the Archenar poll

do you think youre handsome?

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I blame you mehdi because you are truly arousing when I think of how I could rape your unborn children with a jagged tree branch. They would bleat delightfully! Oh, how the stickiness pleases me. I would make them bisectual with my incisive Rod of Majesty. Their bitter halucinations would stain the carpet and bizarrely refresh my cramped stomach. I often masturbate cruelly, furiously! to such fantasies. When your breeding wound becomes infected with wicked, wicked seed I will rejoice and ejaculate with renewed vigour. To defile your offspring will not only heal my crippled soul; the Universe itself will sing with Purity for the love of the Destruction of your genetic line.
This is why I have never permitted you to maim your ovaries. Petty masochism cannot compare to the UniverseSalvation! No, do not even dream of raking rusty metal inside your canal. It must be left unsullied until you birth your little squishy flesh toys.
I must also say that I love you and I want to place your penis in my mouth.
.by: b.m. ;)
trona i recon once you wrote stuff like that on the forum, you go downstairs and get ready for work, and you probably work with children too hahahaa, yeh i recon your a nursery nurse teacher, and you take care of pensioners of a night,you speak all nice to them, and then once all your niceness has been done , you jump on the pc and get the sheer filth out of your system :Spin:
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
hahaha damn, i thought you were the super nice guy, pulling child-abuse jokes and all, but a little scratch on your super cool outlook and tastes and you get all anal. i know it must be hard to be caught out as a poser but try to calm down ffs :lol:

for the record, me favourite HIM album is 'razorblade romance' [is it distributed in your third-world country? :p], i met girls properly [which explains why they do me head in now :tickled:] and i nicked the hat from bruce dickinson but i doubt you know who bruce dickinson actually is or you wouldnt bother listening to nightingale :lol:

OWNED! well in mehdi
trona said:
I blame you mehdi because you are truly arousing when I think of how I could rape your unborn children with a jagged tree branch. They would bleat delightfully! Oh, how the stickiness pleases me. I would make them bisectual with my incisive Rod of Majesty. Their bitter halucinations would stain the carpet and bizarrely refresh my cramped stomach. I often masturbate cruelly, furiously! to such fantasies. When your breeding wound becomes infected with wicked, wicked seed I will rejoice and ejaculate with renewed vigour. To defile your offspring will not only heal my crippled soul; the Universe itself will sing with Purity for the love of the Destruction of your genetic line.
This is why I have never permitted you to maim your ovaries. Petty masochism cannot compare to the UniverseSalvation! No, do not even dream of raking rusty metal inside your canal. It must be left unsullied until you birth your little squishy flesh toys.
I must also say that I love you and I want to place your penis in my mouth.
.by: b.m. ;)

if im modo i swear we'll never get any of this shite anymore! vote4meffs
Don Corleone said:
well, what are the PRODUCTS of your upbringing?

See how mysterious and great by-products can be?

Anyone seen this?

Tuesday, 18 November, 2003, 11:36 GMT

Scientists find mystery particle

By Dr David Whitehouse
BBC News Online science editor

Fermilab confirmed the discovery
Scientists have found a sub-atomic particle they cannot explain using current theories of energy and matter.
The discovery was made by researchers based at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation in Tsukuba.

Classified as X(3872), the particle was seen fleetingly in an atom smasher and has been dubbed the "mystery meson".

The Japanese team says understanding its existence may require a change to the Standard Model, the accepted theory of the way the Universe is constructed.

An eternity

X(3872) was found among the decay products of so-called beauty mesons - sub-atomic particles that are produced in large numbers at the Tsukuba "meson factory".

It weighs about the same as a single atom of helium and exists for only about one billionth of a trillionth of a second before it decays into other longer-lived, more familiar particles.

Although this is extremely short-lived by human standards, scientists say that a billionth of a trillionth of a second is nearly an eternity for a sub-atomic particle this heavy.

Particles smaller than the atom are grouped into families depending upon their mass, spin and electric charge.

But X(3872) is peculiar in that it does not fit easily into any known particle scheme and, as a result, has attracted a considerable amount of attention from the world's physics community.

New pairs

Its discovery was recently confirmed by researchers at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois, US, home of the Tevatron, the world's largest atom smasher. It was the US outfit that gave X(3872) its mystery tag.

A normal meson is comprised of a quark and an antiquark held together by the "colour" force, also called the "strong" force because it is the most powerful known in nature.

The large variety of meson particles that have been found to date reflect the many different ways that these combinations can be achieved.

However, again, X(3872) does not match theoretical expectations for any conceivable quark-antiquark arrangement.

To explain it, theoretical physicists may have to modify their theory of the colour force; or make X(3872) the first example of a new type of meson, one that is made from four quarks (two quarks and two antiquarks).


oh, and mehdi ? you're a walking imbecile, you ignorant cunt.