First Kiyardo, let me say thank you for providing an intelligent discussion. I was a little rash with the barbarian comment, I ask for your forgiveness.
I see you are very much a true Goldwater conservative- or at least wish to be- yet I think it is clear you need to study things a bit more- as one cannot believe the garbage of either republicans or democrats.
You did stretch my school district argument a bit and it is my fault I didnt clarify it, yes local school districts need more accountability- but I dont see how this can occur without some sort of federal mandate. One could argue state mandates etc. would work just as well, but, one forgets how many states have chosen to let their public school systems rot- states like ALabama( in which a 1.4 billion dollar republican sponsered bill for education failed miserably tuesday).
You seem to have same republican shortsidedness to devolve authority to the states and local gov.s. Yet the big problem with this republican idea, is that the States have not received any extra funding from the fed gov, to pay for all these formerly Federal sponsered programs. Moreover,every state but Vermont is bankrupt, and running a deficit right now. Also without much fed. money for education- college bills are increasing 15- 20 % every year now- as the states can no longer support their own universities, and pay for all the new security, and social programs the genius republicans have saddled them with. I know as, I have seen my college and grad school bills skyrocket- leaving me in alot of debt. One must also mention the same problem is happening with healthcare- states are having a very hard time meeting the incresed medical costs- yeterday the fed. gov said it was a 14% increase for healthcare last year.
Another problem, is the fact that state tax bases are crumbling. Manufacturing jobs are dissappearing at a startling rate since bush got into office- almost 4 million are gone since he astarted( average 54,000 a year jobs). High Tech jobs are now starting to go to China, India,, and Russia- even silicon valley is hurting these days. States also have to give startling tax breaks to any large corporation to keep them in their state.
Finally, as for art, the few artists you have mentioned are hardly great artists. I wouldnt say we have had a great American painter- maybe abstract painters such as Warhol. We have had a few decent composers, Copland, Bernstein- im forgetting one- and all these composers make money off of Art funds, and symphony endowments which are partially supported by the gov to stay afloat. I fail to see why a few hundred million dollars to art, is a big deal? Even if it is contrary to the constitution, so is bribing companies with tax refunds to stay in America- and I mean if you look at history, we have been running this country ( and bush is a huge offender here) contrary to the given constituitional powers since really Thomas Jefferson- Chief Justice John Marshall very early gave the judicial and legislative bodies broad powers to do what they want even if it wasnt covered in the COnstitution. I cant remember the case( ill look it up I was unfortunately a Law student for a year).
I look forward to your reply.