the altered state of consciousness thread

When I first smoked weed I didn't inhale properly or hold the hit simply because I didn't know you were meant to. as a result I didn't get high and just wondered what all the fuss was about. I know better now of course, though I very rarely smoke it, mostly because my friends aren't really into drugs. Probably a good thing to be honest.

I smoked a salvia divnorum 10x extract for the first time the other day. It was the most confusing and surreal experience of my life and I only just dropped past the threshold. This is one powerful drug. One minute I'm sitting in my room thinking 'oh shit, my vision is vibrating' the next I'm circling sideways surrounded by two giant grassy numbers. A few moments later I'm back in my room lying down, confused as hell saying 'no! no!'. it wasn't an unpleasant experience, i just wasn't fully ready. I had read loads of trip reports and all the information out there on this drug, but nothing can prepare you for it. I've still got over half a gram left so I'll be trying it again, hopefully getting the full experience this time.
Anyone else had experiences with Salvia? it's always amazing to see where it takes people. Make the most of it while it's still legal.

I want to do Salvia really bad with a few friends also. I am not into drugs either but this is something I am interested in very much. We need someone to buy it for us.

Cookiecutter, it is worth trying a few times but the whole culture is lame.
I'm not saying that I think trying pot is bad or that I'll never try it. It's just at this point in my life I am uninterested. I don't want people jumping all over me should this change in the future which seems to be what has happened now that I decided to drink.
I want to do Salvia really bad with a few friends also. I am not into drugs either but this is something I am interested in very much. We need someone to buy it for us.

Cookiecutter, it is worth trying a few times but the whole culture is lame.

Salvia is fun. It doesn't last very long though. However, despite what people say, it definitely does make you hallucinate. I was convinced my entire body was shaking, and then I thought that my friends were involved in a conspiracy against me. I kept imagining conversations in my head. Then I would snap out of it and say "What?" Of course, my friends only stared at me because no one was saying anything. After about twenty minutes I was convinced that I would have to live the rest of my life under the constant surveillance of my friends, who were watching my every move.

After about forty-five minutes I came out of it. It was like waking up from a dream.
I'm not saying that I think trying pot is bad or that I'll never try it. It's just at this point in my life I am uninterested. I don't want people jumping all over me should this change in the future which seems to be what has happened now that I decided to drink.

A lot of my friends on the sports team were like "it will make me bad at football if I drink!" and stopped talking to me for a whole summer. I know what you mean.
I thing I used to love about pot the most was listening to music on it. It was like gaining an extra level of appreciation for every album.
A lot of the time it seems to me like the instruments in music take on vague vocal characteristics, such that there often appears to be a hidden set of lyrics to the song which can be derived from the instrumental noise.

For sure. And every subtle nuance seems to grab your attention, and the song structures are interpreted from a different perspective.
Salvia is fun. It doesn't last very long though. However, despite what people say, it definitely does make you hallucinate..

No doubt about it, if you get a decent organic extract and smoke it properly you're entire body and perspective is taken to a new dimension.
It's probably a good thing it doesn't last very long or I would start to go mental.

I want to do Salvia really bad with a few friends also. I am not into drugs either but this is something I am interested in very much. We need someone to buy it for us.

Why don't you buy it yourslf? Is it illegal in your state? You can buy it loads of places online.
Today I smoked a bowl and two joints. I still a bit high from the last one. But it was some good shit.

I love the dreams I get later. They are so awesome.
Weed is for my pals, hippies, and people who think Tool is deep. Basically, if you smoke weed you are a piece of crap and I should rape your mother.
Hey now. :erk:

I can't stand people who can't control themselves when they're high. People just need to learn to chill when they're stoned. It's a lot easier to control than being drunk imo.
I just like having elaborate and insightful conversations when I'm stoned. It's really cool to discuss and ponder things from a different perspective. I agree it's fun to make random and stupid comments during movies, though. :p
Sometimes I have some intelligent conversations when stoned. But I also like having a lot of fun when stoned. Like laughing at random stuff, or being a ninja (like I said), or like you said making stupid comments.