the "accomplishments" of president bush...

kiyardo said:
Where is the list on Klinton? Most of those are distortions and several are blatant lies.

Start naming them.

The Patriot Act is scary, but having Al Gore in office when 9/11 happened would have been more scary if he continued Klinton's horrible foreign policy.

Oh Jesus, enough of the "Blame Clinton" game. He's out of office. You can't blame him for every misfortune since the fall of Rome any more. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.
thebigyetti said:
you do realize that the president is elected by the electoral college and not the popular vote right?
The electoral college is an antiquated institution that is no longer representative of the demographic of the American people. It was basically put in place so the "commoner" couldn't fuck up and vote in "the wrong candidate." (Oops, am I insinuating that our democratic process has been flawed from the get-go??) The problem we have, now, is that states that originally had the vast majority of the population upon a time are now not necessarily that way. Face it, if you win Minnesota, California and New York, it's hard to beat you in the Electoral College. You can win the entire MidWest and as long as you get RI, VT, MA, NY and PA, you cancel that out.

The bottom line is that if the past election had occurred in ANY other country, we would have sent in the military and told them to rehold elections with our armed forces posted at every voting booth to make sure they "did it right."

And screw the electoral college -- the American people spoke and the government saw fit to ignore them completely.
Pyrus said:
Start naming them.

Oh Jesus, enough of the "Blame Clinton" game. He's out of office. You can't blame him for every misfortune since the fall of Rome any more. GET THE FUCK OVER IT.

Let's start with the "Gates of Klinton"

Whitewatergate - Never convicted but nonetheless shady business dealings involving a failed land deal

Fostergate - The suspicious death of Vince Foster in 1993. This guy was found in Marcy Park laying straight as if he'd been placed there. Hitlary Klinton didn't allow investigators in his office until after she went through it. The list of names of those associated with the Klintons that have dies is above 50. Do some research on Ron Brown, and the unknown intern who was gunned down in a Washington DC coffee shop.

Monicagate - Not about sex as most liberals claim, it was about Obstruction of Justice and Perjury. Charges that any president with a consious would resign over (See Nixon 1974). Klinton the sociopath was impeached but not convicted by the partison Senate of 1999.

Filegate - The missing 950 FBI files on republicans and other officials who were not FOB' (Frineds of Bill)

The gates go on, but I don't have time to go into them all, I didn't cut-n-paste some email prolly authored by the "documentary" con artist Micheal Moore.

The War On Terror:
Bin Laden striked in Feb. 1993 with the first bombing of the WTC. Klinton did nothing substancial about it. The first bombing should have been the first day on the War on Terror.

The 1998 bombings of two embassies in Kenya and Tanzania which killed hundreds of people was yet another act of war brought on us. Yet, Klinton did nothing but lob a couple of cruise missiles and JDAMs at an aspirin factory and a "suspected" training camp in Afghanistan.

October 2000 bombing ofd the USS Cole. Another act of terror killing 17 service men and women. Clinton did nothing!!!!!!

9/11/01 - It all accumilates to this day. Bush, representing America fights back by declaring war on terror (which includes Iraq and Saddam Hussein) A 747 found outside of Baghdad was found and highly suspected of being used to train terrorists on how to hijack planes. Documents, yet to be revealed will show evidence of WMD in Iraq and possibly Syria. Look for these sometime this month.

How easy it is for you to blame Bush for everything that's happening now and yet you forget Clinton.
when will people stop this lame ass clinton vs. bush fight... face it, both are dirty motherfuckers. and kiyardo if clinton should have resigned because of lying about something like having sex, than I guess bush should blow his own brains out for starting a war about weapons that they wont ever find.

neal that list is great
Kon16ov said:
The electoral college is an antiquated institution that is no longer representative of the demographic of the American people. It was basically put in place so the "commoner" couldn't fuck up and vote in "the wrong candidate." (Oops, am I insinuating that our democratic process has been flawed from the get-go??) The problem we have, now, is that states that originally had the vast majority of the population upon a time are now not necessarily that way. Face it, if you win Minnesota, California and New York, it's hard to beat you in the Electoral College. You can win the entire MidWest and as long as you get RI, VT, MA, NY and PA, you cancel that out.

The bottom line is that if the past election had occurred in ANY other country, we would have sent in the military and told them to rehold elections with our armed forces posted at every voting booth to make sure they "did it right."

And screw the electoral college -- the American people spoke and the government saw fit to ignore them completely.

i definitely agree with you there. i dont agree with the majority of our government's processes. but unfortunately they're probably still gonna be there awhile. and the only presidental candidates that can win are from 2 parties that have no real clue how to run a country like the USA.
thebigyetti said:
i definitely agree with you there. i dont agree with the majority of our government's processes. but unfortunately they're probably still gonna be there awhile. and the only presidental candidates that can win are from 2 parties that have no real clue how to run a country like the USA.
Yeah, I think the saddest commentary came from one of my poli sci profs when he said, "Odds are good, if you WANT to be president, you're not qualified, and no one who IS qualified would want to do it."

LSDphilosophy said:
when will people stop this lame ass clinton vs. bush fight... face it, both are dirty motherfuckers. and kiyardo if clinton should have resigned because of lying about something like having sex, than I guess bush should blow his own brains out for starting a war about weapons that they wont ever find.

neal that list is great

The war in Iraq was not about the weapons of mass destruction in and of themselves. Bush never even pretended that it was about that. It was about Saddam Hussein being forthright with the international community about whether or not he had them still or if he didn't have them, the proof that he'd gotten rid of them. The issue was about what action to take. The impotent UN didn't want to do anything (Germany, Russia, and France). The US and Britain FINALLY took action after 12 years and 17 UN resolutions. We should have done this a LONG time ago. It was long overdue, and Bush knew it. So, he did the right thing.

Bush has been a pretty good president so far. The only problems I have with him are:

1. The Patriot Act. No one has convinced me yet that it's not unconstitutional. I believe it infringes on our civil liberties and constitutional rights.

2. the government has grown larger under Bush than under any other president. Part of that is due to the creation of Homeland Security. But still. bush has not even suggested cutting the massive waste and pork that plagues the federal government.

3. Education. Bush partnered with Ted Kennedy (A near socialist) on the education bill. Now the Feds are hemoraging more money in the education system that hasn't educated a soul. We need to abolish the NEA as Reagan proposed in the 80s.

4. The defecit. Unlike most conservatives, I think it's important to balance the budget. The way to do this is to cut spending on worthless, extraconstitutional programs.

5. 15 Billion dollars for AIDS in Africa. There is no justification for the president to even suggest using taxpayer dollars for AIDs in Africa. This is a small example of what the US does in other countries, most of which we don't know about.

So, I'm not all pro-Bush, but compared to our last president, the choice is clear which one has brought honor and dignity to the office.
kiyardo said:
The war in Iraq was not about the weapons of mass destruction in and of themselves. Bush never even pretended that it was about that. It was about Saddam Hussein being forthright with the international community about whether or not he had them still or if he didn't have them, the proof that he'd gotten rid of them. The issue was about what action to take. The impotent UN didn't want to do anything (Germany, Russia, and France). The US and Britain FINALLY took action after 12 years and 17 UN resolutions. We should have done this a LONG time ago. It was long overdue, and Bush knew it. So, he did the right thing.

Bush has been a pretty good president so far. The only problems I have with him are:

1. The Patriot Act. No one has convinced me yet that it's not unconstitutional. I believe it infringes on our civil liberties and constitutional rights.

2. the government has grown larger under Bush than under any other president. Part of that is due to the creation of Homeland Security. But still. bush has not even suggested cutting the massive waste and pork that plagues the federal government.

3. Education. Bush partnered with Ted Kennedy (A near socialist) on the education bill. Now the Feds are hemoraging more money in the education system that hasn't educated a soul. We need to abolish the NEA as Reagan proposed in the 80s.

4. The defecit. Unlike most conservatives, I think it's important to balance the budget. The way to do this is to cut spending on worthless, extraconstitutional programs.

5. 15 Billion dollars for AIDS in Africa. There is no justification for the president to even suggest using taxpayer dollars for AIDs in Africa. This is a small example of what the US does in other countries, most of which we don't know about.

So, I'm not all pro-Bush, but compared to our last president, the choice is clear which one has brought honor and dignity to the office.

I am in full agreement with you kiyardo. It's great to see something else then the standard leftist argument on this board.

You sound like a libertarian, I am wrong?
kiyardo said:
The war in Iraq was not about the weapons of mass destruction in and of themselves. Bush never even pretended that it was about that.
thats total bullshit. WMD and the 'imminent threat to our national safety' because of saddam's WMD was their whole justification to the american people. every fuckin speach up until the war started was about WMD this and WMD that. once they didnt find jack shit is when they stopped talking about them.
California, New York, and Florida are the three big ones in the electoral college, and even winning all three isn't enough to win the electoral college. You'd still need several more states on your side. Dunno why Minnesota was even brought up. The electoral college was designed to give the smaller states more of a say than they would have in a straight-up popular vote system, and it works as intended. The only reason people even question it is because Gore lost. If the roles were reversed, the media would've praised the merits of the electoral college.

Some of you might like to go take a government class and learn a few things before spouting off your Hillary Clinton wannabe rhetoric.

I'm not gonna argue about the Bush stuff, though, because I think he is a terrible president, too. We haven't had a good president in ages.
how come every view left of center is always "liberal rhetoric" or "leftist propaganda"? its fucking bullshit. i fucking hate politics. everyone acts like they know everything thats going on behind the scenes but no one knows DICK. all we know is what we see, and all we see is a fucking liar and criminal in office, who is simultaniously alienating most of his country as well as the rest of the world. all politicians are liars and crooks, but this motherucker is screwing shit up worse than usual.
neal said:
thats total bullshit. WMD and the 'imminent threat to our national safety' because of saddam's WMD was their whole justification to the american people. every fuckin speach up until the war started was about WMD this and WMD that. once they didnt find jack shit is when they stopped talking about them.
The war's entire premise was based on this, in speaches, but how many other factors are there that BUSH wasn't forthright about? I mean how much of it had to do with the assasination attempt on Sr.? How much had to do with Al Queda funding? How much had to do with just being tired of Hussein's sorry-ass dictatorship? I mean, none of these are justifications for war, whereas WMD was something of a "real" threat.
Of course, then again, being unable to find them the conventional ways, it was then necessary to go in and find 'em. Since this wouldn't happen without a fight, it was necessary to completely circumvent the checks and balances and declare war in order to go in and look for things that may or may not be there.
Might be a good way to get my kid to clean his room....
neal said:
how come every view left of center is always "liberal rhetoric" or "leftist propaganda"? its fucking bullshit. i fucking hate politics. everyone acts like they know everything thats going on behind the scenes but no one knows DICK. all we know is what we see, and all we see is a fucking liar and criminal in office, who is simultaniously alienating most of his country as well as the rest of the world. all politicians are liars and crooks, but this motherucker is screwing shit up worse than usual.

Same reason everything to the right is conservative greed and right-wing extremism. My comment about rhetoric was entirely based on the idea that the electoral college should be removed in favor of a popular vote election, which is something Hillary Clinton wanted after her beloved Al Gore lost the election. And now it's being mindlessly promoted as some genius idea, when in reality the current system works as it was intended to work.

I've pretty much decided that nothing is gonna be fixed until we have another revolution anyway, but I'm certainly not gonna lead one :)