TGCD Song Survivor round 5

Which song shall dissolve?

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  • Poll closed .
You're crazy, boys!?!?!?!:heh:
How can you vote for "Increase"????
This is the best song of the album, together with "In The White" and "Rusted"!
Extraordinary lyrics...and very wonderful guitar riffs!!!! What have you done? But (overall) what have you listen/drunken/smoked ?!?!?!?:goggly:
I know opinions are personal but...what the fuck...!!!!!!!
Can someone explain why they voted for Increase, I mean, it's THE most groovy, rhythmically butt-kicking song on the album!
It's pretty easy... I like the other songs better... the singing, the lyrics, the atmosphere... the everything. Next time I'll pay some more attention to the rhytmically butt-kicking groove... but I'll bet I'll still like the others better :p [don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of "Increase", but when I have to chose between pest and cholera... you know...]

What the fuck... someone voted for "Dissolving Bonds" ... someone thinks it's good to be extraordinary... ...someone wants me to go like this: :u-huh: .... how could you?! :goggly:

For fuck's sake when is it gonna go?

And I know what people mean about Increase....I LOVE the parts where Jonas actually says the word "Increase" together with that double bass kick coming in. One of the coolest fucking moments on the album.

Man, Leaders is WAY too well liked for the kind of song it is. It has a very "tired" sound about it - it was "ok" at first, but it's one of those songs that doesn't stay with you the more and more you listen to it.

After Leaders, THAT'S when things get difficult, as the songs from then on are all too damn good. It'll be a bitch voting for ANY one of them.

The only songs I tend to skip on this album now are Leaders, Consternation and The Itch. There's something about the "core" tune that just doesn't do it for me.