You Americans shouldn't be too worried about losing in the Olympics. You have the best goalie in the world right now, and a steady core of young players to do the rest. I wouldn't be surprised if you make it all the way to the finals, though it's tough now. Sweden, Russia, Canada and the US are all pretty closely matched now.
Þorgrímur;8886519 said:
You Americans shouldn't be too worried about losing in the Olympics. You have the best goalie in the world right now, and a steady core of young players to do the rest. I wouldn't be surprised if you make it all the way to the finals, though it's tough now. Sweden, Russia, Canada and the US are all pretty closely matched now.

I don't see the US on par with some of the teams that you mentioned.

Of course you mean R. Miller who has been astounding this year. The US also has my B's Tim Thomas, but he has been very average this year. Miller is the man right now and better get the starts...great goal-tending along with the young upstarts just may be able to do something as you say?
Who else would you say is the best sports announcers?

now...I enjoy

A. Michaels
J. Nance
M. Tirico
C. Fowler
D. Stockton (more when he was a bit younger)
J. Mackenroe
M. Emerick
P. Alliss
D. Feherty (my fav..he's a f-in roar)
J. Miller (baseballs not golfs)

back @ Olympics. This sucks...US skiing star Lindsey (very attractive) Vonn may be out of the olympics due to an injury?
Overall, Im pretty stoked for the Olympics. Obviously there are COUNTLESS downsides for the locals and regional people funding this.... Parking is now until 10 at night, and a regular price is like 4 + for an hour. Thats just one example, but whataver I fucking hate driving in Vancouver anyways

Also, Its uncommonly warm here right now. Last year we had over a foot of snow in Vancouver, and like 1 and a half here in Kelowna. This year we have none in both places and it was 9C yesterday during the day.ehhhhh whatever
Overall, Im pretty stoked for the Olympics. Obviously there are COUNTLESS downsides for the locals and regional people funding this.... Parking is now until 10 at night, and a regular price is like 4 + for an hour. Thats just one example, but whataver I fucking hate driving in Vancouver anyways

Also, Its uncommonly warm here right now. Last year we had over a foot of snow in Vancouver, and like 1 and a half here in Kelowna. This year we have none in both places and it was 9C yesterday during the day.ehhhhh whatever

Woah, so this shit is right in your Vancouver seems like such an awesome I would love to visit someday.
Woah, a guy just died training for the luger races, he was thrown off the track and into a steel beam like a crash dummy.

Yikes, just heard about the death of...that fuuuuucking sucks.

Just taking in the opening cerominies now. That downhill snowboarding dude on the hill..then showing him entering the arena was damn good stuff!
Yeah it is an awesome city, I love it.

Soooooo what did ya'll think of the Opening Ceremonies? Some parts were cool, some were retarded I thought. Some of the scenes/acts/whatchyecallit were really awesome
The opening ceremony was kinda epic, but I couldn't help but think of four huge hard dicks slowly rising from the ground after the indians came in. Also, what the hell are countries like Ghana and Jamaica doing at a winter olympics? I know it's in the spirit of sportmansship and "everyone gets to come along", but what the fuck.
The opening ceremony was kinda epic, but I couldn't help but think of four huge hard dicks slowly rising from the ground after the indians came in. Also, what the hell are countries like Ghana and Jamaica doing at a winter olympics? I know it's in the spirit of sportmansship and "everyone gets to come along", but what the fuck.
I think you answered your own question. Haven't you seen Cool Runnings?
Soooooo what did ya'll think of the Opening Ceremonies? Some parts were cool, some were retarded I thought. Some of the scenes/acts/whatchyecallit were really awesome

I first turned it one while they had the whales projected down. I was seriously confused for a couple of seconds. The projection in general was generally fucking amazing from what I saw.