The album cover

What do you think of the cover

  • It is awesome

    Votes: 39 76.5%
  • It looks like crap

    Votes: 12 23.5%

  • Total voters


Aug 16, 2003
Malmö, Sweden
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What do you guys and gals think ??
Sorry to said this but is horrible I was expecting a better artwork, I don´t know the colours could be better. But the music is what I care not the cover.
Is that a book in the middle of the cover? The cover could be worse, but it isn't that bad. I was expecting something a little more to do with nature visually. Atleast it isn't the last Iron Maiden cover. :yuk:
not a bad image, i'd like to see a bigger version though. who made this? asgeir?
it does look pretty nice, though maybe change the "EPIC" text a bit as it is hard to read (matches too much with the background colors)
Personally, I don't like it. It's just not up to the same standards as "Empiricism" and "Quintessence". Perhaps more to the point, I was expecting some sense of grandeur to go with the "Epic" name, but it seems completely lacking the that regard. Sorry Asgeir...
I don't like it because its hard to see "epic" and it doesn't LOOK epic at all.

Also that weird black vine looking things are covering up part of the borknagar logo.

it looks like the empericism cover but worse.

Sorry asgeir, this is constructive criticism i'm not trying to put you down.

Its not too late to change it :)
Umm... the first thing to come to mind is that it is quite chaotic looking. Not my personal favorite colours and you can barely see 'Epic' but hey, I only want to hear the music. I wouldn't care if it was a huge picture of Fred Durst. I'd still buy it. Although...I have bought some albums based on coverart (i.e. Opeth--Morningrise) because I expected the music to create the same feeling as the art work induces and, hey, that album did.
well it's good looking. don't mind it one bit. follows what the band is doing and as along as the songs are equally as good i could careless. looks better each time i view it. can't wait to hear it.:headbang:
I guess it would be better to see the whole layout of the CD, not just the cover to get the full impression. But... I expected something else for the new Borknadettes cover. It is not bad but not that strikingly good either. Maybe will be much more impressive when I will hold the digipak edition in my hands...
I liked it very much! It looks like something chaotic and strange, but at the same time invitating and... EPIC! Heheh! As I think that the lyrics will have something of metaphysical ( :headbang: :headbang: ), the cover passes this very feeling (at least to me)! The only complaint is that vine covering the logo...

But I'll wait to see the whole thing, listening to the album like a crazy muthafucka! Give us some samples PLEASE! :D
My opinion is that the "EPIC" is written with wrong font. When I hear "epic" I think of old things (battles etc.), and if the font is some sort of a gothic font it'll be more adequate. It'll also look better with that book. You see the worn out, yellowish pages, and then you see a nice Epic written wit some readable gothic font. And the font must be a bit simplier, cause with that particles it'll get a bit mized up. Also, it may be better to make it larger. With all this white lines, and the black thing, the name of the title just needs to breathe. I was wondering if you make it casting a shadow, wouldn't it be better? Or more clear, at least... But if the epic-logo casts shadow, and the borknagar-logo is in the background (the black thing over it), it would contrast a bit...
Otherwise the cover looks great. I personally prefer the black thing to stay over the logo. A lot of bands just take a picture and put their logo. But in this case the logo reacts with the cover, it seems a bit more natural.

That's just my opinion...