the altered state of consciousness thread

when all my friends get high they get all philosophical and when they laugh it's pure gold. I dont know how anyone cant love watching a stoner laugh.
People don't get high the first time they smoke because they usually aren't doing it right. It takes a few tries to get the hang of it (how long to draw, how long to hold it in, etc). And drinking is just way more enjoyable than being high. It's more social. It's not so much an "altered state of consciousness," but it's a whole lotta fun.

Well they tried to teach me and I kept the smoke in my lungs for 5-10 seconds so I dont think it was a technique thing. Still I've seen my share of people getting stuck in drug abuse from just starting on a low level. Had one friend from my childhood who eventually od'ed and died as well so Im very reluctant towards it. And I dont feel a need for it really so I guess there's no need to keep doing it.
Please enlighten me on these techniques you speak of.

Several puffs instead of one long continuous draw, holding it in (usually as long as you can) instead of just blowing it out right after, etc. Most beginners don't know this stuff, either because they've never done it or because they're nervous, or both. Either way, there's more to it than just inhaling, smartass.

EDIT: just to be clear, I'm talking about smoking from a rolled apparatus. Bongs and pipes are usually much easier to smoke than joint or blunts. You get way better hits from bongs. Still, holding your hit in is a huge factor, and many beginners fail to do this.
When I first smoked weed I didn't inhale properly or hold the hit simply because I didn't know you were meant to. as a result I didn't get high and just wondered what all the fuss was about. I know better now of course, though I very rarely smoke it, mostly because my friends aren't really into drugs. Probably a good thing to be honest.

I smoked a salvia divnorum 10x extract for the first time the other day. It was the most confusing and surreal experience of my life and I only just dropped past the threshold. This is one powerful drug. One minute I'm sitting in my room thinking 'oh shit, my vision is vibrating' the next I'm circling sideways surrounded by two giant grassy numbers. A few moments later I'm back in my room lying down, confused as hell saying 'no! no!'. it wasn't an unpleasant experience, i just wasn't fully ready. I had read loads of trip reports and all the information out there on this drug, but nothing can prepare you for it. I've still got over half a gram left so I'll be trying it again, hopefully getting the full experience this time.
Anyone else had experiences with Salvia? it's always amazing to see where it takes people. Make the most of it while it's still legal.
I was told you don't get high the first time because of a reverse placebo effect. You're too busy trying to figure out if you're high that you psychologically prevent yourself from getting high. I guess I haven't passed that hurdle yet.
My friends and I have nothing to do with the culture. Weed can simply be a fun way to pass a low-key evening. Sometimes it's great to pop in a movie, blaze, and sit back until you fall asleep. People who collect bongs, celebrate 4/20, and read pot rags take it too far. It's totally worth it if you buy some every once in a while and smoke casually.
My friends and I have nothing to do with the culture. Weed can simply be a fun way to pass a low-key evening. Sometimes it's great to pop in a movie, blaze, and sit back until you fall asleep. People who collect bongs, celebrate 4/20, and read pot rags take it too far. It's totally worth it if you buy some every once in a while and smoke casually.

Hey, celebrating a holiday isn't a bad thing!