the altered state of consciousness thread

Man, it's time to get off my ass and get a job.
Dude wanna get high? Yea sure.

*high as fuck*
The phone rings. Hello. We'd like you to come in for an interview.
Fuck yes I'm gonna get a job.
Interview goes great... All we need now is a clean drug test.

Well fuck.

Wanna go get high? Sure.

All kidding aside, I've seen this happen a lot.
Salvia is not a recreational drug IMO. It's for when you need one of those "HOLY FUCK" experiences.

Cocaine is fun at certain times, but not really my cup of tea. I only use when I'm at a party and it's readily available.

I prefer bud over anything else. Even over drinking. While getting wasted can be fun, or just plain social drinking is great, nothing beats the high you get from weed. Too hard to explain why it's so amazing to anyone who hasn't tried it. :Smokin:

I hate all the stupid fake propaganda against weed. Your friends went skitzo from weed? Yeah, and i'm the president. Nothing can go wrong, it's just bud. Thats what people tend to forget.

Enjoy life, Enjoy music, Fuck the brainwashed masses.
I saw my best friend stumbling around an old abandoned property, with his head in his hands, bawling his eyes out, making retard-esque, blood-curdling shrieks, as he was tripping on salvia.

Another time he thought I was attacking him because I offered him a chicken strip.

Was not pleasant.

Also had a guy fall down the stairs, because he flipped out trying to rip off his tie-dye shirt.

So yeah, fuck salvia.
I've been doing nothing but get baked lately and contemplate what exactly it must be like for old people on their fucking deathbed, it must be the worst feeling in the goddamn world... fuckin getting weaker, knowing that when you close your eyes you won't be able to open them ever again. Like, holy fuck. Creeps me out.
I smoke weed multiple times a day everyday. It can get a little boring after awhile, especially when your tolerance goes up, but then a little t-break can fix that up.

I always have multiple strains in my house to keep things interesting. I feel like if music didn't sound SO amazing high, I wouldn't be as much into it. You have to admit that metal is the best type of music to listen to baked, especially old school black metal, closely followed by old school dm. :kickass:

It can make you lazy yes, but if you can make weed a part of your life (to enhance it), instead of it being your life, then I don't see the problem.

Stay ABOVE the influence. :Smokin:

Sorry for the corny joke at the end, I'm high. haha
I'm not against smoking or doing what you wanna do but I used to smoke weed and it was ok for a bit but then consistently I would feel horrible whilst high and extremely anxious and have panic attacks, so its not my thing anymore. Don't really like changing my state of consciousness, don't care for getting drunk/high anymore. I had my fun with it but I just don't see any point now. It's totally awesome if other people feel great doing it though, just not me.

And also the whole sentiment from weed smokers that it's not bad for you etc. etc. is just silly. Everyone I know that smokes weed is horribly lazy, terrible with school and i've seen a lot of falling outs/fights between friends because of drugs/weed etc. pretty much turns you into a bro sooner or later
My friend tells me I should stop smoking weed because it supports crime ( drug lord influence on politicians/special interest lobbying against legalization) and child slavery (south America).

His latest example being the recent vote against legalization in California as an influence of major players in the drug ring paying off politicians.

Sometimes I stop to think about it but it seems a bit too conspiracy theory-ish to me, what do you guys think?
What do I think? The stuff that I used was from small villages around my city. This actually helped the people with an added source of income.
My friend tells me I should stop smoking weed because it supports crime ( drug lord influence on politicians/special interest lobbying against legalization) and child slavery (south America).

His latest example being the recent vote against legalization in California as an influence of major players in the drug ring paying off politicians.

Sometimes I stop to think about it but it seems a bit too conspiracy theory-ish to me, what do you guys think?

Doesn't sound very strong to me. Prop 19 didn't pass, at least I think, because of the lack of youth vote, and a lack of general people who supported it.

A way to counter the weed-supports-crime thing is find a dealer who is supplied by someone local that grows. I have a couple friends here in Vegas who have been growing plants and they're just about ready I think too.
You can get seed's from anywhere, even by mail from the Netherlands of up here in BC. The leader of the Marijuana Part of Canada actually got extradited to the States and imprisoned for selling Seed's by mail. I do admit, he did act like a complete child even though he was a Political party leader.

Weed really isnt that bad.