the altered state of consciousness thread

Nutmeg tastes horrible.

Do not do nutmeg, unless you absoloutely aware of what you are going to be doing and have a sober sitter with you at all times, the full on deleriant effects can last 2 days and after effects like blurry vision can last for a week afterwards. It doesn't get you high, it is a deleriant. It's extremely dangerous and almost everyone that does it will tell you it isn't fun or insightful at all. The overdose and threshold levels are usually very close, meaning it's easy to overdo it if you don't think it's working.

Before I do any type of drug i research the shit out of it on erowid, read as many experience reports as possible so i know how to make my own experience as positive and as effective as possible. Fucking useful site and pretty much essential for any drug user:
Well DXM isn't a hallucinogen so technically no, but even so I didn't take a high enough dose to get the dissociative effect. It was essentially drunk and stoned at the same time. Had I decided to do a higher dose I would've made sure I had someone
Shit was amazing until I got passed the peak when I got hit with this massive almost debilitating stoning effect.

I liked it originally and the first few times a friend and I would actually trip on it for 6,8 hours and than after awile the drug made me really dissociative(don't care for that). You can do robitussin gel tabs which is pure 15mg dextromorphan.
Yeah, higher levels of DXM are dissociative. I didn't feel taken from the world, I just felt retarded after the stoning effect kicked in. I kind of found a way to get back to reality for a bit of time by closing my left eye and biting down with that side of my mouth.

EDIT: Yeah, it causes 'em but they're caused in the context of dissociation so most don't classify it as such.
I had hydrocodone (vicodin) to help with the pain of my wisdom teeth surgery. I don't know what the dosage is for people not using it for pain, but it did not good when I used it. Kinda made me feel lightheaded and like I was about to laugh all the time. It also made it harder to urinate/shit.
Do not do nutmeg, unless you absoloutely aware of what you are going to be doing and have a sober sitter with you at all times, the full on deleriant effects can last 2 days and after effects like blurry vision can last for a week afterwards. It doesn't get you high, it is a deleriant. It's extremely dangerous and almost everyone that does it will tell you it isn't fun or insightful at all. The overdose and threshold levels are usually very close, meaning it's easy to overdo it if you don't think it's working.

Before I do any type of drug i research the shit out of it on erowid, read as many experience reports as possible so i know how to make my own experience as positive and as effective as possible. Fucking useful site and pretty much essential for any drug user:

I woke up the next day and still felt stoned, but that was it. I didn't feel it at all two days later. How much do you have to take for that shit to happen?
I had hydrocodone (vicodin) to help with the pain of my wisdom teeth surgery. I don't know what the dosage is for people not using it for pain, but it did not good when I used it. Kinda made me feel lightheaded and like I was about to laugh all the time. It also made it harder to urinate/shit.

I popped those like candy for about 5,6 years.:) great times
I woke up the next day and still felt stoned, but that was it. I didn't feel it at all two days later. How much do you have to take for that shit to happen?

It's usually around 3 or more spoonfulls of freshly ground nutmeg. Like I said threshold is very close to overdose level and it varies greatly with person to person.

If you only got to a state of feeling stoned, then you experienced a different level of nutmeg, it's safe at that level. The problem is that people don't realise it's potential to be a deleriant, so when they go looking for a cheap high they get far more than they bargain for.
I didn't realize this thread was back on the front page. I have been thinking about his kind of stuff a bit recently. I am very interested in the topic of altered states and different perceptions of reality, drug induced or not. My interest in mind altering drugs lies primarily in the more introspective aspects of the experience. Unfortunately, among those I know that use, this is not the case. They are far more interested in the party/ woohoo good times aspect of drug use.

Anyone have any decent experiences outside of "YA I WAS SO FUCKED UP WOOOOHOOOO" that they would share?
It's even worse when you're high and have the munchies and have to use a can opener to get in a bag of chips.
So my friends and I went to a party sometime last year.

Out of the 5 of us, 2 didn't drink. (myself included)

Well. There was like 1 hot girl there aaand one of us decided to get pissed off because another one of us was chattin' the bitch up. He left. We were in another town. LMAO.

We looked for him and then just left. I got an hour nap and then got up at about 5 or so. One of us slept in the closet and we totally forgot about him. My sober friend and I go outside to find the friend who left sitting in his car outside of the sober friend's house. The other guy is still in the closet btw. My drunk friend who came outside with us was like "SCOOOTTTYYYY" (guy sitting in the car) and fell right down the steps. He just dropped. ROFL :lol:

Well, we were hungry so we went to go get some McDonalds. We decided to go to another town for the food. (I don't even know why) and on the way, the guy who fell down the steps was like, "oh shit, I gotta piss" We told him to hold it, but that wasn't happening. He pissed into a cup. I was like WTF R U DOING.

We get there and they were like "if we see you come outside without McD's bags in your hands, we will be angry" or something like that. Well, it's 5:30am, McD's isn't open yet. We come outside and we see them get out of the car and start yelling. We proceeded to laugh our asses off. At this point, the other guy is still back in our hometown sleeping in the closet. :lol:

I'm not much of a storyteller, sorry. :erk: