the altered state of consciousness thread

What, you can't get rotten or non-hallucinogenic shrooms, improperly extracted Salvia, or shitty weed?
So I'm thinking of finally taking the jump into the third plateau soon, to ease the process I decided to go with some geltabs this time. I'm going half syrup, half geltabs - take the geltabs and wait about 45 min., then take the syrup should work out quite nice.

Not sure about when to do it though.
Weren't you planning to do that like a month ago?

I was, but I ended up getting mad sick from the way in which I took the first bottle (mixed it with orange pop) and ended up with so much shit in my stomache that I just puked and couldn't down the other bottle.

So I just dealt with a shitty REALLY low level two trip.
Dude, water is a big NO for that. Both times I've done it and taken water after wards I've puked almost immediately after it. You take the water to hydrate yourself if you start sweating, nothing else.

Fuck whenever I drink I fucking hate water unless it is AFTER I've puked, water just makes me puke faster for some reason.
I don't know what it was, but when I first did it I took a drink of water and immediately heaved over a bucket.
I know some people who have access to all sorts of drugs, DXM is their hands down favourite. Hmmmm you know what, for a third plateau, I would recommend a 3oz or 5oz Delsym, and then 1 or 1.5 hours after take 30 gels. The Delsym (time-release) smooths out the trip and it's also important to take all the gels at once. Mixing gels and syrup will result in a bumpier ride, and certainly don't take some gels then wait and take more, you could end up weaving in and out of the third plateau... that would leave you really 'fucked up' as the term goes, not in a good way. The Delsym tastes OK and isn't very aggravating to the stomach. And it can be tough to take more than 30 gels at once. Don't forget though, there's a big mental component to getting over the physical side-effects. I tell my stomach to digest and it gurgles and everything and I feel better, but maybe you wouldn't believe that. Ironically this sort of spiritual component to things is more believable on DXM, but then you can also believe lots of BS on the drug too, lol. Anyways any drug like this will produce negative physical effects if you are bottling up emotions, if you aren't peacefully and mindfully centered in the Now. To the extent your past is not properly recapitulated (resulting in stray strands of desire in the Now), it will all rise to the surface.. you might throw up and it will feel good.. but just passing the negative energy is one thing, if you don't want it to happen again then you must confront it on an intellectual level, like ask yourself: why do I feel so badly?, and try to work through the problems, put them to rest, accept how they have shaped you as a person and then learn from them and determine your corresponding convictions and future intentions.
For cough syrup i recommend CVS brand max strength tussin, it's the least foul of the ones i've tried. Brush teeth and mouthwash afterwards and you should be good. I don't recommend Delsym.
Has anyone tried a Morning Glory seed concoction? Supposedly it's like an LSD trip, except it's legal and any idiot can do it.
Has anyone tried a Morning Glory seed concoction? Supposedly it's like an LSD trip, except it's legal and any idiot can do it.

I have had Hawaiin Baby Woodrose seeds which are essentially the same thing. they both contain the same component - LSA, which is a precursor to LSD, but it's effects are quite different.

I've had an absoloutely stunning experience with them, an extremely painful one and a few in between. It's very dependant on the batch you get and how much of the fuzz you manage to scrape from the outside.

Obviously it's dose dependent, but OEVs are generally subtle, morphing, bending, swirling and whatnot. CEVs can be very vivid and powerful. There's a strong body element in my experience, feelings of merging with surroundings and so on. It's quite a mindfuck too, when i read some of the stuff I've written when tripping on LSA, it's quite bizarre. A lot of people get extreme neausea from a bad batch and after experiencing a rather large dodgy dose I think I'm done experimenting with LSA.
I know a good deal about drugs and think you're a moron. I've done it all.
Are you serious?
Anyone with experience with DXM and cannabis should know how differnet they are, especially DXM at higher doses. How can you even begin to compare a disassociative to weed?
lol drug snobs. and incredibly ignorant ones at that.

I have had Hawaiin Baby Woodrose seeds which are essentially the same thing. they both contain the same component - LSA, which is a precursor to LSD, but it's effects are quite different.

What method did you use to prepare them? That's supposed to have a good deal to do with the nausea. And some seeds are chemically treated.
What method did you use to prepare them? That's supposed to have a good deal to do with the nausea. And some seeds are chemically treated.

I scraped as much of the husk and fuzz (it's this that causes the majority of any nauseau experienced) as humanly possible off the seeds with a knife, chewed the seeds up in my mouth, held them under my tongue for 5-10 minutes and just swallowed.
I know the source I get them from don't chemically treat the seeds.

I know a simple water or ginger ale extraction method that is meant to help eliminate the nauseau big time, but I really couldn't be arsed and didn't want to lose any LSA in the process.

I'm generally very resistent to nauseau and the first three times I did it I felt little to none, even at doses of over ten seeds. it was only my last attempt I felt it. and boy did I feel it. I had the most intense stomach cramps of my life for roughly half an hour, became incredibly hot a sweaty and just generally felt like a dying person. Oddly, it just suddenly stopped. i didn't puke or anything, it just stopped. I didn't get any trip effects either, so i assume it was just a very bad batch.