the altered state of consciousness thread

I don't think I have done DXM in a few years, but once I did it and was so high thinking I had to fart and shit my pants(complete ass piss). Someone I know did it a lot and shat blood.
where the hell do you even find DXM? or you just buy nasty cough syrup?

You can get pure Robitussin gel tabs with just pure dextromorphan 15 mg tabs and nothing else.

When you hit around 200,300 mg of DXM you don't want 30 mg of this and 200 mg of that because the dosage's are just way to high in other ingrediences that have nothing to do with your actual high that you do not want or need mixed in your system and simple do not want large dosages of because they have nothing to do with the high,etc.. and are the most damaging out of all the components.
Expectorants are also to be HEAVILY avoided unless you don't mind puking your stomach empty twice over.

As far as dosage goes, consider this chart.
where the hell do you even find DXM? or you just buy nasty cough syrup?

the best way to get pure dxm is to buy a few bottles of syrup and do an extraction.

if you dont have the means to get the supplies for that, gel tabs are the way to go. but at the same time you have to go through the chore of swallowing mass amounts of them and then the gel coats will make you sick anyway.

the way i've been doing it is to take all gel tabs and put them into 2 freezer bags and smash them with a hammer. then put those bags into another bag because you probly broke through somewhere and you dont want it to leak. then put about 4-5 ounces of whatever drink you choose(i use gatorade), shake vigorously, then pour through a screen to filter the gel out and drink. i pour mine into a chilled martini glass to make a dexmopolitan.
Make sure you know what you're doing with salvia, a lot of people waste it by not doing it right. It's not dangerous physically, but a lot of people can be unprepared psychologically if they do break through.

I'd advise you not to do it after drinking, not because it's dangerous in any way, but because alcohol acts against most hallucinogenics. You wont get as good an experience as possible if you drink beforehand.

First of it's essential you smoke it in a bong. A turbo lighter is useful, but not essential. Make sure you get a big hit and hold for as long as possible. If you're vision starts to shake, prepare for the most intense and bizarre 10 minutes of you're life, not that you'll be able to tell how long it's been.

I've done Salvia several times and find it works best somewhere comfortable by yourself. My best experiences have been when I'm outside, especially if it's fairly dark.

As always, research on Erowid is highly advised:

On the DXM discussion, the best method of ingestion in my experience is by bombing pure powder. Having said this, it is essential you have some accurate scales and know your dose and what sort of experience you want. I accidently overdid it recently and had a rather harrowing weekend.
Salvia is a pretty undescribable experience and I'm pretty sure it varies from person to person. It felt like I was moving sideways while simultaneously crumbling into tiny pieces. That's the best way I can describe it.
Well crisis averted.

My mate got 3.5x, in joint form. Didn't feel a fucking thing.

Did you get extract? That's the good stuff.

You really do have to smoke it right, like Kilbot says. It's a really cool experience when you do, but you do have to be prepared. The first time I did it I became convinced that my roommates were involved in a conspiracy against me and that I would have to live the rest of my life under their scrutiny. Fortunately, it wore off after about forty-five minutes (I got an enormous hit) and I was okay. Now every time I do it it just makes me feel extreme elation (along with causing slight hallucinations).
There truly is nothing like breaking through on Salvia. I've been to purgatory among over places and convinced I'd never come back to reality. Magical drug for me, but it sure aint for everybody.
Not for long. Coming down from my first trip was a pretty shitty experience, I felt confused and depressed and honestly didn't know what to do.