the altered state of consciousness thread

Cythraul, sometimes I don't know if you're serious and you say some horrible things. But if I knew you were coming to a gig I was going to as well, I wouldn't disguise myself as a beaver to pass on a chance encounter. Which means you're alright.
Cythraul, sometimes I don't know whether you're serious and you say some horrible things. But either way you know how to appreciate fish.
Cythraul, sometimes I don't know whether you're serious and you say some horrible things. But I stidon't for what it's worth.

know whether you're serious and you say some horrible things. But I still like you
nd you say some horrible things. But I still like your huge black

u say some Cythraul Cythraul Cythraul,
Cythraul, sometimes I don't know whether you're serious and you say some horrible things. I still fucking hate you and hope you get beaten to a bloody pulp.
Cythraul, sometimes I don't know whether you're serious and you say some horrible things. But I HAVE A REAL PROBLEM WITH WHAT YOU'RE DOING.
> everything

stay away from those, you will end up like me a mental hospital.
What does anyone know about DXM?

Amazing. I took some about a month ago and it was by far one of the coolest things I've ever experienced. I only took enough for a second plateau trip, but I was almost controlled by the music I was listening to, my body swayed, my legs felt like water, when I typed my fingers felt like waterfalls going over the keys (I can not explain this sensation, but it was weird and yet awesome) then part way through the thing I got hit with this stoning effect which made me see the world from like three feet back - like even if I was right up at the screen it felt as if I was three feet away, I couldn't talk, I couldn't type, so I just went to sleep and as I was drifting away I saw the universe before me just unravelling and each strange was making other universes. Then I just fell asleep and woke up perfectly fine.
Yeah, and the kind I got was the most vile shit ever. I tasted it for upwards of 5 days afterwards.

Do not use Buckley's ... ugh.

I'm going to go for geltabs next time.
I gotta go get stoned
gotta get stoned
and I don't mind
cause my mind tells me I gotta get stoned
and there's nothing you can do about it
only listen to my mind
only listen to your mind
mind your own business
dont care about yours
cause im stoned!
so if this weekend goes as planned I'll be taking the step up from a plateau 2 DXM experience to the third plateau. Should be interesting, considering how much I liked the majority of the second one, seeing as how from what I've read so far that the third is nothing like the first two.