the altered state of consciousness thread

If you want to hear a diverse band, listen to Ween. They will redefine your concept of diverse.

Thanks for the rec, checking them out as we speak.

For the record though, I'm pretty picky about my diverse artists. For me if an artist is too far-out and/or does a bunch of different things all in one song, then that's just part of an overall experimental or prog style moreso than actually being valid bits of those different genres which would signify diversity. You also have artists like Neil Young who are unfathomably diverse (country & western, electronica, rockabilly, jamband, glam, all straight) but they generally confine the genres to specific albums of that genre. So I'm biased against stuff that isn't in individual songs but on the same album, like TYA does it, and isn't all-together too avant garde.

So far Ween is seeming pretty diverse though. :Smokin:
It's a transcendent experience even without drugs. Don't overload.

Well, that is true; but Floyd and Genesis are equally transcendent.

I admit that I love listening to music while high. However, I have never written a song or poem or anything while stoned. I find that whenever I try the work seems forced, incoherent and as though I simply wanted to write because I as high. Work produced shouldn't come from the influence of drugs. Drugs should be a fun pastime, but not a means to creation.
Well, that is true; but Floyd and Genesis are equally transcendent.

Drugs should be a fun pastime, but not a means to creation.
Listening to Floyd while high is an undescribable experience indeed.

I believe drugs have helped artists become more creative in the past. Floyd, The Doors, Hendrix, among others used drugs heavily and look at the results. Now metal bands on the other hand...I wonder how many have used and broke up as a result etc.
I believe drugs have helped artists become more creative in the past. Floyd, The Doors, Hendrix, among others used drugs heavily and look at the results. Now metal bands on the other hand...I wonder how many have used and broke up as a result etc.

That is true. I think that drugs did open a number of doorways and artistic avenues for those bands; but I believe that they were genius writers to begin with anyway. Syd Barrett was all tripped out, but I personally don't find his writing as rewarding as Waters's. Roger, on the other hand, we know didn't indulge in drugs as much (key words) after Syd's departure (removal) and less and less as the years went on, but he remained a phenomenal songwriter. Peter Gabriel has definitely done his fair share, but since going clean his abilities haven't dampened at all. So I think you're right, but I think that those writers already had phenomenal abilities to begin with.

I suppose that by only writing when I'm sober, I'm trying to affirm my position as their equals (every man needs his dreams).
The most intense musical experience I've had whilst under the influence of any particular substance was definitely listening to Mr Bungle's Disco Volante on really strong acid. Ween's Chocolate and Cheese is also awesome on acid.
thats beautiful man. (sheds lone tear)

i tried writing things while goin a couple times. problem was i wrote it so fast and messy i couldn't read it. haven't tried since.
by hand. i type so slow it would turn out even worse.

"I don't know anyone who smokes and is actually worth hanging out / conversing with."

that really sucks duder. back when i smoked the bud i had a few people to hang out with. one guy i had to stop smoking with because when ever we did he always wanted to listen to hippie shit.

and what do you mean theres nothing to do in the cold? drugs and sledding go hand in hand, no matter how old you are.
well my new interest is an isolation tank. i was watching the movie altered states and it looks like it could be pretty cool. i don't have a place to put it where it would be quiet enough to be effective though. maybe i can insulate it with foam or a layer of sand between metal walls. what-ev, i'll get it done somehow. probly not though.
i think i might add some speakers into the ceiling of the design i working up. maybe put some kind of sound dampeners around them and above the water line on the walls to avoid nasty echos. i'm gettin excited just thinking about it.

I can never write like that. I always hate what comes out. I guess it's not my style. Your bit is awesome though. Things like that are so much fun to read. Every time I write something like that though I never laugh; I'm just like "what the fuck was I thinking?" That's why I gave up writing high.

The only thing that I ever wrote while stoned and somewhat liked was this:

A woman in black, a table for two,
Sits down with man all dressed in blue
Whose lips curl in a plastic smile,
And veins course like a tainted Nile.
She pulls the veil from off her face
To reveal the truth behind the lace,
And stoops and scribbles in the dust;
A testament of broken trust.
She yearns still for her soiled youth,
When first she learned the price of truth;
The touch of skin, the painful probe,
The nibble of a soft earlobe,
Trying to tell: is he Polish… Jewish?
The Jews are all dead, the Poles are all foolish.
Could she be more lucid in legend, or fable?
She parts the sea of doubt on the table.
His casket she asked to be made of wastebasket,
Could a sharper insult have been made in a mask? It
Seemed like such a fine thought then,
As she made out his will with a blood-tipped pen.
Quite clever she thought; it proved to be true.
A woman in black, a man in blue…

But the thing is, it isn't stream of consciousness. I'd had this idea before I smoked, and then after I did I wrote the whole poem. So it was somewhat premeditated.
Ah, yeah. It does seem rather premeditated. Sorry to hear the stream-of-thought thing hasn't been working out for you. Mine's still pretty hit-and-miss as it is. The consequence of not questioning what I write while high is that most of it is just anecdotes about my life, what I'm doing at any given moment, or unclever attempts at describing what it's like to be high. Even the piece I posted on the last page had to be cut down significantly from the original.

I try to avoid writing stuff as cohesive as what you have above, as it seems to go against the whole mindset of randomness and attention deficiency that goes with being high. My sober self tends to handle serious poetry a lot better.

I take it you love Kerouac, Ginsberg, Burroughs and the like.
I'm considering making a poppy seed tea brew soon, just a matter of going out and getting 20 oz of poppy seeds and some lemons.