the altered state of consciousness thread

My ultimate fantasy would be in a hospital. Once I started to feel better and my pain goes away. A nurse would jerk me off without even asking me or anything. There's no other want or desire for me. I wanna die like that. And then a nurse and I become entangled in love because we're pysically turned on. And she would also find the veins in my arm sexy as she sticks me. Because I have the best veins. Me in rough shape vulnerable on the bed needing relief from everyday misery,frusteration, and pain from the outside world of a hospital. A nurse giving me a blowjob while another one is taking blood out of my arm to distract me. And nurses doing whatever is it to make me in less discomfort and feel better. Nurse world. It's really being in their life. They'd never leave and I'd never leave. It would be life everyday. I'd just love it to much. Why can't it be my reality.
I've found alcohol to be a pretty lackluster mind-altering substance compared to weed. When I was drunk I had fun, but it never gave me deeper experiences or ideas. Also, when I listened to music or went on a walk drunk, it was like listening to music or going on a walk with lesser coordination and a higher chance of doing/saying something stupid. When I walk while high, I can instantly create complex moving shapes out of the tiny details in whatever I see. I especially love doing this with the the grainy texture of a road, or the spots of light through a forest canopy. It's like no matter what I'm doing I can find something powerful and new in it. I've even sat by myself at home and thought of things I haven't thought of in years.

I can go on and on about this in this long thing about its relation to Plato's concept of forms, but it would be a wall of text.

Also, I don't know if I'm the only one, but I hate hearing the phrase "drugs and alcohol." It's like people are trying to dissociate alcohol from other drugs because those drugs are classified as bad based on their potential negative effects which alcohol has as well. It's like a dividing line between culturally acceptable and unacceptable based on this invisible notion that alcohol is not a drug.
I've found alcohol to be a pretty lackluster mind-altering substance compared to weed. When I was drunk I had fun, but it never gave me deeper experiences or ideas. Also, when I listened to music or went on a walk drunk, it was like listening to music or going on a walk with lesser coordination and a higher chance of doing/saying something stupid. When I walk while high, I can instantly create complex moving shapes out of the tiny details in whatever I see. I especially love doing this with the the grainy texture of a road, or the spots of light through a forest canopy. It's like no matter what I'm doing I can find something powerful and new in it. I've even sat by myself at home and thought of things I haven't thought of in years.

If you're an alcoholic/addict never go into treatment/recovery. If you read this do not do it. It causes ridiculous ammounts of pain. And even saying this am pretty sure am going to check myself back into an inpatient rehab.
I dunno,i've been that way my whole life.I think the main problem for us 'adds' is motivation.You know as well as me that there is nothing more exciting than mainlining your drug of choice but unfortunately that won't get us the job we desire in this life.
I think that people like us that enjoy the old nose candy have to work extra hard to achieve goals or otherwise we'll get thrown on the scrapheap quicksmart.That is the choice we've made,do it and earn your taste/drugs.
I don't know if I've posted what my high is like but when I get high my thoughts move into conversations between various, almost cartoon like personalities, like one would be a black version of myself, one would be an angry pissed off dude, my prediction of my older self, etc.
zabu of nΩd;9798780 said:
Please elaborate on this insight into Plato's forms that weed has given you.

It's possible to think in forms, but forms can only be communicated with symbols. To create the best communication of forms, one needs a language with mechanics that tap into forms on the deepest level possible, with an easy alphabet that creates very little ambiguity. I've noticed that simple interrogatives have multiple meanings that confuse people to the point of debating.
One of my biggest problems from years of drinking and drugging and is how I think and percieve. And I am still very much mentally warped. As in it's very difficult to change my mind. Which is basically what cripples me. A lot of times I just feel mental agony. I know when my mind is working the way it should be how much greatly my life improves. Almost as in my brain does not know how to produce or release endorphins. I basically live in my head. And I swear if I did not do these things how much better life would be. I'd be on more comfortable,secure, just better and on higher plan of existence of living. It would not be as exhausting mentally and pysically to pass 24 hours. Because to me shit is mental if anything. Mind over matter. Being alive for me as of right now fucking hurts on many different levels. I feel deprived.
If someone lived on say Mars. How deprived of everything they would be to need too survive and exist. How would they exist ?, they would die.
So my good friends from back home stayed with me for a couple nights. I never usually smoke weed anymore, it's been months I think. The main reason was because I would get horrible anxiety/panic attacks and freak out, I hated it. And then I had them in sobriety as well so I cut it out, but my friends had copious amounts of weed (they're road tripping) and of course wanted to share with me, so I obliged...and it was great! I'm not sure if it's the fact that I'm at a much better place mentally than I was back then, or if it was the fact we only smoked joints or what, but I held my own right up with them, and I actually felt more coherent than they were...and we smoked quite a bit, pretty much constantly the past couple of days. I don't think I'll really pick it up like I used to do way back when, but I'm glad it wasn't a terrible experience for me like it used to be. Watching horrible b-movie horrors and playing n64 mario party was great while high as well :lol:
Dropped acid over Spring break, and what an experience it was. Started off at a park but really didn't start feeling anything til about an hour and a half later while my friend was driving us around. We ended up stopping at the library and that's when I began to trip. I started seeing a bunch of lights and colors and probably scared the shit out of all the Asians studying.

When I got back to my friend's basement, I started tripping hardcore and was definitely in another world. Fucking hallucinated a shitload and had a profound emotional experience as well. Fun times. The only shitty part was not being able to sleep afterwards, even after coming down completely.

Im about to go another trip when i get back from my vacation.

Last time was a great experience, but this one will be alot more intense. Partially due to the fact that I will have 3 tabs. I'll take 2 immediatly and the third depending on where I'm at during the experience.

Excited but also nervous. And don't remind me about the sleeping thing. I can only remember the state of "limbo" i was in after such an amazing acid trip and then not sleeping, even though it was already 7 in the morning. -_-

Plan to listen to more metal this time around. Last time all it was was this trippy DMT music my roomate wouldn't stop playing. Had me tripping though.

Can't wait!
The last time I tripped (4-acetoxy-DMT) was new years, it was great. took less than I had the previous 2 times where it had blown my head off (or at least felt like it, took it up the nose this time which may have affected the impact, it certainly got rid of the fucking nausea and body load which I was very glad of, allowed for more focused mind wanderings) and listened exlusively to dark shit for the first time (as opposed to a bit here and there among much less extreme sounding stuff) which was very interesting and powerful, a highlight of this was "The Erosion of Sanity" played all the way through, total mind bending warped fuckery.
zabu of nΩd;9803624 said:
I'm pretty fuzzy on Form Theory, so bear with me. Do you think there is a finite number of forms and that it's possible to create a language that could unambiguously capture the meaning of all of them?

I think there is a finite number, but finding it is probably next to impossible. Still, I think a language can be created better than any that exist or have existed that can create more efficient and clear thought.

Shit. I haven't thought about forms in a while. I should smoke some more weed.
Im about to go another trip when i get back from my vacation.

Last time was a great experience, but this one will be alot more intense. Partially due to the fact that I will have 3 tabs. I'll take 2 immediatly and the third depending on where I'm at during the experience.

Excited but also nervous. And don't remind me about the sleeping thing. I can only remember the state of "limbo" i was in after such an amazing acid trip and then not sleeping, even though it was already 7 in the morning. -_-

Plan to listen to more metal this time around. Last time all it was was this trippy DMT music my roomate wouldn't stop playing. Had me tripping though.

Can't wait!

You're in for quite the trip. You might want to have a sitter present just in case.