We care because it's the leader of our country debasing a law enforcement agency...you know the people that enter into unknown situations, putting their lives on the line to serve and protect...just like the situation being discussed. And, he associated the situation to volatile subject matter when it clearly had nothing to do with it. Like was said...he even admitted he didn't know the whole deal. If you don't have the information necessary to make a qualified comment...STFU. We expect an elevated behavior from him. He failed.
We must all kiss the collective ass of law enforcement agencies and since the ones that do their jobs put their lives on the line to serve and protect, every policeman as a whole is right no matter what. Obama made an opinion that I disagree with. It might even be an unfounded uneducated opinion, but still an opinion nonetheless. He may not have acted on it or caused any harm to the American people whatsoever, but I disagree so therefore I take offense. I think I just summed up your logic pretty nicely.
Then later you call him on one of his "points that is backed up in a well thought out clearly outlined way". Make up your mind.
Not only do you lack a concept of logic and reason but context as well? Why do you even bother posting?
It's clear that you don't have an understanding of what transpired. Or...you do but still want to slant it & side with your messiah. Pick one.
I explained my understanding of what happened. If I'm wrong please correct me. Unlike you if you can substantiate your claims and back your word against mine (which I've yet to really see you do) I'll take responsibility for being wrong. I've seen plenty of comments from political contributors left and right, as well as police officers saying that it was a false arrest. Either way, it doesn't make Obama racist and you still lose for making stupid comments. Yay.
Believe me, l understand. Just as Officer Crowley's fellow officers & millions of other Americans understand. You seem to be missing it.
Right, because every police officer is white. I'm not missing anything, you're just making stupid illogical generalizations. Care to make any more? I also love your hesitative tone in this comment. It's as if to say "I'm going to be a huge gigantic douchebag and call Obama a racist, but since I might not be 100% that he really is one, I'm going to present my comment in a vague and condescending way."
not like AS who calls people idoits or retarded or to say someone's comment is retarded.
This is now the SECOND time you've misread my post and I'm gonna call you out on it. I never called a SINGLE poster an idiot, I think people are dumb to support someone that calls the President "Barrack the magic negro" (Rush Limbaugh) because while I respect their right to say those things, I think it's disgusting for anyone to support that kind of talk. I definitely called people like Glenn "Obama has a deep-seeded hatred for white people... I'm not saying Obama dislikes white people (75 seconds later)" Beck an idiot, because they are idiots and you have to be high off your ass to think otherwise (by the way, did you n00bs know that Glenn Beck used to be one of those 9/11 truthers thinking 9/11 was possibly an inside job? Bet you didn't know that before you began praising his every word, which is typical... taking in this crapola as gospel without even doing any research). And who exactly did I call "retarded?"
Anyways keep furthering loudmouthed bigotry and then trying to reconcile it. It only makes you look more foolish.
Not a single poster has actually responded with anything other than "hrmm name calling liberal over here guys," which speaks volumes.