON of new bands that harken back to the glory days of metal.

It opened up a whole new world for me. Instead of playing the same old Savatage, Sabbath, Maiden, Priest, Saxon, etc., I was now jamming to Tad Morose, Falconer, Cage, Mob Rules, Therion, Nightwish, Ayreon, the list goes on and on and on.

Bands can bitch about free downloading all they want, but the fact is it got me back into music. I've bought over 100 cds in the past few years that I never would've if it weren't for p2p technology.
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Instead of playing the same old Savatage, Sabbath, Maiden, Priest, Saxon, etc.

Those "same old" bands to you are NEW bands to me :lol:
delize said:
Those "same old" bands to you are NEW bands to me :lol:

I am discovering many old bands (especially NWOBHM) these days :D

But I do check new bands as time passed since 1988 ans hit, there's a lot of stuff out there (even if nobody else than me like it :p )

Blind Guardian (just to piss JD :Spin: )
Lacuna Coil
Memory Garden
Misery Inc
Shadow Gallery
Goddess Of Desire

Bryant and co:

I gotta admit that this post caught me a little off guard. When I saw the thread title I thought it was gonna be something like "ted get off your ass and post more". Turns out, it was more like a "wake up and smell the year 2005 or quit your bitchin" theme. At any rate, I take no offense. I know Bryant to be both a gentleman and a scholar, so I take his comments to be nothing more than friendly sparring/conversation. HOWEVER, I found Bryant's comments to be somewhat funny and yet disturbing at the same time. If you all will grant me the courtesy and respect to read further, I will explain.

FIRST - I found this thread funny because just today I was driving around southern Indiana (I'm a sales rep and spend a lot of time in the car!) listening to HANK WILLIAMS JR.'s cd, "Habits Old and New". My favorite track on this album is, ironically, titled, DINOSAUR. Here are a few lines. "used to be, I had a lot of fun in this old hangout/ we'd get stoned at the jukebox and stay outta fights/ now and then, light a little smoke in the truck out back/ then a little old Jim Beam and we'd get right/ but now these flashin' lights, sure make me dizzy/ and this disco's very strange to my ears/ it looks like they've turned the Longhorn into a spaceship/ and I'll be leavin' just as soon as I finish this beer/ CAUSE YOU SEE I'M A DINOSAUR/ SHOULD'VE DIED OUT A LONG TIME BEFORE/ HAVE MERCY ON A DINOSAUR/ HAND ME MY HAT, EXCUSE ME MA'AM / WHERE'S THE DOOR?" Well, I was singing this aloud to myself and enjoying the fact that I felt like it summed up my life at age 31 as well! That I feel like everything I loved as a kid/teen/young man is now just great memories!

But the post was DISTURBING to me in this sense. It made me feel like maybe a lot of you don't know me. Rather that's due to my own fault or anybody else's. I have given the wrong impression, and I want to clarify.

It's not that I don't like any new bands, or have refused to give any new bands a chance. As JOHNNY D ( a great motherfucking American Badass!) stated earlier, he has personally turned me on to several new bands in the past year or so like EDGUY and SATYRICON. GREENO got me into WOLF. And if not for SIXXSWINE I would have never heard HAMMERFALL, SYMPHONY X, MASTODON, ICED EARTH or even discovered old classics like MERCYFUL FATE or KING DIAMOND. All of these bands have become some of my favorites in just the last year or so since joining in on this forum. So it kind of hit me in the jaw, that y'all would think I won't listen to anything other than Van Halen or Motley Crue.

The difference is that even though there are new bands that I like...my PASSION is for the OLD SCHOOL DINOSAURS OF ROCK AND METAL that I grew up on. KISS, VAN HALEN, OZZY, MOTLEY CRUE, METALLICA. Those are my top 5 bands of all time. I will never tire of their old songs, even though they may be past their prime. They are the standards that I judge all hard music on. Not that I compare the sounds, but if a band makes me feel like any of THOSE bands do, then I'm in. Take a band like THE DARKNESS. Are they a joke? Yeah. But when I listen to them, I get the same feeling I get when I listen to Van Halen II! My body responds to it! What can I say? I like what I like.

EDGUY - a freakin' awesome band. Love the hell out of 'em. But would I stand in line to meet 'em? Nah.
VINCE NEIL - a train wreck. A dumbass. Can't sing. But would I stand in line to meet him? FUCK YEAH!
Why? Because like Paul McCartney to some he is a guy I grew up with! Bands like KISS or VAN HALEN will always be larger than life to me and that's what I dig!!!! Sure, there's lots of great NEW music out there and when I find something new that I really like such as WOLF or HAMMERFALL or the HELLACOPTERS then I dive in head first! But it won't be long until I break out the SHOUT AT THE DEVIL again!

DIMMU BORGIR is another band I got heavily into for a while. I still love 'em . But if one of those dudes walked by me at WalMart i probably wouldn't even bug 'em. That's the difference. There's music I enjoy. NEW MUSIC. But I don't have the passion for any new artists that compares to the passion I have for my old favorites. That's why it may sound like I'm stuck in the past or up David Lee Roth's ass (I still say even now that he's washed up he kicks the dog shit outta anybody out there behind a microphone!) Sure I like new bands. But do I feel compelled to write and talk about 'em???? NAH! Besides, there are a lot of youngsters out there just coming in to metal and reading this OLD SCHOOL forum. I am proud of the fact that I bought THEATER OF PAIN or MASTER OF PUPPETS on the day they came out!!!!! I am proud to say that I saw METALLICA WITH CLIFF opening for Ozzy when my dad took me at about 12 years old! I am PROUD to say that I saw Johnny Cash and got to shake his hand a couple years ago. I am PROUD to say that I remember when POISON first came out...good or bad...I was there!!! It's not something I learn about today. I'm sure HAWK understands that...look at all the LEGENDARY stuff he saw! That is old school, baby!

So I agree that it's important not to live in the past and I do feel sorry for anyone who only listens to one type of music and one time period. (Not just metal!) I love rock, metal, country, classical, and even good rap (like Ice T or NWA) but you gotta admit that in ALL genres, it is hard to compare newcomers to legends.

When I first heard VAN HALEN it melted my brain the way hearing JIMI HENDRIX or THE DOORS did for a generation before me. I could probably NEVER convince a guy twice my age that Edward is 1/2 the guitarist Jimi was. So even if I like a new band, with all my heart, they'll still never be as good as MOTORHEAD, WASP, or one of those bands. They'll just be somebody new to like. Every now and then a new band comes along and kicks my ass. I'm not against trying anything new. It's just that I love the old so much.

Try and tell a guy with a 54 Chevy that the 2000 Corvette's really are badass and he'll just tell you that you're the crazy one. It's all relative....it's all opinion. I go by what I LOVE...not what I feel obligated to listen to.

And to quote NEW country music sensations Montgomery Gentry, "you do your thing/I'll do mine!"

Damn I feel like a redneck....

tedvanfrehley said:
Bryant and co:

I gotta admit that this post caught me a little off guard. When I saw the thread title I thought it was gonna be something like "ted get off your ass and post more". Turns out, it was more like a "wake up and smell the year 2005 or quit your bitchin" theme. At any rate, I take no offense. I know Bryant to be both a gentleman and a scholar, so I take his comments to be nothing more than friendly sparring/conversation. HOWEVER, I found Bryant's comments to be somewhat funny and yet disturbing at the same time. If you all will grant me the courtesy and respect to read further, I will explain.
Thanks for the nice reply Ted. I am very happy that you don't take offense because it was meant more for the readers of this message board, not for you in particular. If I would have geared it toward someone else I might have offended them and ran them off.
Though you and I haven't conversed outside this MB, I think you are one hell of a guy and that is the primary reason I used you as an example. I knew it would fly off of your shoulder. I don't want to change your tastes of music at all. The reason we are all here in the first place is because we all love "oldschool metal." I simply needed an example of someone talking about "metal dying" as we know it and you pretty much filled that bill with a post you made. I am not surprised you have been getting into newer bands at all. After all, your tastes are broader than most here at the OS forum. That is another reason why I singled you out btw.
As far as me being a scholar...... I am a redneck electrician from Alabama. I am absolutely no different in person than I am on the message board, but I hung out for years with Queensryche fans on a newsgroup and it affected the style in which I word my posts and replies. I'm far from a scholar, just talented at useless prose (way of wording things.) "Ya'll" works better in person than on a message board. I feel bad sometimes about the way I word things because I don't "talk" that way in real life, but I still get the same points accross.
Back to your reply..... sorry I tend to tangent...... your love is no different than most of us. I am sure Accept has been completely covered well here thanks to me. I listen to them 3-5 times a week. No band can touch BTW and MH in my ears. Then again, I have found a few newer bands that did hit that "sweet spot" in me. I hope it happens to you.
I honestly apologize for what appears as being "singled out," but it was due to a single post, not to you in general. As I said, I don't know you outside of this forum, but I honestly like you and consider you as someone I would like to be friends with.

You are a great man. I am sorry for writing a book in response to your post... I could have said less and made the same point. I wasn't upset or anything (come on man, we're Southerners! It takes more than that to get us riled up!) but I did feel a little bit of "what the fuck?!?!" when I was called out by name. hahaha But it ain't nuthin'. I guess it was just because you and I haven't had many one on one conversations and I wondered what I had done to get flamed.......But alas...I still love and respect you like a brother from another mother! hahahaha
Even though you won't "ACCEPT" the fact that Van Halen with David Lee Roth at the helm is the greatest band ever, I know you're not all bad!

Incidentally, growing up, METAL HEART and RUSSIAN ROULETTE were two of my favorite albums! I gotta get those on cd one of these days, haven't really heard 'em in years. And did I mention that Wolf has his own website now and you can drop him an email? He'll write you back. I think it's www.wolfhoffman.com if you wanna give it a try! He sent me an autographed photo about a year ago...all I did was send him a SASE.

So we are cool my fellow shredder! Good luck with the baby! (How much longer??) And be sure to teach him/her that David Lee Roth IS the only singer that matters.

Your pal

ps...paybacks are hell! Now I'm not gonna be afraid to call you out on your love of FUEL and/or bands like that! hahaha kidding
Trans-Siberian Outcast said:
Yup, I was like Ted just a few years ago. I bailed out on metal in the 90's when the grunge movement came in, and later nu-metal (where's the real singers? the guitar solos?). For an entire decade, the only thing I bought and listened to was 70s and 80s albums.

My best friend Lorenzo came up to Montana to visit me for a week when I lived there in 2001. He told me, "dude, you're stuck in the fucking past". He showed me Morpheus and between that p2p program and Amazon.com's reviews and "fans who bought band x also bought band y" I found myself a musical nirvana. Not only was I able to find all the classic 70s and 80s stuff on mp3, but I found a TON of new bands that harken back to the glory days of metal.

It opened up a whole new world for me. Instead of playing the same old Savatage, Sabbath, Maiden, Priest, Saxon, etc., I was now jamming to Tad Morose, Falconer, Cage, Mob Rules, Therion, Nightwish, Ayreon, the list goes on and on and on.

Bands can bitch about free downloading all they want, but the fact is it got me back into music. I've bought over 100 cds in the past few years that I never would've if it weren't for p2p technology.

I was the same way in the 90's... i lost faith in metal go figure lol .. but i do admit that i loved Nirvana and Alice in Chains (and perhaps Soundgarden and Pearl Jam's first album) and still do... but i thought metal died and would not come back for years.. then i discovered this board and decided to buy new albums from new bands or what i considered new bands to me because i never listened to them before... so this year i got into :

Dimmu Borgir
Lacuna Coil

My money is very limited right now because im trying to get my finances in order again (damn credit cards can be worst then drugs at times lol ) but im slowly building up my collection again and trying bands that people recommend on this board...
When you get into Metal as a kid it is all new and exciting. That is why usually the bands you discover in those early Metal development stages often mean the most and always get to you at a deep, emotional level. After you have been listening to Metal for over 15 years I think it sometimes gets a lot harder to ignite that Metal fire within. Not that it can´t be done of course.
JonnyD said:
I never "Bailed on Metal" Its always been there for me

Wish I could say that. By 89 or 90 I'd had enough. At the time the underground scene was more interesting to me.... bands like The Big F, Janes, and Fugazi. Then "Nevermind" came out and all of that shit got blown out of proportion. It was then that I stopped listening to music for a couple years. What got me back into it was the americana/roots/alt county scene in the mind 90's.
Wolf sent me an autograph too, he's cool. He signed my balls to the wall cd booklet...
He's moving back to Germany with his wife & former Accept manager & lyricist....
He's in Nashville at the moment, he's neighbors with Wagener...
Go figure, a German in Nashville?
JonnyD said:
I never "Bailed on Metal" Its always been there for me
I can't manage the concept of bailing out after 20 years...