Ted Nugent talks about our eroding rights

... Americans are actually quite happy with their health care.

I've never been particularly pleased with my family's health care:
Our insurance through my small company is expensive. People that work for large companies get better and cheaper benefits.
My son was recommended to a specialist, 6 months wait - so we had to find another specialist - 2 week wait - but would the recommended specialist have been better?
I once got in a fight over an $800 claim that the insurance company didn't want to fill because we chose a provider that was 2 miles further away than the closest one.
I could go on and on.

My general problem with the health care industry is that it's an industry, most companies are out to make money such as those publicly traded drug companies.
I've never been particularly pleased with my family's health care:
Our insurance through my small company is expensive. People that work for large companies get better and cheaper benefits.
My son was recommended to a specialist, 6 months wait - so we had to find another specialist - 2 week wait - but would the recommended specialist have been better?
I once got in a fight over an $800 claim that the insurance company didn't want to fill because we chose a provider that was 2 miles further away than the closest one.
I could go on and on.

My general problem with the health care industry is that it's an industry, most companies are out to make money such as those publicly traded drug companies.

I beg to differ with you on the cost of insurance for small companies verses large:

Case in point, I worked for a Fortune 500 company for 17 years after retiring from the military, and i saw our insurance rates go from 1% of yearly salary when i first hired on, to totaly outrageous when i retired.

In 2004 I paid $11,000 a year to insure myself, wife and two daughters, plus $2,750 a year for dental.

In 2005 i went to using Tricare instead of the company insurance, they paid me $1,000 a year, and i used that to pay for a Tricare supplement, cost $1800 a year, plus i still keep my company dental.

Now, My wife who works for a major hospital network(over 100,000 employees) could have gotten the same insurance i was offered by my company at 1/10 the price.

So it is not all large companies, that have cheap insurance some do, some don't.

So the point to all of this is maybe we should be looking to some of the European countries and their Healtcare, and use some of their ideas, I mean it damn sure can't hurt.
So it is not all large companies, that have cheap insurance some do, some don't.
Fair enough. I do think most (not all) large companies are able to work better deals due to the numbers.

Case in point, I worked for a Fortune 500 company for 17 years after retiring from the military, and i saw our insurance rates go from 1% of yearly salary when i first hired on, to totaly outrageous when i retired.

I agree. Our health insurance cost was very small 17 years ago when I started working as well. The last 10 years has seen them grow exponentially. Our company has changed providers 4 or 5 times in the last 10 years in an effort to deal with those costs.

So the point to all of this is maybe we should be looking to some of the European countries and their Healtcare, and use some of their ideas, I mean it damn sure can't hurt.

No question. It drives me crazy when people get that America is better than everyone else attitude.
Once you've lived in another country...then you will understand that attitude is legitimate. l wouldn't trade living in America for ANY country in Europe.

I totally agree, I for one have probably lived(at least 6 months) in more foreign countries than many of the people that post on here, and to be honest we do have it good, and i wouldn't trade it for the world. But there are some things we could look at, and maybe adopt.

Is health care an issue that needs to be solved right now, or should our government be focused on how to fix the damn economy?

Good point, and It might just be that if the economy is fixed then Health-care might just fix itself, just a thought.
Edit: you know what forget it, it really is pointless and this country is gonna go to shit. I'll just move to Europe.
It's a thing called respect for the opinions of ours, even if you don't agree. Pellaz is a dear and close friend of mine and very informed on events as they happen, Ascension and I at first were at each others throats on everything including Music, but we grew to respect each other, and i hope became friends, which I believe we are, and this is due to the respect that we have for each other, will we disagree in the future, you bet we will, but i have to respect his opinion and everyone else who posts on here, and that includes you.

I served 22 years in the US MILITARY to protect your right and the rights of everyone in the US to disagree with our government and to disagree with each other. I am probably the oldest poster on here and have lived thru the Esienhower era, the Kenneday Kamelot era, The Johnson DUHHHHHH era, the Nixon Fiasco, The Ford lack of balls era, The Carter Peanut era, Regan Reganomics, Two Bush get Saddam eras, The Clinton Cigar era. Well for the Esienhower and Kennedy i was really to young to care, but for the rest, for all of them we expected great things from all of them(well maybe not Johnson, Ford) and in most aspects all of them disappointed us. Will we ever have a government in place that pleases everyone? NEVER, there will always be dissenters no matter what is done by Government.

It is too bad that most of our elected offical have lost sight of the people that put them there and keeps them there, and whose fault is that??? Ours, we are not holding our officials accountable. And why not? it is like 80% of the people here in EL PASO say if it doesn't effect me I don't care. And it shows in the elections. Our last city election only had 11% of the registered voters voted. 11%!!!!!!!!! We are a city of 1 million people. We only have 8% of the people summoned for jury duty to show up, there are so many no-shows that no warrants are issued, they just keep sending summons for duty. it would cost the city and county millions to prosecute the no-shows. 70% of the drivers in El Paso do not carry the state reguired insurance. People just don't care.

It does this old man's heart good to see the discussions in this thread, whether you agree or disagree it shows that there are still people who do care and are involved. Political discussions and religious discussions always bring out the passion in even the most passive person, but it is our right to express that passion in the written word.

I will get off my soapbox now, Thanks to all the responders in this post, you have shown there is hope for the future of our great country. I salute ech and everyone of you.
Yeah I took off my earlier post. I meant what I said but it's gonna add fuel to the flames.

Thanks for serving this country. I mean that. However I've said many times in this thread that I think we have the right to say what we want and voice our opinions, but while I respect people's rights to have an opinion, I don't have to respect the opinion.

Honestly, I just wish there were more people who were republicans/conservatives who were more like you rather than those who just rehash Fox News talking points that were purposely constructed to protect profit holders and further corruption. It's not about opinions with guys like that, it's about construing their opinion as fact so that their buddies stay in power.
Why public-only? They can't shut down private sector though.

That's actually been a hot topic here this week. Some old soundbites have been trotted out where Obama stated that he was a big fan of a single-payer system...but those were from a while ago.
But.....one powerful Democratic legislator is on record as of 8 days ago stating that the goal of healthcare reform in this country is a single-payer public-only system....while President Obama said only a few days ago "No-one is talking about a single-payer system."

Clearly, someone is lying. Err, ahem: doesn't have all the facts. :)

Basically, it's all about control, not access or quality of care.

Incidentally, one major problem facing Europe right now is population decline and the falling 'replacement rate.' In many European countries, couples are choosing not to have more than one or two children. The 'replacement rate' for a couple would be 2.0 children per couple to maintain the same population, but in some European nations -- France I know is particularly low -- the rate has fallen to 1.8 or 1.7. Over time, this means that the number of native citizens will plummet, and the percentage of immigrants will rise.