Terrifying vocals!


Oct 10, 2007
Alright, I'm looking for the scariest, most brick-shitting inducing vocals the metal world has to offer, that send shivers down your spine every time you hear them and send the family pet cowering behind the sofa.

Go go go! :headbang:
Never really heard anything like that but maybe older Anaal Nathrakh/Abruptm/Axis Of Perdition.
It gets said every time but... Silencer.

This and Bethlehem's Dictius Te Necare, which obviously inspired this and sounds even more deranged.

Also, anything Attila Csihar has appeared on in the last few years.

Oh, and I guess Malvery and Sortsind.
Seconding Wormed. A bunch of slam death is also worth checking out if that's your thing. Also, Barnes-era CC. As far as black metal goes...Mayhem's Deathcrush had some really freak-out vox.
I was listening this morning, and Paracoccidioidomicosisproctitissarcomucosis really does have creepy vocals. Seriously.
Wormed's vocals along with brutal DM vocals are funny and goofy not terrifying and besides that I can't understand what the vocalists are saying.