the altered state of consciousness thread

I wanna do DXM. Help me out on what to buy and how much.

Go to your local Walgreens, pick up a bottle of their long lasting cough syrup (make sure the back of it says the only active ingredient is Dextromethorphan HBR) and get like 1-3 bottles depending on how far in you want to go.

Also they do sell geltabs, those are possibly a better option due to not having to put up with the taste.

but do read what v-g posted before you blindly take it
You can never tell the exact dosage and strength, but you should start with one tab, which is actually quite similar to ecstasy and I've heard being described as a "body trip". If you want anything crazier/more hallucinogenic, then start fucking around with higher doses.

edit, and to the DXM conversation-I have downed an entire bottle of regular Robitussen and was pretty retarded for about eight hours. If you are crazy, you could go for more than one bottle but I don't advise it. I feel like any more than one bottle and you would throw up, and throwing up in that state wouldn't be fun. I compare downing one bottle to being shitfaced and being on a bunch of painkillers at the same time. Your vision is severely distorted and delayed and you have difficulty with basically anything that requires motor skill, including walking. It's one of those things that you do once because you feel like getting fucked up and then you don't want to do it again. Fun once though.
I believe one of out eight, or is it thirteen?, caucasian males lacks a certain liver enzyme that would normally help metabolize the DXM, and as a result they'll get much, much higher for a longer period of time on the same amount of DXM that someone else might take. So always try a small dose first to check.

As for LSA I recommend woodrose over morning glory. With the morning glory it would take so long to scrape off the husk from every seed (because the seeds are tiny/numerous), so generally you just don't. For the woodrose the nausea can be really bad, do not spare any expense on the quality of the seeds you buy, not only for nausea but potency too. I find that some weed pretty much eliminates the nausea, though you probably need to smoke it continuously because the nausea can last for 1+ hours (the come up on LSA is a few hours). Yeah LSA isn't as visual as LSD, more of a mind thing, quite powerful.
Fuck that stuff, I'll stick with my bud.

Bought a new pipe about a month ago, it's my third glass peice. It has one of those dragons inside the chamber, and has two carbs so you can make the dragon breathe smoke. It's hard to explain but anyone who has seen one will know what I'm talking about. If I had a camera I would post pictures, it's very cool looking.

The dragon broke off though, and is now stuck inside the bigger chamber. But it's okay, because now just the huge chamber fills all the way and it hits like a beast.
You can never tell the exact dosage and strength, but you should start with one tab, which is actually quite similar to ecstasy and I've heard being described as a "body trip". If you want anything crazier/more hallucinogenic, then start fucking around with higher doses.

edit, and to the DXM conversation-I have downed an entire bottle of regular Robitussen and was pretty retarded for about eight hours. If you are crazy, you could go for more than one bottle but I don't advise it. I feel like any more than one bottle and you would throw up, and throwing up in that state wouldn't be fun. I compare downing one bottle to being shitfaced and being on a bunch of painkillers at the same time. Your vision is severely distorted and delayed and you have difficulty with basically anything that requires motor skill, including walking. It's one of those things that you do once because you feel like getting fucked up and then you don't want to do it again. Fun once though.

Haha, walking on it was the funniest shit ever. I attempted to walk up a set of stairs while on it, and somehow I did not come crashing down. Typing was intense for me because my fingers felt like waterfalls (don't ask, it is the only way to verbalize what I felt)
For what it's worth, DXM is very different depending on the person. And also remember that something like LSD could 'fuck you up'. But I can write better on DXM, play soccer better, socialize better, etc. If the dose is not too high of course, otherwise it lends itself to spiritual things or it would just fuck me up, it's a matter of being focused and present. Psychedelics are more right-hand-path drugs because they heavily dictate a "trip" that you'd do best just to go with the flow of it. Disassociatives are more left-hand-path drugs, and particularly DXM, as you have so much choice in the process, it really opens up your awareness perspective, and the difference between choosing to wander off in indulgent fantasy or become present and mindful is vast and profound. Disassociatives teach you more about yourself like this, in terms of your actual 'component parts', how your conscious control agency is seated in your body, how your will and intend come into play, what freedom of will means, what is desire and how does it flow along the spine, etc. Right hand path drugs operate more on an external level, philosophical, if you will. You can have great philosophical realization on DXM too, but you would have to choose to go that route. I'm not saying left or right is better, on the right you also learn about accepting more positive emotions, *finding* your way as opposed to learning how to *create* yourself. It's much easier to abuse something like DXM.
Wow I had no idea drugs and chemicals in general have different effects depending on the brain they are affecting. Very interesting conclusion!
Funnily there are two possibilities: V.V.V.V.V. is on drugs, or he needs to take some. :D

Anyhow, I saw on the news a while ago, a documented case of a dude who took E pills.. I forget the number, I think throughout his life the number was 70,000 hehe.
As for LSA I recommend woodrose over morning glory. With the morning glory it would take so long to scrape off the husk from every seed (because the seeds are tiny/numerous), so generally you just don't. For the woodrose the nausea can be really bad, do not spare any expense on the quality of the seeds you buy, not only for nausea but potency too. I find that some weed pretty much eliminates the nausea, though you probably need to smoke it continuously because the nausea can last for 1+ hours (the come up on LSA is a few hours). Yeah LSA isn't as visual as LSD, more of a mind thing, quite powerful.

What about the method found here? Anyone tried it? Just eating the seeds as they are is definitely not the best way to go. If i were ever to try morning glory i wouldn't have a problem going through the trouble of preparing them the right way.

What about the method found here? Anyone tried it? Just eating the seeds as they are is definitely not the best way to go. If i were ever to try morning glory i wouldn't have a problem going through the trouble of preparing them the right way.
You could use that method. It's more expensive and takes longer to do. It doesn't taste bad though. I forgot to mention the taste, it's horrible and liable to stick around and cause nausea. Therefore you always want to make some powder, or just hammer the seeds inside some ziplocks if you don't have a grinder, the seeds are really hard so it will take a bit of force. Then mix it with something, I use V8. Personally I had no use for the extraction method as I could take care of the nausea with weed. I don't smoke weed anymore though, so if I were to do LSA again I might do an extraction. Well I'd probably make an exception and just smoke weed, hehe.

After looking more closely at the link I notice you're speaking about morning glory seeds. If you are an adult capable of getting petrolium ether, you might as well order some woodrose on the internet, it's a better drug.
Ah right, a drug that's rumored to be neurotoxic, and has been associated with loss of cognitive ability. That definitely sounds like the more prudent option.

....and still able to learn college algebra easily. Yay for me!

In truth Beer and Cigarettes are the most damaging substances, ironically.
I'm talking about their addictive properties. I haven't had an X since August and before that I had an additional 5-6 month without any E so overall I'm not as heavily into the drug as I was. Cigarettes which is known to be on the level of heroin addiction, and alcohol which so changes the chemical make up of the brain that I've seen people so deep in their alcoholism they wake up and have terrible tremors as if they had Parkinsons.