the band,the cd

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Originally posted by Son of Metalman
Do you have ears young child? Would you even know what proper heavy metal was if it came up and bottled you in the face?Words can not express how deeply this thread has scarred me. To begin with, you say that you bought the CD and you dislike it, that's fair enough, but then you gave, all of about zero thought-out and reasonably worded (please note my grammar and spelling is immaculate, we all read and write ENGLISH, at least make an effort if you want us to take you seriously) reasons as to why you disliked it. I could have quite easily passed up this opportunity to answer back to your abuse, however I feel, as many here do, that unless you have actually taken the time to appreciate both the album properly and a live concert, you have no grounds from which to work this argument up from. Also, the proper spelling is "Blaze" not "Balze," I didn't think 5 letter words were that hard to construct. And as for Blaze not being very good, I can only imagine that someone must have switched the heavy metal messiah's cd with a nursery rhyme compilation tape, because there isn't any possible way in hell you could think both Area 54 AND Blaze were bad (and if you were referring to Blaze when he was in Maiden, he still rocked then) Could you also please note that, far from your highly racist/sexist/insulting posts, I have managed to refrain from insulting you once, difficult as I found it. It's obvious you posted this thread topic to stir up a bit of excitement in your otherwise meaningless life, and I'm sure the thrill of being abusive to total strangers must be your only means of reaching out to people. I actually feel sorry for you. Oh, wait. No I don't. And believe me, if Ian Edwards were to get hold of you, if you ever ventured away from behind your computer where you clearly think you are a big strong man, he would rip you limb from limb. No, seriously. Could you let us know what bands you are into? I'd like to come and post irrelevant nonsense at the Britney and Christina forums in return for you posting here :D I've seen Area 54 play live 13 times, so when you've seen a band (or pop music celebrity) this number of times too, then maybe I will take you seriously. Until then, try and think of something witty to say, it will amuse us wholeheartedly!

PS. Not all Scottish people are strong, and not all English people are Cockneys. Have a nice day.

PPS. Could you let me know 3 things:
1. If Area 54 are total piss, what would you regard as partially piss, or a bit piss, or quite piss? I don't really get the boundaries of piss.
2.Do you often listen to your cat shitting? If you have access to some recording equipment, could you record and send me a cd of your cat shitting so I can make a fair comparison between it and No Visible Scars.
3. Have you broken the world record for writing the word tosser as many times as you can? If you haven't yet, you must be very close!

i have both blaze cds and his maiden stuff,i have seen him and heard him live with maiden on 35+ occasions and he just couldnt cut it with maiden(god he even forgot the word to some of his own songs!!)as for seeing bands live,i have attended over 110+ rock gigs in my life and seen iron maiden all over the world live 9 times! so i think yes i have experienced real heavy metal! as for me thinking iam hard,far from it,it wasnt me who came on here threatening to bottle people in the face(2 people ) have said this now! and no i fear no man,not even this ian edwards,although he thinks hes a hard man,iam not scared of him,iam not a violent man but if he thinks he so hard then yes we can meet up and try and prove htis to me,iam not bothered either way?as for bands iam into,then isnt that obvious? ROCK BANDS ac/dc,metallica,megadeth,scorpions,dio etc

ps i know not all scottish people are strong,but then again the majority of english arent either,even if they think it!
Originally posted by little miss messiah
*stands up n applauds Son of Metalman*

Sorry Scott, I cant be bothered to read any more of your anal rumblings.

*clicks ignore*

Nice weather we're having.

i had heard u were into all things anal, as it happens yes!!
Without insulting you, but you say that you have "heard him (Blaze) live with maiden on 35+ occasions" and then you say you have "seen iron maiden all over the world live 9 times!"

Which if these is correct? Also if you don't like a band with a certain singer why have you been to see them that many times

Also, Blaze isn't the onlt Maiden singer to forget lyrics during live performances, there are at least 2 recorded incidents of (the great) Bruce Dickinson forgetting lyrics (Still Life on Maiden England and Run To The Hills on Top Of The Pops in May). I know they weren't Bruce's songs but it's still a grave error to make (in your eyes)

Finally, it would probably be best if you left this forum of your own free will before you get kicked off
Originally posted by Dan W
Without insulting you, but you say that you have "heard him (Blaze) live with maiden on 35+ occasions" and then you say you have "seen iron maiden all over the world live 9 times!"

Which if these is correct? Also if you don't like a band with a certain singer why have you been to see them that many times

Also, Blaze isn't the onlt Maiden singer to forget lyrics during live performances, there are at least 2 recorded incidents of (the great) Bruce Dickinson forgetting lyrics (Still Life on Maiden England and Run To The Hills on Top Of The Pops in May). I know they weren't Bruce's songs but it's still a grave error to make (in your eyes)

Finally, it would probably be best if you left this forum of your own free will before you get kicked off

yes the above comments are both true,i have heard maiden with blaze 35+ times(i have 100,s of iron maiden bootlegs,lots with blaze so i have heard a lot of his performances and seen a lot of gigs with him on video) and yes i have seen maiden live 9 times, once i france,once in usa and 7 times in uk,all with bruce!
as for leasving the forum before iam kicked off,what reason would this be for? for not liking the band? god thats a hangable offence....NOT!
"That I kicked off" - yeah, like you didn't bring that on yourself by slagging off Area 54 and all my mates on this forum. You just really pissed me off, but of course I wouldn't really do anything to you if I were to meet you (I'm not that way inclined really and no, I don't think I'm macho). What I said I said to express what I'd 'like' to do to you (if you get what I mean, there's a difference). However, it wouldn't be worth it, so I'd just ignore you and give you the respect you deserve, which is none.

One other thing struck me: I'd have thought that you're quite old then if you've seen Maiden so many times, have the money to go abroad to see them and have such an expansive collection of their's - so I'd also have thought you'd be mature enough not to want to act like a prat on a forum for a band you don't even like! If my assumption is right, it's very wierd that you get kicks out of doing such juvinile things and think 'slut' and 'your mum' jokes are a good retort. I think you should grow up. End.
Originally posted by Ian 'E' Edwards
"That I kicked off" - yeah, like you didn't bring that on yourself by slagging off Area 54 and all my mates on this forum. You just really pissed me off, but of course I wouldn't really do anything to you if I were to meet you (I'm not that way inclined really and no, I don't think I'm macho). What I said I said to express what I'd 'like' to do to you (if you get what I mean, there's a difference). However, it wouldn't be worth it, so I'd just ignore you and give you the respect you deserve, which is none.

One other thing struck me: I'd have thought that you're quite old then if you've seen Maiden so many times, have the money to go abroad to see them and have such an expansive collection of their's - so I'd also have thought you'd be mature enough not to want to act like a prat on a forum for a band you don't even like! If my assumption is right, it's very wierd that you get kicks out of doing such juvinile things and think 'slut' and 'your mum' jokes are a good retort. I think you should grow up. End.

ok enough said on the subject,i apologise to everyone i have abused! sorry!
god scots annoying. his pety attempts to insult ppl by talking about there mothers having sex is just completely unorigial!! it's been done before sooooooo many times and it just isnt funny. as for calling Area 54 shit. erm not really. there actually rather good which is why theyv'e appeared in metal hammer and were signed for a period of time.
Originally posted by Dimented_Boy
there actually rather good which is why theyv'e appeared in metal hammer and were signed for a period of time.

so everyone whos appeared in metal hammers good then are they?? jack osbourne,slipknot,korn,puddle of mud,system of a down?/ i think not
GAAAAAAHH!!!! I thought this was over with... pleeease move on with your life!
In scots defence - though why Im doing this I do not know - it was me that came back with the very big, very clever (not) 'mum' insults *bows head in shame* but since I havent really had a row like this since I WAS at school then I guess thats MY defence.
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