The Anthrax forum fucking slays me

JayKeeley said:
Wait, you're not talking about the movie are you?

Statement #1: I watched the movie (neglected to mention my thoughts as of yet, lol)

Statement #2: I bothered to "flame" the dude in the Anthrax forum because I was bored. :D

The 2 statements were not related in any way, shape or form.

You jerks.
Wait, so Mark wants to beat up a small child and doesn't like George C Scott. The world is crumbling around me.

Knights of Columbus!!

Baxter? Is that you? Bark twice if you're in Millwaukee.

any fans of The Others? sort of a similar mood as The Changeling i thought, pretty good flick.
Yeah, I actually thought of that flick when I watched The Changeling. Not as frightening, but it does have that late-Victorian-dead-children-heirloom-family-heritage-mansion quality to it.
THE OTHERS fucking ruled ... creepy as fuck ... gugs, this will give your surround a workout ... great directional effects ... watch in dark with easy chick on arm
yeah i'd say 99% of my movie watching is done solo. the other 1% is with my mom when she drags me to an actual movie theatre. [/loser]