Terrorizer (good or bad) What's your opinion?

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
I live in the middle of nowhere (Kansas); therefore, I have no access to other knowledgable metalheads. I read Terrorizer for album reviews and information. I try to research music on my own, but I tend to base most of my music purchases on what the people at Terrorizer tell me. What opinions does everybody else have about Terrorizer, and where else can I look for good reviews. THANKS.
Originally posted by Penny
Terrorizer is good, but I like Unrestrained magazine better. It's cheaper, and easier to get.

I love that mag. The only book store around here that carried it went out of business, so now I can't get it. :mad:
I don't like Terrorizer anymore, nolonger buy it and only quickly flip through it in the shop. It used to be great a few years ago, many of the reviewers had the same tastes as me (in somuch as, if they said it was good, there was a strong possibility that I'd like it) and I respected and valued their opinions. However, they have all left (maybe one is still there) and I don't like the new writers- I disagree with an awful lot of their reviews (both good and bad), and I dunno- it just doesn't have the same feel it did.

Oh well.......
Originally posted by JESUSATAN
Man I thought this was about the band terrorizer, what a rip off. The band is godly anyways!

I'm wearing a Terrorizer t-shirt as I type this! (Listening to Anthrax though...)

Terrorizer magazine is a little short on journalistic qualifications, but more than makes up for it with genuine enthusiasm for the music. Whether the reviews are any good or not is a matter of personal taste. Each review is one person's opinion of what they're listening to. I've found Terrorizer to be generally quite informative, even if I didn't like the album being reviewed.:headbang:
Regarding the reviews at UM: I feel that some of the reviews were done by individuals with ambition but a lack of proper background. By this I mean the reviewer was reviewing an artist he or she was not familiar enough with. For example, I would not want to review a King Diamond album withour being fully informed of King's earlier work, AS WELL as his work with Mercyful Fate. Another example is the Khanate review. This review was done by an individual with very limited background in that particular genre. Magazines like Terrorizer and Unrestrained obviously don't let their reviewers review any album they want. The reviewer at least has a slightly firm grasp on either the artists back catalogue or the artists genre. ANY WAY that is my opinion. The reviews at UM are not bad by any means, but they aren't on the level of the top magazines . . . yet.
Fair points made there... my turn now though. :)

Personally, I feel that having a particular musical 'background' is quite limiting when writing reviews - for instance, glance back over the reviews I've done for this site, and you'll see I've gone from nu-metal (Vacant Stare) to brutal death metal (Sanatorium), black metal (Funeris Nocturnum) to doom-death (My Dying Bride), melodic hardcore (Taken) to psychedelic goth with jazz influences (Sleepless)... and to the best of my knowledge, no-one has seriously disagreed with any of my reviews so far (except the Agathoidaimon one, but that was down to personal opinion rather than any inaccuracy in describing the music).

Russell's Khanate review might not have come from an extreme doom metal background, but it was well written and informative of the band's sound. Even though the general tone of the review was negative, I still felt compelled to check them out because the description of the sound appealed to me. It's fine writing something like 'if you're a fan of Burning Witch, Sunn O))) etc., then you'll love this', but what if the reader themselves has no knowledge of that music? How are they supposed to make an informed decision about whether to buy the album or not?

Also, with the number of writers on the UM staff, it is impossible usually to find a reviewer who will have a solid background knowledge of all the bands to come in. Generally speaking, I stick to extreme metal, Russell does the odd brutal review but mainly alternative/electronic/gothic stuff, Rodrigo handles the progressive side of things and Mark does the trad-metal and hard rock stuff. We ship our CDs around to find an appropriate home for them, so each album is given the best chance.

So, in short, we try our best. :D
Good point . . . after some thought about my earlier comments, I have decided it is good to read reviews from both perspectives. For example, somebody new to Anathema might totally love the new CD, but to me it is the start of a more commercial (Radiohead) sounding direction than even the previous releases (Alternative 4, Judgement). If this reviewer told me how great this release was without comparing it to previous albums, I would not be aware of this new direction I feel Anathema has taken. HOWEVER the reviewer would be able to inform newer listeners that might not have heard Anathema. I realize that was a long and pointless example. UM is doing the best they can and I look forward to future reviews. I would love to do some reviews for others to read as well, how about you shoot some CD's my way. If not, I guess I'll just do my reviews on the user review page (after I buy some CD's that haven't been reviewed already).
LOL - nice try... if it was up to me I'd let you write some reviews for us, but that's Mark's department. :)

Oh yeah, as for Anathema - imagine the heart attack I had on hearing 'Pressure' on MTV2 when the only Anathema I had previously heard was the 'Serenades' era stuff... couldn't believe it was the same band!