the altered state of consciousness thread

Has anyone tried Shrooms before? I don't want to go looking through the thread. And if they have, how is it?
Has anyone tried Shrooms before? I don't want to go looking through the thread. And if they have, how is it?

shrooms are INSANE
theyre like acid but much more intense, rougher on the bowls, less chilled out. if you like tripping fuckin balls i suggest them.

i'll try to explain the trip
1 hour onset, you'll start laughing at really random things like plums n shit, half hour later the tripping begins, it gets intense for the next 2 hours, some people dont have a good body high, some do. the laughter wont stop though so its a good time.

after that the euphoria kicks in and you should be prepared for the best mood of your entire life as they slowely wear off for the next 3-4 hours

definitly worth trying out a few times, just dont do anything stupid on them :lol:
haha i've only done acid once so i dont know if it was shitty or not, but i had a great time

and yes shrooms are safe as long as the enviornment is safe, its possile to freak out and go into a bad trip(never happend to me) but as long as you realize your just on lots of drugs, still in the milkyway(yea it feels like your out of the milkyway sometimes) and that it'll be over by tommorrow you'll be fine. Mary jane helps too haha

p.s, dont watch the wall its a waste of time
I have not done shrooms in probably 5 years, but yeah recomend them. A friend and I did them at his parents house which is in the woods. I've tripped in public and don't recomend it. You want to be somewhere cut off from town and still have freedom.

Also if you are tripping look at the time once in awile(you probably will naturally) and try and attempt to read a few words from a newspaper.

Don't look in a mirror on anything.
i never understood the mirror thing, i usually just look at it and go "wow thats fucked up" then i take a piss or something.

time is too hard of a concept to comprehend on shrooms hahah
"im setting my alarm for 5 cause i got work at 11 i dont wanna be late"-me
So they are safe right? Sounds cool though.

If you get a bad batch it can kill you. :cool: Seriously though, if you buy from a friend you'll be totally fine. I've never done shrooms, because I've been told not to by my friends (I don't have the right mindset to try shrooms). However, I know a lot of people who've tried them and enjoyed them.
If you get a bad batch it can kill you. :cool: Seriously though, if you buy from a friend you'll be totally fine. I've never done shrooms, because I've been told not to by my friends (I don't have the right mindset to try shrooms). However, I know a lot of people who've tried them and enjoyed them.

There is no guarantee that because you buy from your "friend" that they wouldn't be a bad batch either. You just need to do your research beforehand and know exactly what they are supposed to look like so you don't end up eating some other random poisonous mushroom from the forest.