Thank You Pacific NW!


Maidens' drums
Aug 2, 2002
All I can say is you are all a bunch of crazy Mo Fo's up there in the PNW!!!! You wore us out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :headbang: We always have sooo much fun when we get up your way! We are already in the works for a return trip before winter comes! :hotjump: From pure exhaustion, I am at a losfer words at the moment. All I can say is THANK YOU to everyone who attended, assisted, booked and supported us! :worship:
no, THANK YOU for stopping by Yakima and gracing it with your presence! Can't wait until next time.

"METAL LIVES ON" :Smokedev:
it was great celebrating our tribute cd release with you all!! thanks for all the kind words and awesome energy that kept us rawkin down the highway!~*cheerz*
eddie had fun too! here's a pic from bellingham from guitartim


damn, no pics of the devil tho - i think satan was secretly listening to MJ on ipod that night :lol:
Linda, Sara, Aja, and everybody with the Maidens thank you so very much for coming up here, especially to Port Orchard! This town was still buzzing for days after your show here, and Doug had nothing but great things to say about you gals! It was great meeting and hanging out with you all, and big thanx to Linda for the ride home! I'm off the crutches now and back on the bike, so next time I'll be able to party big time! Looking forward to seeing ya this fall, my friends who missed the show are making plans not to miss it again. I'll tell Hell's Belles and Just Dirt that the Maidens said HI, and I'll catcha later! Love you girls, Willy
What a great tour! Finally got to see a little more of Washington. It's just so beautiful up there! **sigh** But it's so nice to be back in my own bed!!!

I enjoyed meeting all you PacNW Maidenheads! :wave: The shows were so much fun and everyone was so kind. Thanks for making us feel so welcome! Can't wait to come back!!! :headbang:
Thanks ladies for a great show! Yours was the first concert I've filmed. I can't wait to make the hardware changes on my computer so I can put it on DVD. My fiancee did all she could to help me steady the camera, but it's a little shaky. Still, I can't think of a better souvenir than to be able to enjoy the concert over and over again! :headbang:
Hi Willy! Good meeting you too! Glad to hear you're off the crutches! Careful on that bike now!!!! Yes, please do say hello to the Belles and the Dirt Boys from all of us!!! Thanks, and we'll see ya soon I'm sure! :wave:

Nice to meet you Darthrya! :)
darthrya said:
Thanks ladies for a great show! Yours was the first concert I've filmed. I can't wait to make the hardware changes on my computer so I can put it on DVD. My fiancee did all she could to help me steady the camera, but it's a little shaky. Still, I can't think of a better souvenir than to be able to enjoy the concert over and over again! :headbang:

It was great to see you and your fiancee again, Rya! Glad you guys enjoyed the show. Can't wait for our copy! Considering how crazy the crowd was I'm surprised you didn't end up with mostly ceiling shots!!!

So was this was a practice run for Ozzfest, maybe? :p

Glad to hear you're mobile again, Willy!:headbang: Big love to the Just Dirt boys and tell the Belles I look forward to meeting them one day.
darthrya said:
Thanks ladies for a great show! Yours was the first concert I've filmed. I can't wait to make the hardware changes on my computer so I can put it on DVD. My fiancee did all she could to help me steady the camera, but it's a little shaky. Still, I can't think of a better souvenir than to be able to enjoy the concert over and over again! :headbang:

I will gladly pay you for a copy of that! Name a price!!
If you have the program WinAVI you can convert to Mpeg2 then put it onto dvd if you have the dvd burner software. And I wouldn't mind a copy myself.
Stone said:
If you have the program WinAVI you can convert to Mpeg2 then put it onto dvd if you have the dvd burner software. And I wouldn't mind a copy myself.

I am holding off right now until I get a better program. WinAVI supposedly is popular, but I am looking for an all-in-one program. A buddy of mine is going to send me Ulead. Thanks for the advice. I'll post when I have it ready. Don't expect anything fancy: just an average recording with average sound, but a great performance by the band.