Thanks Mr. V


Nov 30, 2003
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Hello, i just wanted to let Mr V know that you're one of my favourite musicians and your music is a great inspiration. Your music has helped me out through a lot of rough times before, and now that im going through a rough patch again, your music is here for me once more. Thanks and best of luck
dude 1: "hey man, that place says it has real southern barbecue, wanna get some?"
dude 2: "well, that depends on what they mean by 'real', what they mean by 'southern' and what they mean by 'barbecue'"
-two random dudes in Chicago
I have to concur! Having gotten the promo of the new album, I have to say you're music has rejuvinated my spirit. I hadn't felt so alive and happy about my life for some time until I heard this album. The first thing I thought when I heard the first song was "this man is a blessing to the planet and the human race!"

Thanks so much, please keep doing this, you're music and lyrics and ideas do something to me that nothing else does!
I have to concur! Having gotten the promo of the new album, I have to say you're music has rejuvinated my spirit. I hadn't felt so alive and happy about my life for some time until I heard this album. The first thing I thought when I heard the first song was "this man is a blessing to the planet and the human race!"

Thanks so much, please keep doing this, you're music and lyrics and ideas do something to me that nothing else does!

That's a great compliment..thanks. So...looking forward to the Waterclime album?..hehehe..Title: Imaginative (so it's official)

mr V
yeah i can't wait for the new Waterclime album!!
will Imaginative have a similar 'inspired by 70s prog rock' style?
and will Magnus Lindgren (or anyone else) do guest vocals? Lazare, maybe? if i'm not mistaken he's not on Solens Rotter, right?

ontopic: i totally agree with Jaen and karps. Mr V, your music is one of the very few good things left on this world.
can't wait for the new waterclime...
I completely agree with karpsmom...Solens Rötter is THE ALBUM to get a person out of depression...

*humming döpt i en jökelsjö*
You know that excited feeling in your heart you get when you hear music thats truely special? I haven't gotten it to the same extent since I discovered Vintersorg so I'm hoping the new album gives me the same feeling. Thanks for putting out quality music and doing it all the time so there's always something new to check out ;).

Lucky you Vampyrian I need a few of those! :D
Lucky me indeed :D It's the least I could do. And just by looking at that picture, I'm amazed how much talent and passion for music this man has.. 14 albums (+ the MCD) in the last 9 years... with a new Vintersorg & Waterclime (and hopefully) Fission still soon to come. Your music has strangely been one of the first ''non-traditional'' metal bands that I've heard back when I was only beginning to get to know the enormous beast that is Metal and ever since then I've listened to A WHOLE LOT of bands, from just about every specter of the metal scene and yet... Vintersorg has stayed with me since my beginning. Kind of strange (at least to me), since I remember times when all I could listen to was thrash, or times when Power metal was my king or Death metal or black metal,... but still Vintersorg was always present.. Well it seems I’ve already started to ramble, my point is that despite the fact that my taste was evolving thru those years and I stopped listening and started listening to a shitload of different bands, Vintersorg's music was the best for me then and still is to this day. I haven’t been disappointed yet and I don’t believe I ever will be. Like ‘The Minds Eye’ said, your music is truly special and the feelings one gets while listening to it are immense to say the least. For me the crown of it all is the ‘Cosmic Genesis’, listening to that album almost makes me want to cry (sincerely), it’s so fucking powerful (for me)… Well I’m lying it’s like that with just about all the Vintersorg albums and with all your projects pushing me to the same emotional extents. The feelings are basically indescribable… Anyway, I obviously suck when it comes to pouring out my admiration and respect but… I hope it’s clear, we love you mr. V (in a non-gay way…not that there’s anything wrong with that.) and thank you. You’d better keep on doing what you do best… as much as humanly possible!
kewl, yeah comic genesis was there for me when i went thru some stuff. and then visions totally made my drive across the states that much better. the first two albums was great fishing music. focusing blur is always good in the winter and can't wait to hear the new one

Your music has strangely been one of the first ''non-traditional'' metal bands that I've heard back when I was only beginning to get to know the enormous beast that is Metal and ever since then I've listened to A WHOLE LOT of bands, from just about every specter of the metal scene and yet... Vintersorg has stayed with me since my beginning. Kind of strange (at least to me), since I remember times when all I could listen to was thrash, or times when Power metal was my king or Death metal or black metal,... but still Vintersorg was always present.. Well it seems I’ve already started to ramble, my point is that despite the fact that my taste was evolving thru those years and I stopped listening and started listening to a shitload of different bands, The feelings are basically indescribable… Anyway, I obviously suck when it comes to pouring out my admiration and respect but… I hope it’s clear, we love you mr. V (in a non-gay way…not that there’s anything wrong with that.) and thank you. You’d better keep on doing what you do best… as much as humanly possible!

Wow same for me, I was still totally in love with Metallica when I first checked out Vintersorg and now I've really moved on and as my taste continues to change Vintersorg remains constant.(Don't really listen to any classic heavy metal anymore as I find it boring but when I was first getting into Metal I loved Metalllica, Pantera etc). From Metallica the liking for music started and then when I heard Vintersorg I got really excited about music and developed that liking into a passion which in turn made me decide to study communications and start studying media so I can be a music journalist. Music is basicially my life now and I can't imagine being without it (not just metal either, I like everything). Vintersorg is definately where that passion started and my life changed. Also I've gotten my friend into Mr V now so there's two fans in New Zealand I know of and I've seen a few copies of the focusing blur in album shops so I hope the fan base is growing!

Another thing I wish I had a copy of Mr V's original album "pagan hearted" (I'm not going to attempt to spell Herjknfidsnfiuhdsfijdsfi haha!), same goes for the Havayoth album which I haven't gotten around to ordering (poor student, costs alot of money in nz :( ).
Hednisk Hjärtad but connected

those damn swedes connect all their words like dödstandställning which means braces of death
Hednisk Hjärtad but connected

those damn swedes connect all their words like dödstandställning which means braces of death

We already had that discussion. Someone posted a reeeaaally long word, that was awesome :D

The Minds Eye: You speak it kinda like Hadd-nisk-yair-tudd, but do not speak the "r" in "yair". ^^

ok, b2t: There is only a little amount of music that touches my heart as intensively as Vintersorg's does. I'm not one of those who always complain about the "new" style of V's music. It's just so exciting to watch how his music evolves and he himself evolve through the times. The lyrics and the music built around them show us what is important in his life. It's like looking in to someone else's heart and to share similarities with each other is what connects people.
We already had that discussion. Someone posted a reeeaaally long word, that was awesome :D

ok, b2t: There is only a little amount of music that touches my heart as intensively as Vintersorg's does. I'm not one of those who always complain about the "new" style of V's music. It's just so exciting to watch how his music evolves and he himself evolve through the times. The lyrics and the music built around them show us what is important in his life. It's like looking in to someone else's heart and to share similarities with each other is what connects people.

you, germans are also known for your impossibly long words and so are the dutch...I guess it's a germanic languages thing

and I feel the same way the whole evolving of an artist thing...couldn't have put it better myself...and yeah Mr.V's music is very touching, that's why I love it so much...I love the new vintersorg style(CG and after) because it's more melodic and touching(with the exception of focusing blur which I didn't like as much as the other albums)
Solens Rötter is without a doubt the most touching Vintersorg album so far...I'm so touched, I'm practically sexually molested(but in a good way)
you, germans are also known for your impossibly long words and so are the dutch...I guess it's a germanic languages thing

Yeah, that's right :D "Donaudampfschifffahrtskapitän" (steam boat captain on the river Danube) for example ^^

It's just a thing of cultural influences. Germany, the Netherlands and Scandinavia affected each other culturally. The Hansa for example let a lot of Low (=North) German words flow into the Swedish language. Dutch was a Low German dialect until the middle ages anyway.
The mutual interchange made the writing become what it's now like.
One the other side the English orthography was merely influenced by the French.