The "Ask LR" Thread

but again, that's because you don't drink enough. when you drink a lot and keep drinking throughout the night, you're bound to waking up feeling horrible in the morning. but you're smart, in that you stop drinking after a certain point. it's hard for some ppl to stop once they start.

indeed...those "some ppl" im one of them :p
The readings you saw in the vikk thread, those were done without birthdates and birthtimes. I have almost all dates and times for this so I have a ton more to work with. I'm doing the basics for all of them at the same time, finishing one type of reading at a time. When I'm done that I'm going to piece together all elements for each person and come up with a reading that is whole and all elements have relations to the others.

Which means... I'm done the hard part. I'm going one person at a time now. I'll post as I finish.

Emptifier, you just turned 14 so I'm gonna guess your birthdate is 6/22/93

Victim, you said you're a Taurus. Feed me some more info to work with and I'll be able to write more about you. :)

Gonzo- thus far... you're the king of excuses to never shut up. You'd probably make a decent politician hahahah

Happy belated birthday to Gonzo and Jailbait!
1) I love you MIMA!

2) I'm excited to see Edguy in September... like you'd be to see Alexi. Well, ok I'm not gonna attack verbally or physically. I'm learning German right now and by then should be able to carry an ok conversation. Jens has a beautiful royal blue ESP... if he has it with him and it's not his baby I might ask to see it. I recently nailed all of his solo tricks in The Unbeliever, Vain Glory Opera, The Headless Game and Theater of Salvation. It's speed, not complexity.

3) I <3 MIMA.