The Abnormal Psychology Thread

I'll lock doors and I'll walk like 50 feet and I'll have to go back and check if I locked them. That's more OCD than anything.

I do that in the one-person bathroom by my office all the time. But yeah, in general I'll walk back to my car to check if it's locked, and worry all day if I've left the oven/broiler on when I leave the house for an extended period of time.

I'm somewhat OCD over travel logistics, such that I trust NOBODY other than myself when planning to travel places in groups. While I don't insist on it, I highly prefer being the driver, with my own car. I drove the entire time to MDF last year, for instance.
I do that in the one-person bathroom by my office all the time. But yeah, in general I'll walk back to my car to check if it's locked, and worry all day if I've left the oven/broiler on when I leave the house for an extended period of time.

I'm somewhat OCD over travel logistics, such that I trust NOBODY other than myself when planning to travel places in groups. While I don't insist on it, I highly prefer being the driver, with my own car. I drove the entire time to MDF last year, for instance.

I'm the same with traveling. Things don't get done unless I organize shit. I also like to drive most of the way because it gives me something to do on a trip, and I'm good at it (and I like it), but I'll let someone else drive to MDF. That's too fucking long.
I don't like staying long in places I couldn't take a nap if I wanted to. Not that I'm a sleepy person so much as that feels like the measurement for having a level of comfort in the location I'm at. I'd rather be at someone's house with many people I don't know so well than with a bunch of my friends at a restaurant. I think there's a level of control or decorum with the whole public vs private setting. I'm not sure what it is there.

I'm either full bore attracted to a women (like 5% or probably much less) or not at all.

I drive like a maniac to race home to do nothing in particular.

Also I hate being in multi-sided discussions/arguments. One on one I tend to prevail or at least get a civil discussion but in groups I always get turned on by the pack whether I'm right or wrong. Mostly over semantical shit. I've mostly stopped talking unless my input is asked.
Making eye contact with people is extremely uncomfortable and I prefer never to do it. I have to remind myself to and try rather hard to maintain what I think are normal levels of eye contact in conversations.
I wear sunglasses when I'm outdoors pretty regularly so I can make eye contact with anyone I want without feeling weird about it.
The point of this thread is to post stuff that makes you autistic as fuck. Basically, anything that SS and HB post deserves a spot in this thread.

I think the only thing I'm super autistic about is book spines. I, like, cannot fucking stand it when people open a book all the way and break the fucking spine right in the middle of the fucking book. I try to keep my books in good shape, so I never even open them enough to break the spine. It's kinda pathetic as fuck, but god damn I'd rather just barely open a book then have to deal with a fucking broken spine right in the cunting middle of it.


Some spines are meant to be broken, i.e., shit published books. I break the shit out of shit publisher book spines.


I wear sunglasses when I'm outdoors pretty regularly so I can make eye contact with anyone I want without feeling weird about it.

Don't you wear transition lenses?

Making eye contact with people is extremely uncomfortable and I prefer never to do it. I have to remind myself to and try rather hard to maintain what I think are normal levels of eye contact in conversations.

I don't have this problem normally, but I do at school. I attend a school that's like 99% black. There are a few white kids that go there (think like 0.1% of the population), but I explicitly avoid making eye contact with them and it seems they do the same. It's very odd. I guess I avoid it because I don't want to make friends with them just on the basis that we attend a black school, as white people, together. I can't really describe it. At the same time, I sometimes avoid eye contact with black students because I'm the token white guy and I feel odd about it. The school does have a fairly large Saudi and Brazilian population and I've noticed I don't avoid eye contact with them. It's odd.
People at my work using the bathroom.

People who put soap on their hands first, then turn on the water, then proceed to wash hands.

The correct way is to, wet the hands with water, then apply soap, that way you create a lather that kills all the germs on your hands.

People who grab a shit ton of paper to dry their hands. At my work I can successfully dry my hands from super wet, to dry with 3 paper wipes, little to no effort. I see people who will grab about 10 wipes, then barely wipe their hands, and again grab about 7-8 more just for the road or whatever they need it for. Something about that pisses me off, so wasteful. I have more but I don't want to sound like an asshole.
I honestly can't think of one. My house and car are really sloppy. If we're calling OCD a disorder, are we implying that sloppiness/apathy is normal?
No that would be laziness for not cleaning it up. OCD would more likely make you feel that you constantly need to clean your house/car.
The most awkward thing about eye contact is trying not to make people that find it awkward feel uncomfortable.

Unless you want them to feel uncomfortable.
i talk to myself a lot and say random stupid things for no reason, like "i want to blow my load in a butthole right now" or "i wish a bitch would shit on my face" and then do a metal growl

sometimes people hear me at malls or walking down a street and look at me funny
I don't have this problem normally, but I do at school. I attend a school that's like 99% black. There are a few white kids that go there (think like 0.1% of the population), but I explicitly avoid making eye contact with them and it seems they do the same. It's very odd. I guess I avoid it because I don't want to make friends with them just on the basis that we attend a black school, as white people, together. I can't really describe it. At the same time, I sometimes avoid eye contact with black students because I'm the token white guy and I feel odd about it. The school does have a fairly large Saudi and Brazilian population and I've noticed I don't avoid eye contact with them. It's odd.

I can relate to this because when I lived in China it would sometimes be a bit awkward whenever I saw another westerner. It just feel really weird to me to say hello to someone you pass in the street just because they look a bit like you, but at the same time uncomfortable not saying anything. I think other westerners found it weird too, because a lot of them just stared straight ahead and pretended they didn't notice me at all (which I was secretly glad of).