Thank you Jesse.


May 16, 2004
Orlando, Florida USA
...And Katatonia, and Anders Nystrom.

Katatonia SYD Shirt #38 size Medium


Diabolical Masquerade logo shirt


And MAJOR thanks for the Katatonia sticker!! I've been wanting one for my guitar for a LONG time!


@burton: Thankee good sir. I had to cut some excess off of it to get it to fit :p and agreed! We already have to pay more for lefty guitars [select models only... corporate BASTARDS]. Mantra, if there were more leftys than rightys, I'd laugh... LAUGH at you and kick you down into the mud! Then I'd sit at the edge and poke you with a sharp stick.[/stupidity]

@Mantra: Ey, Hendrix was a lefty! Cobain was a lefty! and if you look at him in a mirror, Yngwie is a lefty! I have one Bloodbath sticker and it resides on my guitar, abover the Daylight Dies sticker. I don't know where I'd put a Bloodbath Pin if I got one... [not on my strap.]

@Black Tears: ...yea well nyeah. :p These are actually my first Black Diamonds... made the switch from Daddario maybe a month ago. i like them... they stay in tune more and have a darker, smoother tone than Daddarios.
Poke ME with a sharp stick? And I thought we were friends. :erk:

Anyways, yeah, I hate that we have to pay more. That's the reason I only have one guitar. A little Squier, which I love. It sounds suprisingly good though. It's like a freak of nature.
no, never would I poke a fellow lefty with a sharp stick. However, Mantra I would, cuz he's right handed.

You should look to Schecter for your next guitar. The Schecter Damien is fuckin sweet, black pearl 'bat' inlays, awesome black finish, and EMGs come standard. only like $600
Gah, Hendrix and Cobain are as overrated as they come! And I know I'm about to get lectured about how Hendrix inspired legions of guitarists, and I don't deny that, but damn. I've never heard a Hendrix song that I didn't think sounded like crap. And fuck him all the more for butchering the National Anthem (a thing that should be left alone).

P.S. I'm not actually upset, as you'd think from this post. =P
Awesome shirts and sticker, Jinn. I want them all! What have you got, as far as albums or EPs go, lately?
As far as albums:
JEM...the Revival mCD
FFTC... mCD [white logo] (100 pressed!)
Dance of December Souls [First press]
LFDGD Gatefold reissue
Viva Emptiness
Brave Yester Days
Jinn, I don't really like the stickers being on your guitar like that. It's too busy, and I think the Katatonia sticker is wasted being vertical like that.

But you look very happy in that photograph of yourself, so enjoy it!
When I play the guitar, the emo fags will tilt their heads to the side to wonder what band sticker it is, then the eminence of Katatonia shall freeze them in that position, so I may crash my mic stand upon their heads, and rip their jugulars open with my bare teeth!

That and it looks feckin sweet.
Jinn said:
When I play the guitar, the emo fags will tilt their heads to the side to wonder what band sticker it is, then the eminence of Katatonia shall freeze them in that position, so I may crash my mic stand upon their heads, and rip their jugulars open with my bare teeth!

That and it looks feckin sweet.
Besides, there's no other way to put it on the guitar! I already had to overlay the Bloodbath sticker on a part of the Daylight Dies sticker [FORGIVE ME JESSE!!! :worship: ] and any other way would mean placing the sticker in a way where one could not see the entire logo, which is pure blasphemy, and as a Saint of Metal [inside joke, bloodbath forum :D ], I shalt not engage in an act of such degredation.

Once again, please don't punish me for covering the Daylight Dies sticker...