the band,the cd

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New Metal Member
Jan 30, 2002
how can anyone here say they like this crap band!!there fucking awful,i got there cd and thought it was total piss!!my cat taking a shit sounds better than these tossers do! how they ever gotarecord deal amazes me,mind u they got dropped by the record label so they must have got wise to them after a while!!
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Originally posted by silentplanetscot
how can anyone here say they like this crap band!!there fucking awful,i got there cd and thought it was total piss!!my cat taking a shit sounds better than these tossers do! how they ever gotarecord deal amazes me,mind u they got dropped by the record label so they must have got wise to them after a while!!

:mad: got tired of posting shit on the Maiden BB then eh???:mad:
Originally posted by Dimented_Boy
im not even gonna dignify that with an answer. your just stoopid.

thats classic coming from somepone with the name demented,you have to be to listen to that crap!!if iam stupid u must be the thickest ever to think area 54 have any talent whatso ever!!
I always wonder about the mentality of people who are willing to waste their time coming onto the BB of a band they supposedly hate. Don't you have anything better to do?

And while I'm wasting my time responding can I ask a question? Have you heard of grammar and capital letters?
Originally posted by Selphie
I always wonder about the mentality of people who are willing to waste their time coming onto the BB of a band they supposedly hate. Don't you have anything better to do?

And while I'm wasting my time responding can I ask a question? Have you heard of grammar and capital letters?

becasue iam trying to get all you losers to accept this band is utter garbage!! no i dont have anything better to do,so tough
if its a waste of your time simple dont reply!! loser

no i havent heard of grammar whats that? some stuck up english thing!! sorry i am scottish i dont accept any english polices!!
Well the main problem is I find you to be a utterly offensive and souless shell of a human being.
Its a good job that most scottish men are nothing like you. Most of them are intelligent, open minded and quite sexy really.
Originally posted by Bitch of Babylon
Well the main problem is I find you to be a utterly offensive and souless shell of a human being.
Its a good job that most scottish men are nothing like you. Most of them are intelligent, open minded and quite sexy really.

its a pity i couldnt say the same for english women,95% are slappers the other 5% are dogs!
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