The "Ask LR" Thread

What shampoo do you use?

Hmm... my default is Pantene Smooth n Silky. But I like to mix it up. I like the Herbal Essences Dangerously Straight and Drama Clean shampoos too! How about you?
It's about signs and stuff?

Anyways she wont mind if i asked sth like that.. i think..
Well. I said something like "this is the thread of all things superstitious"... some may be a little superstitious of the shampoo someone uses. :p

Ask whatever you want.
Hmm... my default is Pantene Smooth n Silky. But I like to mix it up. I like the Herbal Essences Dangerously Straight and Drama Clean shampoos too! How about you?

Well. I said something like "this is the thread of all things superstitious"... some may be a little superstitious of the shampoo someone uses. :p

Ask whatever you want.

I use Dove, just for now.. cuz i change it everynow and then :)

And to be honest i didn't even read what you wrote :p I just read the tittle "The "Ask LR" Thread" and i started asking :cry:
2) I'm excited to see Edguy in September... like you'd be to see Alexi. Well, ok I'm not gonna attack verbally or physically. I'm learning German right now and by then should be able to carry an ok conversation. Jens has a beautiful royal blue ESP... if he has it with him and it's not his baby I might ask to see it. I recently nailed all of his solo tricks in The Unbeliever, Vain Glory Opera, The Headless Game and Theater of Salvation. It's speed, not complexity.

Damn, i guess Nikki got her answer! LOL
Can you analyse me too?
Sure. Full birthday, Birth time, anything specific you'd like me to cover...

These things are taking forever, didn't realize before I offered that it'd take the equivalent of sugar + speed + sainthood to complete these without stopping. However it's good practice for me, so the more the merrier!
I use Dove, just for now.. cuz i change it everynow and then :)

And to be honest i didn't even read what you wrote :p I just read the tittle "The "Ask LR" Thread" and i started asking :cry:
Don't feel bad. I'm glad to answer any question from the luscious MIMA. :D
Damn, i guess Nikki got her answer! LOL
:lol: Nikki knows the answers before she asks the questions (usually), she's just hyper and needs the rush of the LR character's witty response. :p

edit: Wait... do you mean MIMA? Well, I love them both!
Ok, now tell me what should i eat today? I'm hungry.
Well, although "today" is now yesterday for me, I always support the Italian cuisine. Otherwise... a good burger and fries.
Söy;6324267 said:
eat a dick
Eating someone's dick would probably be bad for both parties involved.
LR, how long is your penis?
As long as Jaska's. I take it from him while he's drumming or wearing extremely tight jeans so to spare him the pain from sitting too quickly or getting it caught in his fly.
i know... sorry. it's more work than i thought. i keep getting headaches. i've got charts and wheels out and about all over my room, i'm doing it.