Dr. uıÊÇÊ
. Altho, I think "Est-tu enfin mort?"
Here's all the songs from albums in french. At least my interpretation.
good though, but actually I think the best one is "Es-tu finalement mort?"
Here I'll correct some mistake you did:
doigter comme une ange de la mort
Not a mistake, but that's freaking funny

Triple Corpse Hammerblow = Triple coup de marteau au corps/Triple corps, coup de marteau
Maybe "Trois cadavres achevés au marteau" would be better.
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood = P'tit capot roulant à sang rouge
Never heard of Lil' Red Ridding Hood? Le Petit Chaperon Rouge?
That would be "Le Petit Chaperon Rouge-sang, something like this.
Living Dead Beat = Battement mort vivant (altho the meaning of beat in there couldn't really be translated)
Living Dead Beat means Living your life like a living dead, so that would be
"Au rythme d'un mort vivant"
And why is it so difficult to translate? Because French is a rich language and there's different meaning for different kind of uses for each words, and there's some expression used in english that are kind of hard to get in French. That's why in EVERY case translation sucks. We should come in life with the knowledge of all languages

We'll contitnue to talk about it and we'll tell you when we will be fixed on something.
EDIT: Oh and the fact that we come from Quebec doesn't change anything. French is French even if some fuckers thinks that "Des chevals" and "Si j'aurais" can be acceptable. Yeah, I'm big French defender