the altered state of consciousness thread

I still have yet to try any sort of Hallucinogenic drug (not even shrooms), and I feel like I'd probably enjoy those the most. I might have asked that before, and I apologize if this is against the rules or anything, but where would be a good place to find MDMA or LSD (although I've heard LSD is real hard to find these days)? I'm just kind of curious.

Thanks, and sorry for the noobiness. :)
I still have yet to try any sort of Hallucinogenic drug (not even shrooms), and I feel like I'd probably enjoy those the most. I might have asked that before, and I apologize if this is against the rules or anything, but where would be a good place to find MDMA or LSD (although I've heard LSD is real hard to find these days)? I'm just kind of curious.

Thanks, and sorry for the noobiness. :)

Rave, festival or college. In general you're better off taking stuff you get from friends or friends of friends. You might want to invest in a kit if you're gonna play around with MDMA from unknown sources.
Rave, festival or college. In general you're better off taking stuff you get from friends or friends of friends. You might want to invest in a kit if you're gonna play around with MDMA from unknown sources.

Go to a rave or Venice Beach.

That's what I was thinking. I don't really have the opportunity to go to many festivals or anything, so if go explore a campus, do you guys have any tips? People to look out for, places to look for? I'm sure it's similar to finding a pot dealer, but I guess it doesn't hurt to ask.

Thanks. (and totally OT, but Vimana, you're out in eastern Canada, right?)
Oh, ok. I think I used to get you confused with Waif at times, so that's probably why I thought you also live in the Montreal area. My mistake.

I just took another 40 mg of Adderall (this time sublingually), as the high started to wear out. I read that you won't really get many uncomfortable side effects until you take about 100 mg, so I think I'm fine (I've read that people have taken as much as a few grams at a time (obviously they had a high tolerance)), but I'm gonna cap it at this level for tonight. I was going to possibly pull an all-nighter anyways to finish some work, so I don't need to worry too much about getting sleep.
I still have yet to try any sort of Hallucinogenic drug (not even shrooms), and I feel like I'd probably enjoy those the most. I might have asked that before, and I apologize if this is against the rules or anything, but where would be a good place to find MDMA or LSD (although I've heard LSD is real hard to find these days)? I'm just kind of curious.

Thanks, and sorry for the noobiness. :)

The internet maybe?
Darknet (Silk Road v 2.0, Sheep, etc) uses Bitcoin and PGP encryption. I haven't bothered bc I live near a major city and am friends with hippies and other useful people.

Test kids are your friend. Ehrlich reagent tests for presence of LSD, Marquis/Mandelin you can test for various stimulants/MDMA/etc.

Maybe ask the employees at the bong store?

I can't roll my eyes hard enough at NY's plan for medical MJ. It's a joke!
Man, was I hyper last night! The comedown is starting to kick in, and it's not too bad, but hopefully it doesn't get too much worse.

Darknet (Silk Road v 2.0, Sheep, etc) uses Bitcoin and PGP encryption. I haven't bothered bc I live near a major city and am friends with hippies and other useful people.

Test kids are your friend. Ehrlich reagent tests for presence of LSD, Marquis/Mandelin you can test for various stimulants/MDMA/etc.

Apparently they shut down Silk Road a few months ago. Bummer. (Thanks anyways)

I'll try all that shit eventually. I think can survive without for the moment haha.
Holy shit. Calea and weed just made me see extra dimensions of space. Imagine you have a point, and you contort space from all directions around it into all directions. Then there's "pathways" that connect through all of it, and it connects shit from anywhere to anywhere, but it seems like the "lines" are harder to pinpoint the further away they are. Hypothetically, you could pull pieces of it from one place and alter an event miles away.

That's all I can really do to describe it. The visualization was for a second at most, and it was moving.
Tried weed a couple more times... sober this time, but still no effect. I am inhaling. Took two huge hits, held for 10 seconds, exhaled, confirmed by regular smokers it was more than enough. Nothing. I've read that some people are genetically immune to the effects because they lack a certain receptor. A buddy of mine told me he was the same way unless he smokes a LOT and then it just hits him hard. Any ideas? I was thinking maybe trying to ingest it instead...
It's probably because you ate acid every day for a week way back when, no?

I get occasional visuals and color changes if I get too hungry after a workout. :\
This was way before I did any psychedelic. The first time I smoked out of a bong, I saw a bunch of pictures.

I normally get lots of visualizations and sounds when I'm really high. They're usually movies and melodies or words that I spontaneously invent. It's pretty fun.