the altered state of consciousness thread

Are there negative side effects of Salvia? If not why is it being illegalized?

It is not physically dangerous in any way, the only possible way you could be harmed by it is if you were standing up when you smoked it, and then fell over and hit your head. Only an idiot would do that.

It's being made illegal for the same reason as most entheogens, the government doesn't understand it, the public doesn't understand it and the media like to blow things out of proportion. People are scared of things they don't understand. Unfortunately the culture we've developed means any 'drug' is bad, but it's fine to pump ourselves full of alcohol, which is far more toxic than you than almost any other drug.

As always, for information on any drug, erowid is the place to go. I already posted the link to the erowid salvia page.
Apparently some kid threw himself off of a balcony whilst high on salvia. That's the main reason that there's been legislation drawn up for making it illegal. It's passed in Florida. :(
Apparently some kid threw himself off of a balcony whilst high on salvia. That's the main reason that there's been legislation drawn up for making it illegal. It's passed in Florida. :(

I find this very hard to believe. I couldn't find any sources, if you have one I'd be interested to see it.

If you were in a state where you didn't realise the dangers of throwing yourself of a balcony you most likely won't have been in any physical condition to be able to perform such an act under the inlfuence of salvia.

The only death I've ever seen metnioned as a result of Salvia is a guy who comitted suicide months ater smoking the drug. in this case again I find it highly unliukely Salvia was the catalyst for the suicide.
The only death I've ever seen metnioned as a result of Salvia is a guy who comitted suicide months ater smoking the drug. in this case again I find it highly unliukely Salvia was the catalyst for the suicide.

That's the kid I'm talking about. For some reason I thought he jumped from a building. But the point is, it's a bogus case. It's likely he wasn't even under the influence of the drug when he killed himself. Brett's Law is really what has precipitated the whole legal action against salvia.
Make sure you know what you're doing with salvia, a lot of people waste it by not doing it right. It's not dangerous physically, but a lot of people can be unprepared psychologically if they do break through
Well, when you get really high on Salvia, you lose control of your body but your body won't necessarily stay where it is, it could go running around the room and smash into hard or pointy objects full speed ahead. Hehe, in my youth I smoked some in my room while my parents were sleeping, being very careful not to make much noise. Now I didn't even get very high, but the first thing I did was run like the dickens out of my room into the livingroom, and then came to and realized I had just made a lot of noise and ran into the livingroom. Bah, lmao.

On the DXM discussion, the best method of ingestion in my experience is by bombing pure powder. I know a certain online source for it. Having said this, it is essential you have some accurate scales and know you're dose and what sort of experience you want. I accidently overdid it recently and had a rather harrowing weekend.
Pure powder? You be a narc or sumtin? You don't just go revealing that kind of information. ;) Anyways yep overdosing can be a bitch.
Salvia Divinorum is legal because it's fairly widely used in strict context (by adults) as a religious sacrament by some lesser known faiths. And otherwise it lasts for such a short time and it's not too easy to ingest that it does not lend itself to much use recreationally. However, it is very dangerous to use if you don't know what you're doing. And this isn't helped by D.A.R.E. spewing such bullshit as that it isn't a real drug, it doesn't do anything, which leads some kids to get sorely surprised. But really the banning of Salvia is another step in a more general war against drugs; a war which is arguably part of a larger war against consciousness, though regardless you can't argue the paradox that the CIA helps smuggle bad drugs like Coke and H into the USA (which cannot be used to personal spiritual advantage). Yep, I guess CIA officials do Coke, they like it pure.

If you want to know about Salvia Divinorum just Google it and look at Wikipedia, or you could consult
Good point, it did not occur to me as I reside in the land of maple leaves and mounties (and Steven Harper :bah:).
The online powder suppliers are strictly for laboratory use for scientific purposes. In the past the suppliers could get away with selling to anybody who wanted powder, but a few years ago the FDA really cracked down. Now the online suppliers cannot advertise to anything other than for scientific purposes, and if they're caught selling to someone for other purposes they get shut down. Unless you can find a source that does business under the table and hasn't gotten caught, basically you'll need to pretend you're a scientist and provide necessary credentials and documentation, personally I don't think it's worth the trouble to forge all that.
Yeah it sucks. I want to make my nice and neat little capsules and not suffer the indignity of cough medicine
Unfortunately dealers don't have access to DXM powder, if they tell you they're selling it they're probably lying and selling something else, maybe K. I asked a dude for powder and he swore up and down he had it, except it was GHB. lol