1. the blacks here do not even speak english. their english is worse than a foreigner's. they made up their own version based on really bad incorrect english now dubbed "ebonics". haha i rememeber when the oakland school district (aka niggerville) tried to say that their incorrect english was a separate dialect/language just to get more funding by trying to justify why they have the lowest test scores in the state.
most of them are a bunch of racist fucktards. they think everyone with light skin owes them something...its ridiculous.
the other day i had a young black jail parole try to get me to fix his watch or something (and believe me, im technologically challenged) and started to get mad when i first said i can't help him. he said something like " but girl, you're white, you shoulda know how to fix my watch..blah blah blah" i saw he had a knife in his pocket...but it was in his front pocket so i couldnt just take it and potentially use it if needed, but i ditched him by getting on the bus. this was early in the morning so i was tired as well. so yes, i have a problem with that, and with the government for encouraging it.
2. the asians do not bother anyone, but they suck as drivers haha. they do generally like techno, anime, and dress very trendy, etc., but who cares.
although, they seem to be taking over the planet with their large population.
3. in terms of foreigners, i do not have an issue with that...but i think our government should be more cautious about letting in radical muslim clerics, like the one in lodi, ca. so much for the "war on terrorism" eh?
oh ya, and you can't forget one of california's worst blunders: affirmative action.
now all that people are debating are issues like abortion, gay rights etc. when they effect such a small number of the population and have little economic value. people have forgotten all about domestic issues that directly effect peoples' lives such as tax rates, energy distribution (ok that has been slightly adressed from time to time), education, etc.
i think i have proven my point that the usa sucks. most americans do not even know what lies outside their own borders, if even that. it is quite sad. living here is far from a picknick in the park.
p.s. i am not an american

sorry for the rant....