fixing animals

let's face it people aren't going to stop fucking and most are too stupid to use birth control and overpopulation is the cause of many if not most of the serious problems facing our world... if we could implement spaying and neutering on a worldwide scale then we could stop overpopulation and hence stop or slow down other problems (such as global warming). granted this idea is a major violation of human rights but it may just be the lesser of two evils

"too many children? thats like saying there are too many flowers." -mother teresa...taken from what seemed to be an pro-life billboard.:erk:

*edit*"of course i see no way of actually enforcing such a thing as i suggested... pity" -quote thoth-armon

you see, as opposed to overpopulation being a problem, i think the "problem" with modernity is, people are too lazy or afraid to act on what they think should be acted on.
"too many children? thats like saying there are too many flowers." -mother teresa...taken from what seemed to be an pro-life billboard.:erk:

*edit*"of course i see no way of actually enforcing such a thing as i suggested... pity"

you see, as opposed to overpopulation being a problem, i think the "problem" with modernity is, people are too lazy or afraid to act on what they think should be acted on.

flowers don't cause global warming, or deplete natural resources
i read on the discovery channel that one of the few things that separates humans from everyone else, is our ability to communicate complex ideas through language. this has elvolved paralell to our destruction of the universe. if humans were wiped out right now, all the dipshit flowers would just sit around with their thumb up their ass and wait until the sun burns out.
let's face it people aren't going to stop fucking and most are too stupid to use birth control and overpopulation is the cause of many if not most of the serious problems facing our world... if we could implement spaying and neutering on a worldwide scale then we could stop overpopulation and hence stop or slow down other problems (such as global warming). granted this idea is a major violation of human rights but it may just be the lesser of two evils
In most industrialized nations, the birth rate is less than two children per family, which means they're experiencing negative population growth. Over population is more of an issue in lesser developed nations where they're still predominantly culturally conditioned to prefer large families, either for religious or social reasons.

In fact, some attempts to control their population growth have already been attempted, and have failed miserably. In one instance, some humanitarian organization came in and started assigning women birth control pills, telling them that it would improve the quality of their lives. Unfortunately, they didn't sufficiently study the culture first, so when the women stopped getting pregnant, many of their husbands divorced them and married other women who could still get pregnant. After a while, the women made the connection between the birth control pills and the birth control effect and started planting the pills in their gardens instead, because estrogen also makes an excellent plant fertilizer.

Needless to say, the humanitarian organization was extremely upset about it, but I can't say I feel bad for them. They were arrogant enough to intrude in upon another culture and impose their own values on them without considering the effects that it would actually have on their lives, and then they were surprised when the locals objected to those trying to play God.
i read on the discovery channel that one of the few things that separates humans from everyone else, is our ability to communicate complex ideas through language.
Some day after you've passed an English class you might be able to do the same!
Some day after you've passed an English class you might be able to do the same!
JoeVice, would you like some ice with that BURN?

Anyhow. I'm morally opposed to castration. And as a man, it makes me wince. may be necessary. Just as long as they castrate other people who aren't me.
JoeVice, would you like some ice with that BURN?

Anyhow. I'm morally opposed to castration. And as a man, it makes me wince. may be necessary. Just as long as they castrate other people who aren't me.

castration isn't at issue here... all you have to do is 'snip-snip'. you still get to keep your balls
In most industrialized nations, the birth rate is less than two children per family, which means they're experiencing negative population growth. Over population is more of an issue in lesser developed nations where they're still predominantly culturally conditioned to prefer large families, either for religious or social reasons.

In fact, some attempts to control their population growth have already been attempted, and have failed miserably. In one instance, some humanitarian organization came in and started assigning women birth control pills, telling them that it would improve the quality of their lives. Unfortunately, they didn't sufficiently study the culture first, so when the women stopped getting pregnant, many of their husbands divorced them and married other women who could still get pregnant. After a while, the women made the connection between the birth control pills and the birth control effect and started planting the pills in their gardens instead, because estrogen also makes an excellent plant fertilizer.

Needless to say, the humanitarian organization was extremely upset about it, but I can't say I feel bad for them. They were arrogant enough to intrude in upon another culture and impose their own values on them without considering the effects that it would actually have on their lives, and then they were surprised when the locals objected to those trying to play God.

China is not a lesser developed nation.
And its time for the 'locals' to wake up to the bigger world.
I don't understand how neutering unwilling people is somehow morally ok, but killing them isn't. Is the simple act of existing somehow more important than the 'how' of existing? To keep ourselves morally intact could we just place a stack of people into a comatose, low energy use, state?
I don't understand how neutering unwilling people is somehow morally ok, but killing them isn't. Is the simple act of existing somehow more important than the 'how' of existing? To keep ourselves morally intact could we just place a stack of people into a comatose, low energy use, state?

it isn't morally ok... it's just an idea... the lesser of two evils you might say.
either we:
1. kill a shitload of people
2. spay and neuter a shitload of people
3. educate the world about birth control, etc.
4. ignore the overpopulation problem, it will go away

none of these are really realistic or workable... since number 3 doesn't seem to be working i chose as an argument the next best option, number 2
5. ignore the overpopulation problem, it is of no relevance to your immediate life
6. develop technology to cope with the demands of humanity
5. ignore the overpopulation problem, it is of no relevance to your immediate life
6. develop technology to cope with the demands of humanity

1. it may be of no relevance to my immediate life but it will be soon enough
2. i agree but there are only so many resources available to us.

the best option is if everyone were educated and responsible on the matter, but you know how human nature is... :lol: