Thanks for the greatest thing to happen to NZ since the invention of the toaster!

the_3_toed_sloth said:
Ha, well the whole thing was messed up with the underages. We met them while lining up, and they were pretty shocked when i told them it was when they got to the bouncers and were asked for ID, they told him that they were sold the tickets as an all ages gig...the bouncer immediately clicked on his radio and said "dude, i told you - its all fucking ages out here". So they got in no problem, and were never told to go upstairs. I guess they must've decided on that rule afterwards.

Hahahah and im not surprised in the least to hear that you smoked one with mendez, Benighted1. He looked wasted the entire concert.

...though i guess he generally does

haha Mendez is a cool dude. He said our weed here is really good so I gave him another joint for him to smoke at his leisure. I think Mike got passed it at one point but not sure if he had a drag or not..
Amazing. Whole night was great. Sound wasnt too bad, though Peters guitar was a bit quiet for a time. At least from where i was standing.
Axe is an awesome drummer, and if the worst happens with Lopez (I rally hope it doesnt), then i dont think there will be much to worry about.
Mike was pretty funny throughout:
"This song is off Still Life, and if you dont like it.........then your fucking retarted". Telling the guy up the front that he looked very much like the drummer from Lacuna Coil.
Thanking the lazy cunts upstairs. Such a great front man for a metal band.

Met them, well Mike, Peter and Mendez, out the back afterwards. Very friendly guys, in no hurry to get away. Could not go to hysteria as i had to meet "non-metal" friends downtown, but from all accounts was a great after party with the guys.

FuneralPortrait said:
Axe and Per didn't arrive in the van with the others either...

per came in with peter. had a chat with him as he wasn't bing mobbed, being the new boy and all i guess that no one recognised...

Sweet as, i'll upload some more later, computer's having issues. Got a couple of really short videos as well, crap quality though..
fränzi said:
And while I'm at it: What is that awesome opening music they use? I love that.

The band is Popol Vuh. They usually play songs from their "Nosferatu" album. I'm not entirely sure, but I think the song was Der Ruf der Rohrflöte. Either that or Zwiespräche der Rohrflöte mit der Sängerin. Both songs sound sort of similar.

We (my fiancee and I) bumped into Mikael on Friday evening at Real Groovy. He was browsing through vinyls there, and nobody seemed to notice him. So we went up and had a quick chat to him, but we didn't talk too long, as we felt bad for taking up his private time.

We were the couple screaming at the fucking bouncers, if anyone witnessed that. Bloody wankers wouldn't let us in even though I am CLEARLY over 18, and my fiancee had her ID. So we had to sit up with the wee children. But it worked out better that way, I didn't want her to be crushed by people. (My apologies for holding anyone up, but you can imagine our situation -- we thought we weren't going to get in at all, so we were pretty fucking irate!)

We met the guys again after the show too - Mikael remembered us, and we took photos with Peter, Mikael and Martin. I'll post a couple of them for you to see.


Mikael and I.


My fiancee and Martin.

I'll post the rest as links;

(Martin and I)

(Peter and I)

(Peter and my fiancee)

There's one of my fiancee and Mikael, but she won't let me post it. She was talking to him when I took the photo, so she looks like she's making a face.

Anyhow, the show itself was fucking amazing, despite the sound problems they were having. The guys were tremendously patient with the fans, and we appreciate them for it.

With that said, my neck hurts from headbanging so hard. I'm sure I'm not alone?
hehe funny i thought the sound was really good apart from a few issues with distortion and reverb? then im easily pleased :D
SanctuaryNZ said:
Sadly it can't compare to the three times I've seen 'em in Aussie. But that's NZ for ya...

Yeah, if they hadn't come to NZ we'd have flown ourselves to Sydney to see them, I guess. It was just more convenient for us not to spend money on plane tickets!

I'm not going to complain though, it was still a great show.

I'm originally from California, and saw Opeth for the first time in 2003 in Canes - Yakuza and Lacuna Coil were the support bands. Mikael was a lot less outgoing on stage back then.

My fiancee is tremendously jealous of you, having only seen them once and being from New Zealand too.
SanctuaryNZ said:
Sadly it can't compare to the three times I've seen 'em in Aussie. But that's NZ for ya...

i'll get you the residency forms and drive you to the airport if you like...

Was talking to per and he said that his girlfriend had family in Christchurch and that they were hiring a car to "see a bit of the country". So if anyone sees a Prius on the wrong side of the road full of bogans that might be them...
Jazrodian said:
Was talking to per and he said that his girlfriend had family in Christchurch and that they were hiring a car to "see a bit of the country". So if anyone sees a Prius on the wrong side of the road full of bogans that might be them...


Yeah i asked Mike if he was going to hang around in NZ for a bit and he said he wasnt, but the other guys were. So maybe someone may spot Peter..... jet skiing, and Mendez.. i dont know, smokin a joint in queenstown
Man the Auckland gig was fucking amazing, sound wasn't amazing but can't have it all.
The setlist was also pretty damn good, although a track from Morningrise would have been muchly appreciated. And I had some random girl rubbing herself against me (and my cock) during the Amen Corner...probably one of the greatest single moments of my life thus far. Ah, that place stunk of weed the whole night, had a nice little smoke during the Closure ditty.
Lol, afterwards i got dragged to this trendy bar fucking stinking of manpong in our metal getups, never got so many looks from hot ladies in my life...albeit for the wrong reasons.

Oh yea, anyone called Zane from Palm North post on here?