fixing animals

let's face it people aren't going to stop fucking and most are too stupid to use birth control and overpopulation is the cause of many if not most of the serious problems facing our world... if we could implement spaying and neutering on a worldwide scale then we could stop overpopulation and hence stop or slow down other problems (such as global warming). granted this idea is a major violation of human rights but it may just be the lesser of two evils

nope it the worse of two evils. I know I'd rather die than be castrated.

Also, no group of people have or should have the power to do that to meaningful numbers of the worlds population.

And anyway, some guys fire blanks don't they? Wouldn't you just make it so they did that rather than taking away their sex drive.

The fact that people will commit suicide if they feel there life is not worth living or they are ashamed etc means that destroying peoples lives so that they can 'live' is a bit retarded. People want more than existance.
well, since we're on the subject, i'm voting obama. the guy seems to have no problem "faking it" and riding the wave of phony sexual propoganda. i think he's the most real and sure of himself out of all the candidates. mrs. hilary and mccain seem to obliviously revel in it.

i watched an interview with obama where he was confronted about his past drug use. he just smiled, and gave the typical response, almost completely detatched from its significance. thank god for tv!!!!

*edit* @ rintrah, i think you're funny.
I don't think anyone with the requisite intelligence to be a politician would ever become one.

Congratulations sir, you said what I was going to say except one thousand times better :notworthy

Anyway my cats are spayed. Whoever said earlier in the thread that it diminishes their aggression was severely wrong
Congratulations sir, you said what I was going to say except one thousand times better :notworthy

Anyway my cats are spayed. Whoever said earlier in the thread that it diminishes their aggression was severely wrong
Statistically speaking, it does reduce aggression. Citing a few anomalies isn't going to win the debate for you, it will only demonstrate to everyone in this thread that you have no idea how statistics work.
i'm agreeing with the mandatory testing thing, but, i wanted it to be a "parenting licsence" type test, (they have "breeders licsences" for people that want to breed dogs, so why not a breeders licsence for breeding people?) i would endorse a "parenting licsence" type thing as being neccassary in order to "raise" kids, but those that fail the test should merely be sterilized instead of being killed, or maybe have a system set up where the people that fail the parenting test have their kids placed with relatives or some sort of foster care
Joke. Chill out. The idea of mandatory castration is ridiculous.

Well, we've already got the tests, they just have nothing to do with licenses/ovens. Call me crazy, but I'm nervous enough before a test. Maybe we should fucking educate people. (Radical, right?)
Stay away from my balls.
I bet you get that a lot :Smug:.
I don't think anyone with the requisite intelligence to be a politician would ever become one.
Perhaps "the requisite balls" would be more accurate.

Anyway my cats are spayed. Whoever said earlier in the thread that it diminishes their aggression was severely wrong
This is something I have good first hand experience with. I could write a book but will keep it breif as possible.

Since around '78 through the years I have raised and spent great deals of time with 11 Alaskan Malamutes and 2 Siberian Huskys. In essence I've had two packs. THe first from 78 until 92 and the second from 96 until now at which time three are still alive and very much kickin, ages 10 11 and 12

Im well aware of pack mentality, pack sociol structure and have dealt with two pairs of alfa dogs and alfa bitches. I have broke up many dog fights, been biten in the process, you name it I've seen it.

The first pack no one was fixed, I built a breeding kennel which was actually supposed to be a non breeding kennel because I wanted control of litters. Well nothing can stop them from breeding, slipped collars that were tightened tight enough, 6 foot fences climbed and way to many puppies. By the time the two females were 2 1/2 & 3 years old they had had 3 litters a peice and I had them spayed.... end of problem. The spaying did not alter their personality or zest for life what so ever. Every dog in that pack lived full lives and were laid to rest in my arms and buried by my hands.

The second pack, the current one. Three males neutered, 2 females, one spayed, one whole. I never did breed the one female, I did not feel she was of the right attitude for what I would have wanted pups from so I never pursued a suitable male.

The three neutered males were/are full of life. Lively, gobs of character, ambition and devilish. They still had fights and they still could do the task of "sex". The whole female I mentioned, they managed to "tie" with her several times over the years when I was not on the ball.

The two females, from the time they were 2 & 3 years old I had to keep them seperated. They would start a fight every chance they got and it was not just the whole female. The spayed female is totally full of the dickens and was more than happy to mix it up. She in fact is one wild and crazy, happy girl, still to this day and shes soon to be 13. The other female was just put down about 6 weeks ago just shy of 11 years old due to cancer. She was the alpha bitch. The alfa male (neutered) was put down just under two years ago at the age of just less than 11.... due to cancer.

So as per usual.... peta mentality is full of bologna

Pets should be fixed, leave the breeding to qualified breeders. puppy farms should be shut down and their owners fixed.

As for humans... Ill keep my opinions to myself but they run pretty much in line with how I feel about animals... but then I like 4 leggers far more than 2 leggers....... Ha!