the albums in your mother tongue

not exactly my mother tongue, but I'll go.


Something Wild-Κάτι άγριο


Follow the Reaper-Ακολουθήστε το θεριστή

Hate Crew Deathroll-Ρόλος θανάτου πληρώματος μίσους

Are you dead yet?-Είστε νεκροί ακόμα;

Blooddrunk-Αίμα που πίνεται


to get the right translation, I had to seperate the HCDR and Blooddrunk names.
I just have to... :D

I don't wanna split hairs but it's not uzgojač but uzgajivač => HB = "Uzgajivač Mržnje"

Reaper = kosac => FTR = "Prati Kosca"

As for Deathroll, if we take it like list of who to kill I would translate HCDR as "Popis posade mržnje za ubijanje". ( I've learnt in elementary school that crew is posada)

The rest is fine... :)

it's cool... that's what i said in my post, if there is some Croatian here that can translate better i won't mind... honestly, i just realized this "uzgojač"... FFS :lol:...

as for the crew... i doesn't mean crew as a ship crew, so it can't be "posada"... crew can be like "ekipa"... "Popis ekipe mržnje za ubijanje"... :D
I know, you're right about the Are You Dead Yet? thing, as for the HateCrew Deathroll, I was too lazy to translate HateCrew, because I think by translating it, you lose the sense of it. In English, sounds better I think !

HateBreeder : Enfanteur de haine ! LoL, that's funny !

Yeah, but actually the translation are more for a funny purpose than anything else
in swiss german

SOMETHING WILD - öppis wilds

HATEBREEDER - hassbrüeter

TOKYO WARHEARTS - tokyo chriegsherzä

FOLLOW THE REAPER - folg am sensämaa

BESTBREEDER - beschtbrüeter

HATE CREW DEATHROLL - Hass gruppä totälischtä

ARE YOU DEAD YET? - bisch schoo tot jez?

CHAOS RIDDEN YEARS - vom gnusch grittene jahrä

BLOODDRUNK - bluet bsoffä
something wild- (shai'un mutawahish)

hatebreeder- (nashirul kurh)

tokyo warhearts-(kuloob harb tokio)

follow the reaper- (itabe'e alkatil)

bestbreeder- (afdal nashir)

hatecrew deathroll-(katl jama'atul kurh)

are you dead yet?-(hal anta maitun ala'an?)

chaos ridden years-(sanawat kharabaha al damar)

blooddrunk- (sakran bil dam)

i told u it was stupid....haha:lol:
Im a bit bored so don't nag. Would be interesting to hear all albums in your mother tongue (sorry for your native english).


SOMETHING WILD - etwas wildes

HATEBREEDER - Hasszüchter, Hasserzeuger

TOKYO WARHEARTS - Tokyo Kriegsherzen

FOLLOW THE REAPER - folge dem Sensenmann

BESTBREEDER - Bestzüchter, Bestbrüter, Besterzeuger > makes all no sense

HATE CREW DEATHROLL - Hass Crew Totenliste

ARE YOU DEAD YET? - Bist du schon tot?

CHAOS RIDDEN YEARS - von Chaos gerittene Jahre

BLOODDRUNK - bluttrunken? don't really know...



HATEBREEDER - Haatkweker

TOKYO WARHEARTS - Tokyo Oorlogsharten

FOLLOW THE REAPER - Volg de Magere Hein

BESTBREEDER - Bestekweker

HATE CREW DEATHROLL - Haat Groep Dodenrol

ARE YOU DEAD YET? - Ben je al dood?

CHAOS RIDDEN YEARS - Door chaos bereden jaren

BLOODDRUNK - Bloeddronken


SOMETHING WILD - Niečo divoké

FOLLOW THE REAPER - Nasledovať Reapera

HATE CREW DEATHROLL - Zoznam smrti nenávistnej posádky

ARE YOU DEAD YET? - Už si umrel?

BLOODDRUNK - Opitý krvov


SOMETHING WILD - Jotain Villiä

HATEBREEDER - Vihankylväjä

FOLLOW THE REAPER - Seuraa viikatemiestä

ARE YOU DEAD YET? - Oletko jo kuollut?

BLOODDRUNK - Verihumalassa



HATEBREEDER - Criador De Odio

TOKYO WARHEARTS - Corazones De Guerra De Tokyo/Corazones Guerreros De Tokyo)


HATE CREW DEATHROLL - Giro De La Muerte De La Tribu Del Odio (that's literally, but Jose supose it'd be Himno De La Tribu Del Odio)

ARE YOU DEAD YET? - Estas Muerto Ya?

CHAOS RIDDEN YEARS - Anyos Guiados Por El Caos

BLOODDRUNK - Borracho De Sangre


SOMETHING WILD - Eitthvað Villt

HATEBREEDER - Hatursdreifari..?

FOLLOW THE REAPER - Fylgdu Dauðanum

BESTBREEDER - Bestdreifari

HATE CREW DEATHROLL - Haturs Áhöfn Dauðarúlla

ARE YOU DEAD YET? - Ert þú dauður enn?

CHAOS RIDDEN YEARS - Ringulreið liðinna ára

BLOODDRUNK - Blóðfullur


SOMETHING WILD - Shtota dekoyeah (Что-то дикое )

HATEBREEDER - orojdaiushi nenavist (Разводитель ненависти)

FOLLOW THE REAPER - slediyashei zo pirzorkam smerte (Следуй за жнецом)

HATE CREW DEATHROLL - kolektiv ninovist krug smerti (Команда ненависти списка убитых)

ARE YOU DEAD YET? - ti uje umir? (Ты уже мёртв?)

BLOODDRUNK - P'yaniy krov'yu (Пьяный кровью )


SOMETHING WILD - Něco divokého

HATEBREEDER - Rozsévač hněvu

FOLLOW THE REAPER - Následuj reapera (trhače)

BESTBREEDER - Nejlepší rozsévač

HATE CREW DEATHROLL - Nenáviděná banda na seznamu smrti

ARE YOU DEAD YET? - Už jsi mrtvý?

CHAOS RIDDEN YEARS - Šíleně strávená léta

BLOODDRUNK - Opilý krví



HATEBREEDER - Hatoppdretter

FOLLOW THE REAPER - Følg Mannen med Ljåen

HATE CREW DEATHROLL - Hat Gjeng Dødsrull

ARE YOU DEAD YET? - Er Du Død Enda?



SOMETHING WILD - Qualcosa di selvaggio

HATEBREEDER - Riproduttore d'odio

FOLLOW THE REAPER - Segui il mietitore

HATE CREW DEATHROLL - Lista dei morti della ciurma dell'odio

ARE YOU DEAD YET? - Sei già morto?

BLOODDRUNK - Ubriaco di sangue


SOMETHING WILD - Quelque chose de sauvage

HATEBREEDER - Reproducteur de haine

FOLLOW THE REAPER - Suis La Faucheuse (la Mort)

HATE CREW DEATHROLL - La liste des victimes de la HateCrew

ARE YOU DEAD YET? - Es-tu déjà mort ? OR Es-tu encore mort ?

BLOODDRUNK - Ivre de sang



HATEBREEDER - Uzgojač Mržnje


HATE CREW DEATHROLL - Družba Mržnje "Deathroll"

ARE YOU DEAD YET? - Jesi li već mrtav?

BLOODDRUNK - Pijan Krvlju


SOMETHING WILD - rud eigin fiain

HATEBREEDER - poraionni na fuath

FOLLOW THE REAPER - leanaim an buanai

HATE CREW DEATHROLL - fuath foireann bas rolla

ARE YOU DEAD YET? - an bhfuil tu bas?

BLOODDRUNK - meisce le fuil


SOMETHING WILD - משהו פרוע (Mashehu parua)

HATEBREEDER - מגדל השנאה (Megadel hasin'a)

FOLLOW THE REAPER - תעקוב אחרי המוות (Taakov acharey hamavet)

HATE CREW DEATHROLL - צוות השנאה של רשימת המתים (Tsevet hasin'a shel reshimat haneheragim)

ARE YOU DEAD YET? - ?אתה מת כבר (Ata met kvar?)

BLOODDRUNK - שיכור מדם (Shikor midam)

Very nice.. :rock:
Ok, all in Dutch (some are tricky, but I did my best) :

Something Wild
Iets Wilds

Deadnight Warrior = Dodennacht Krijger
In The Shadows = In De Schaduwen
Red Light In My Eyes part 1&2 = Rood Licht In Mijn Ogen deel 1&2
Lake Bodom = Meer Bodom/Het Bodom Meer
The Nail = De Nagel
Touch Like Angel Of Death = Raak Aan Zoals De Engel Des Doods


Silent Night, Bodom Night = Stille Nacht, Bodom Nacht
Hatebreeder = Haatkweker
Bed of Razors = Bed van Scheermessen
Towards Dead End = Naar de Dode Hoek (it's what we'd say in Dutch..comes closes to the original I think :P)
Black Widow = Zwarte Weduwe
Wrath Within = (De) Woede Binnenin
Children of Bodom = Kinderen van Bodom
Downfall = Ondergang

Follow the Reaper
Volg de Magere Hein

Follow the Reaper = Volg de Magere Hein
Bodom After Midnight = Bodom Na Middernacht
Children of Decadence = Kinderen van de Decadentie
Everytime I Die = Elke Keer Als Ik Dood Ga
Taste My Scythe = Proef Mijn Zeis
Hate Me! = Haat Me!
Northern Comfort = Noordse Comfort/Comfort in het Noorden
Kissing the Shadows = Kus de Schaduwen

Hate Crew Deathroll
Haat Roep Dodenrol

Needled 24/7 = Elke Dag Genageld/24 Uur Genageld
Sixpounder = Zesbeuker (literally :P)
Chokehold (chocked 'n loaded) = Stikhoud (gestikt en gewapend)
Bodom Beach Terror = Bodom Strand Terreur
Angels Don't Kill = Engelen Doden Niet
Triple Corpse Hammerblow = Drievoudig Lijk Hamerklap(/Hamerslag/Hamerblaas)
You're Better Off Dead = Je Bent Beter Af Dood
Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood = Kleine Bloedrode Rijdende Kap
Hate Crew Deathroll = Haat Groep Dodenrol

Are You Dead Yet?
Ben Je Al Dood?

Living Dead Beat = Leven Als Een Nietsnut
Are You Dead Yet? = Ben Je Al Dood?
If You Want Peace...Prepare For War = Als Je Vrede Wilt...Bereid Je Voor Op Oorlog
Punch Me I Bleed = Sla Me Ik Bloed
In Your Face = In Je Gezicht
Next In Line = De Volgende in de Rij
Bastards of Bodom = Bastaarden van Bodom/Klootzakken van Bodom
Trashed, Lost & Strungout = Afgerost, verloren/verdwaald & Vermoeid
We're Not Gonna Fall = We Gaan Niet Vallen


Hellhounds On My Trail = Helse Honden Op Mijn Pad
Blooddrunk = Bloeddronken
Lobodomy = Lobodomy
One Day You Will Cry = Op Een Dag Zul Je Huilen
Smile Pretty For the Devil = Lach Mooi Naar de Duivel
Tie My Rope = Maak Mijn Touw Vast
Done With Everything, Die For Nothing = Klaar Met Alles, Doodgaan Voor Niets
Banned From Heaven = Verbannen van de Hemel
Roadkill Morning = Wegmoord Morgen
Here is my best go at translating it in Irish

Something Wild - rud eigin fiain

Hatebreeder - poraionni na fuath (breeder of hate)

Follow The Reaper - leanaim an buanai

Hate Crew Deathroll - fuath foireann bas rolla

Are You Dead Yet? - an bhfuil tu bas?

Blooddrunk - meisce le fuil (drunk off blood)

That's Irish? I though Irish was like English, just more fucked up.
it's cool... that's what i said in my post, if there is some Croatian here that can translate better i won't mind... honestly, i just realized this "uzgojač"... FFS :lol:...

as for the crew... i doesn't mean crew as a ship crew, so it can't be "posada"... crew can be like "ekipa"... "Popis ekipe mržnje za ubijanje"... :D

I guess you're right. I just translated literally :)
Here's ow I see it:

HateCrew Deathroll (Deathroll as a list): La liste des morts de l'Équipe de la Haine :lol: That's a word by word translation, lets play a litle:

La Liste Mortel de l'Haineuse Équipe
La Liste Noir de l'Équipage de la Haine.
La Liste de Victime du Groupe Haineux

HateCrew Deathroll (Deathroll as a killing spree) La Folie Meurtrière de l'Équipe de la Haine

As for Are You Dead Yet? as the titles means "looking in the mirror and asking you the question", I'm thinking that the title would have make more sense in a negative format, like "Aren't You Dead Yet?" but anyway.

Are You Dead Yet? Es-tu mort maintenant?

Makes more sense than "Es-tu déjà mort?" even if this last one is a word by word traduction, "Yet=Déjà" and "Now=Maintenant", but considering that the question is asked as the Consciousness saying "So, with all that bullshit you are doing in your life, are you dead now? No, I guess it will happen sooner, let's just wait".

And for Hatebreeder, I prefer "Enfanteur de Haine" for a stylish fun :p

Follow The Reaper is Suis la Faucheuse, there's no "Suis la Mort" because it's not "Follow the Death", even if we know the Reaper is the Death, we know that "la Faucheuse" is "la Mort".

IMO Are you Dead Yet ? would translate to : Es-tu mort à date ?

and according to me, the closest translation for Hatebreeder would be ''Éleveur de haine''