the altered state of consciousness thread

when you mix things, things change and you don't know what to expect. like one time i was shroomin and i took a hit of salvia. things went from an ocean view to everything disintegrating. good times. another time i was rollin and timed it so i would come up on acid an hour in. i was in the everything was made for me faze and then things started morphing. also good times.
I can dig what he's saying about salvia making you dysphoric... I mean I've undoubtably had some very happy salvia trips. But most of them had a dark undertone. I'm someone who sometimes gets a lot of peace of mind out of being distressed, so maybe the trips made me happy through making me unsettled, I don't remember far back enough to recall. And the last time I did salvia was this salvia tea I made and that shit made me antsy & brooding and all kinds of unsettled. I could see how a spiritual journey could come out of that.

Naturally, it all effects different people differently.

P.S. I hereby encourage everyone on Earth to do drugs. Frequently.
i wouldn't describe salvia as dysphoric. the come up is unsettling because things are changing so rapidly and the salvia gravity is annoying, but that doesn't take anything away, for me anyway. i think i'm in the same boat as Trendkill in that when i smoke salvia i'm going for a chaotic mind fuck. thats probly the reason people don't have a good time with it, they either weren't aware it would take you that far or they're not ready for it.

+1 for self-control
I listen to symphonic metal, encourage people to do drugs... I just can't do right by you.

And I'm not encouraging anyone to do drugs. I'm simply not discouraging them. I tell people the experiences I've had, and let them choose. If someone chooses not to do drugs, then that's fine. I'm not going to pressure them into it.

You need to back off with all the homosexual remarks, especially when they're unwarranted.

For the record, I have no problem with drug usage but I don't agree with the peer pressure aspect of it. It should be completely based on the person's consent.

My "homosexual" remarks are usually in response to shitty posters (such as yourself) when you say shit like "just cuz you had a bad trip doesn't mean everyone else will lawl".
"Don't scare people away just because it fucks YOU up."

That sounds like encouraging people to do salvia to me.
You're very confused. I never once encouraged drug use. I only asked that a poster earlier calm down and desist scaring others away from using certain drugs. I'm not saying "It's cool, do it." I was only telling him that just because he had a bad experience doesn't mean others will, and that's true. I don't know why you're getting pissed off Obscure, I'm not saying anything that you accuse me of saying. I'm not peer pressuring anyone (how can I over the internet?), nor do I in real life. Furthermore, just because one person has a bad experience on a certain drug doesn't mean everyone will. It depends a lot on your mental perception. You should try reading my posts more carefully.
You're basically saying "don't scare people away, it doesn't necessarily fuck you up" which is pretty stupid regardless of whether you consider it encouraging or not.

I'm not getting pissed off. You said something stupid, I responded, it's that simple.
I said "I encourage drug use" when I was talking jokingly (look at your post at the top of the page where you quoted me and reread it). See, this is what I mean. You misinterpret everything I say.
Whether you mean to encourage them or not, you're still implying that, despite the risks, people should try salvia.
Well, I'm not peer pressuring them. I'm saying that my experience was fine, so if you want to try it, go ahead! I see nothing wrong with that, and I think that now all you're doing is refusing to admit that you made a mistake. So just stop.
You can't peer pressure someone over the internet, obviously.

To quote you again you said "don't discourage people from doing salvia just because YOU had a shitty experience" which is a fucking smug and stupid thing to say.

(And why do people make inane arguments like "you just don't want to admit that you're wrong"?)
Actually, you really need to stop acting like you know what you're talking about, because you don't. He wasn't fucking encouraging anyone to do drugs. He was just countering someone who was making a negative generalization about one drug.

It's not like this is some sort of propaganda war, where anyone who says "it's not as bad as X biased individual says" is trying to goad people into drug use. You might as well just be censoring any non-negative opinions on drugs.

He WAS indirectly encouraging people and essentially telling them to ignore the negative aspects of the drug.
Saying "don't discourage people" isn't encouraging them. What the poster earlier should have done was say that he personally had a bad experience, so it's possible that others might. He should not have blatantly, in capital letters, said "DON'T DO SALVIA!" Like you said, people should be able to decide for themselves. I merely said that he shouldn't dissuade people like that; it over-dramatizes the gravity of the matter. He can tell them the kind of experience that he had, but that's all he should do (unless you concede that I can say "DO SALVIA! IT'S AWESOME!).

And my argument about you having made a mistake isn't inane if it's correct.

edit: @Obscure