The annual "Funny things overheard a progpower" thread

...i keep forgetting this one...

first thing travis says when we arrive at our hotel room...

'do they have a bidet?'

(hotel in virginia where we stayed for the dream theater show had a bidet and he took a pic with his camera phone...i think he was really fascinated by it....but wouldn't use it)
Fabian and David of Andromeda play some of their ringtones at the sametime (they wanted us to hear them in stereo ).

Those ringtones are priceless, they played them on the trip down to tampa and had us in stitches.
Was that Saturday night?? I got in super late, at about 4am and noticed Dave and Fabien still up. Funny what alcohol does to entertain... :lol: You won't happen to be one of the guys who left me with 2 beers and a cigar to pass on, were you?

Nah, that wasn't me. But Fabian and David were thirsty for alcohol, they were really surprised that you couldn't buy alcohol on Sunday.
I vaguely remember someone trying to bribe one of the hotel staff to selling them something. :lol:
A-freakin-men :p

He was worried about the internet this weekend.... He hung out with us at the Inn @ the Peachtrees for a bit Friday night.. I can't remember the exact word-age used, but it involved him and the cooler and as soon as he said it 'don't post that on the internet!!!!'

See my prior qoute- "Don't be taking pictures of me and if you do, don't post them on the internet!"

Oh, I almost forgot these-

I think it was my friend Rod who happened to notice a downed fly-
"So is that how you go about picking up chicks at a metal festival?"

You have a banana.... I'm going to steal it.


My first time meeting Zak - and he is quite the character... He pulled out his phone saying 'buy low, sell high... no wait now it's buy high, sell low'... Really kewl guy...

LMAO, yeah, he was waiting for his driver and I kept saying, "Buy high, sell low!" and he said, "Yeah! NO wait!!!!!"

And one more funny story. Some rockstar who shall remain nameless totally passed out in our hotel room. I guess they called for a cab at like 6-8 am. When I mentioned it to a friend and asked where said Rockstar was staying, I was told, "Well they were staying with me in THAT hotel."

Yes, ladies and gentleman, there was a rockstar so drunk he had to call a cab to take him one door over....

Actually Metal, I saw your question on the picture thread and I DO have a picture of you I am not sure if I should put on the internet. :lol: It's the Elvenking picture.....

The vocalist asked me to delete it several times - but then all the other guys were laughing their asses off and told me not to delete it. I wouldn't put it online, I'll send it to the band and to you, but for respect to his girlfriend it might be a good idea to keep it as an "inside" joke. I'm sure this already sounds worse than it is.... :lol:

I'll send it once I sort out all my ProgPower pictures.

OMG! I was wondering who else had those pictures. The pictures really aren't as bad as they sound, but yes please email me copies when you get a chance! metalrose23 AT

The funny thing, it wasn't even the vocalist who was in the worst postion. Besides one of the guys in EK was teaching me to say really really really nasty things in Italian... so that I could take them back to Pathosray. ;) What, that doesn't mean, "I like your band?" *wink*

Isn't the rule: What happens at ProgPower stays at ProgPower, unless there's a picture, then it's leaked all over...

Was that Saturday night?? I got in super late, at about 4am and noticed Dave and Fabien still up. Funny what alcohol does to entertain... :lol: You won't happen to be one of the guys who left me with 2 beers and a cigar to pass on, were you?

I witnessed that too!!! That freaking rocked!!!!

OMG! I was wondering who else had those pictures. The pictures really aren't as bad as they sound, but yes please email me copies when you get a chance! metalrose23 AT

The funny thing, it wasn't even the vocalist who was in the worst postion. Besides one of the guys in EK was teaching me to say really really really nasty things in Italian... so that I could take them back to Pathosray. ;) What, that doesn't mean, "I like your band?" *wink*

Isn't the rule: What happens at ProgPower stays at ProgPower, unless there's a picture, then it's leaked all over...


It never means "I like your band!" :Smug:
OK, major brain cramp. I don’t recall the exact quote – or who it came from – but one of the band members made a comment during their set about “80% of the audience being musicians” that got a laugh from everyone.

Maybe someone with a better memory can provide the exact quote…and where it came from. :erk:
OK, major brain cramp. I don’t recall the exact quote – or who it came from – but one of the band members made a comment during their set about “80% of the audience being musicians” that got a laugh from everyone.

Maybe someone with a better memory can provide the exact quote…and where it came from. :erk:


it was something like "usually the audience is about 80% musicians who stand in the back with their arms crossed. ProgPower is about 60% musicians!"

I think they played another song.. and then "maybe 40% musicians!"

Somebody else probably recalls better ;)
I think you're pretty close, though I forget the exact quote myself. :)

It is true that there are many musicians who attend ProgPower. I ran into many members of smaller bands who were in attendance. (Odin's Court, Division, Halcyon Way). So that quote probably was somewhat accurate.. :lol:

it was something like "usually the audience is about 80% musicians who stand in the back with their arms crossed. ProgPower is about 60% musicians!"

I think they played another song.. and then "maybe 40% musicians!"

Somebody else probably recalls better ;)

I was stone sober and I can tell you that it was Kai Hansen making the joke during the Gamma Ray set.

Not Private Pyle!